8 resultados para 860[82].07[Alvarez]
Lan honekin Gizarte Ekonomia sustatzera eta indartzera zuzenduta dauden Euskal Herriko politika publikoen mapa islatu nahi da. Lana Europako ongizate eredu desberdinetan burututako politika publiko nagusien tipologia bat aurkeztuz hasten da. Jarraian, euskal Gizarte Ekonomiaren errealitatea islatzen duen azterketa deskriptiboa egiten da. Hirugarren atalean euskal Gizarte Ekonomiako politika publikoen gaia lantzen da, eta bertan, sektorearen euskarria diren erakunde eta tresna nagusiak aipatzen dira, bakoitzean burututako politikak zehaztuz. Azkenik, ondorio modura, Gizarte Ekonomiari zuzendutako politiken garapenerako ildo nagusiak azpimarratzen dira.
Dedicated to Prof. Julio Alvarez-Builla on the occasion of his 65th anniversary.
Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante
I. Hitzaurrea. II. Marko teoriko kontzeptuala: Gorputzaren (hitz) gakoa(n). Ekintza eta pentsamendurako paradigma bat: Meri Torras (UAB). III. Kulturari SO: Generoa, gorputza eta kultur identitate bizituaren analisia, euskaltasuna berrirakurtzeko ahaleginean: Mari Luz Esteban (EHU). IV. Bertsolaritzan: Emakume bertsolariak: bertsotik bertsora, hanka puntetan: J. Miren Hernández (EHU). V. Poesian: Emakume gorputzak eta gorputz emakumetuak: Leire Bilbao eta Miren Agur Meaberen gorputz poetikoen arteko elkarrizketa bat: Kattalin Miner (EHU). VI. Narrazioan: - Lau katu dira? Gorputza eta desira euskal emakume idazle garaikideen lanetako ahots subalternoetan eta bitarteko espazio identitarioetan: Amaia Álvarez Uria (EHU). - Gorputz jipoituak, genero indarkeriaren sinekdokea literaturan: Gema Lasarte (EHU). VII. Bi proposamen didaktiko: - Deseraiki dezagun generoa harremanak eraldatzeko. Genero performatibitatea eta botere harremanak euskal narratiba garaikidean: Amaia Alvarez Uria (EHU). - Begiradak literatura gorpuzten: Iholdi eta Xola: Gema Lasarte (EHU). VIII. Egileen inguruan.
[EN]Due to the limitations associated with fossil fuels it is necessary to promote energy sources that are renewable as well as eco-friendly, such as biogas generated in anaerobic digesters. The biogas, composed principally of methane and CO2, is the result of the biodegradation of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. Its use as fuel is limited by the presence of minority compounds such as hydrogen sulphide (H2S); therefore, its pre-treatment is necessary. Currently there are various technologies for the removal of H2S from a gas stream, but most of them are based on physic-chemical treatments which have a number of drawbacks as reactive consumption, generation of secondary flows, etc. Biofiltration has been used as an efficient and low cost alternative to conventional purification processes, and excellent results for the degradation of H2S have been obtained. However process can be limited due to the progressive ageing of the support material, along with the loss of nutrients and other specific characteristics necessary for the good development of biomass. The purpose of this project is to develop a mixed support consisting of a mixture of an organic material and an inorganic support for its application in the removal of the H2S from biogas. This support material helps to optimize the characteristics of the bed and extend its lifespan. The development of such material will contribute to the implementation of biofiltration for treating biogas from anaerobic digesters for its use as biofuel. The inorganic material used is electric arc furnace (EAF) black slag, a by-product generated in large quantities in the production of steel in the Basque Country. Although traditionally the slag has been used in civil engineering, its physicochemical characteristics make it suitable for reuse as a filter medium in biofiltration. The main conclusion drawn from the experimental results is that EAF black slag is a suitable co-packing material in organic biofilters treating H2S-polluted gaseous streams. High pollutant removal rates have been achieved during the whole experimental period. The removal capacity recorded in biofilters with less inorganic material was higher than in those with higher slag portion. Nevertheless, all the biofilters have shown a satisfactory response even at high inlet loads (48 g·m-3·h-1), where the RE has not decreased over 82%.
[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado (TFG) pretende analizar la evolución de la demanda en el sistema eléctrico peninsular y la potencia disponible para decidir si, en el medio plazo, será necesario incorporar nueva potencia o prescindir de alguna de las centrales existentes. El estudio considerará tanto fuentes de energía renovables como no renovables, centrándose en la necesidad, o no, de incorporar nueva potencia eólica. El TFG considerará los siguientes aspectos: el contexto energético de la península española, el análisis de la situación actual y previsiones. Este TFG responde a la necesidad de realizar una buena gestión energética con el objetivo reducir las emisiones de CO2 mejorando el uso de la energía eólica y optimizando el mix energético.
Alpha-synuclein (Snca) plays a major role in Parkinson disease (PD). Circulating anti-Snca antibodies has been described in PD patients and healthy controls, but they have been poorly characterized. This study was designed to assess the prevalence of anti-Snca reactivity in human subjects carrying the LRRK2 mutation, idiopathic PD (iPD) patients, and healthy controls and to map the epitopes of the anti-Snca antibodies. Antibodies to Snca were detected by ELISA and immunoblotting using purified recombinant Snca in plasma from individuals carrying LRRK2 mutations (104), iPD patients (59), and healthy controls (83). Epitopes of antibodies were mapped using recombinant protein constructs comprising different regions of Snca. Clear positive anti-Snca reactivity showed no correlation with age, sex, years of evolution, or the disability scores for PD patients and anti-Snca reactivity was not prevalent in human patients with other neurological or autoimmune diseases. Thirteen of the positive individuals were carriers of LRRK2 mutations either non-manifesting (8 out 49 screened) or manifesting (5 positive out 55), three positive (out of 59) were iPD patients, and five positive (out of 83) were healthy controls. Epitope mapping showed that antibodies against the N-terminal (a.a. 1-60) or C-terminal (a.a. 109-140) regions of Snca predominate in LRRK2 mutation carriers and iPD patients, being N122 a critical amino acid for recognition by the anti-C-terminal directed antibodies. Anti-Snca circulating antibodies seem to cluster within families carrying the LRRK2 mutation indicating possible genetic or common environmental factors in the generation of anti-Snca antibodies. These results suggest that case-controls' studies are insufficient and further studies in family cohorts of patients and healthy controls should be undertaken, to progress in the understanding of the possible relationship of anti-Snca antibodies and PD patholog
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivofundamental situar el naufragio del petrolero Prestige en su contexto jurídico internacional tanto en lo relativo al análisis de la responsabilidad limitada, como en la reparación del daño ocasionado. Básicamente, en el presente trabajo se analizará con detenimiento la normativa vigente en el momento del naufragio del buque y acorde con ese entramado de normas, que alcance puede tener la reparación. Finalmente, se concluirá mencionando esos aspectos que considero que deber ser mejorados con el único fin de preservar el medio ambiente.