5 resultados para Autonomous robotic systems
13 p.
[ES]El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es estudiar el programa llamado ROS, un entorno para la programación de robots. Proporciona una serie de herramientas, librerías, drivers… que facilitan en gran medida la programación de sistemas robóticos. Para realizar este estudio se utilizará ROS para crear una aplicación para un robot LEGO Mindstorms NXT. Estos robots son pequeños y versátiles, y son adecuados para la investigación. La aplicación que se llevará a cabo será un seguidor de línea, un robot capaz de seguir una pista dibujada sobre una superficie de otro color. Para programar la aplicación, se utilizarán en la medida de lo posible las herramientas proporcionadas por ROS. De esta manera, se espera alcanzar una mayor comprensión de ROS y de su funcionamiento, con sus fortalezas y sus debilidades.
21 p.
Many social relationships are a locus of struggle and suffering, either at the individual or interactional level. In this paper we explore why this is the case and suggest a modeling approach for dyadic interactions and the well-being of the participants. To this end we bring together an enactive approach to self with dynamical systems theory. Our basic assumption is that the quality of any social interaction or relationship fundamentally depends on the nature and constitution of the individuals engaged in these interactions. From an enactive perspective the self is conceived as an embodied and socially enacted autonomous system striving to maintain an identity. This striving involves a basic two-fold goal: the ability to exist as an individual in one's own right, while also being open to and affected by others. In terms of dynamical systems theory one can thus consider the individual self as a self-other organized system represented by a phase space spanned by the dimensions of distinction and participation, where attractors can be defined. Based on two everyday examples of dyadic relationship we propose a simple model of relationship dynamics, in which struggle or well-being in the dyad is analyzed in terms of movements of dyadic states that are in tension or in harmony with individually developed attractors. Our model predicts that relationships can be sustained when the dyad develops a new joint attractor toward which dyadic states tend to move, and well-being when this attractor is in balance with the individuals' attractors. We outline how this can inspire research on psychotherapy. The psychotherapy process itself provides a setting that supports clients to become aware how they fare with regards to the two-fold norm of distinction and participation and develop, through active engagement between client (or couple) and therapist, strategies to co-negotiate their self-organization.
161 p.