6 resultados para 617.412


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160 p. (Bibliogr. 141-160)


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El presente proyecto se desarrolla como Trabajo de Fin de Grado para la obtención del título de Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica, siendo su objeto principal el diseño, cálculo estructural y definición a nivel constructivo de un nuevo pabellón polideportivo en el municipio de Gorliz. La construcción de dicho pabellón busca solventar la carencia existente de instalaciones deportivas en Gorliz, dotando al municipio de un polideportivo que satisfaga, en la medida de lo posible y de acuerdo a los criterios económicos existentes, la demanda de la población en el ámbito deportivo. Si bien, el Censo Nacional de Instalaciones Deportivas del Consejo Superior de Deportes arroja una importante cifra total de 79.412 instalaciones, la distribución de estas no es uniforme, existiendo municipios en los que la carencia en esta material queda claramente reflejada, como lo es el caso de Gorliz. Son varios los estudios realizados, promovidos por el ayuntamiento, a fin de valorar la consideración de la población en relación a esta materia y en ellos queda patente la necesidad existente de una instalación deportiva que complete las ya existentes. De entre todo ellos, cabe destacar la importante cifra obtenida en el estudio sobre hábitos deportivos realizado por la fundación Argibide a finales del 2012, que se desarrolla de forma más extensa a lo largo del proyecto, ya que en éste, el 76% de la población encuestada justifica la no realización de actividades deportivas en el municipio por la falta de posibilidades.


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In multisource industrial scenarios (MSIS) coexist NOAA generating activities with other productive sources of airborne particles, such as parallel processes of manufacturing or electrical and diesel machinery. A distinctive characteristic of MSIS is the spatially complex distribution of aerosol sources, as well as their potential differences in dynamics, due to the feasibility of multi-task configuration at a given time. Thus, the background signal is expected to challenge the aerosol analyzers at a probably wide range of concentrations and size distributions, depending of the multisource configuration at a given time. Monitoring and prediction by using statistical analysis of time series captured by on-line particle analyzers in industrial scenarios, have been proven to be feasible in predicting PNC evolution provided a given quality of net signals (difference between signal at source and background). However the analysis and modelling of non-consistent time series, influenced by low levels of SNR (Signal-Noise Ratio) could build a misleading basis for decision making. In this context, this work explores the use of stochastic models based on ARIMA methodology to monitor and predict exposure values (PNC). The study was carried out in a MSIS where an case study focused on the manufacture of perforated tablets of nano-TiO2 by cold pressing was performed


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The present work is focused on the measurement of workers exposure to nano-TiO2 in the life cycle steps of depollutant mortars. It has been done in the framework of the SCAFFOLD project, which aims at the management of potential risks arising from the use of manufactured nanomaterials in construction. Main findings can be summarized as follows: (1) The occupational exposure to nano-TiO2 is below 0.3 mg/m(3) for all measured scenarios. The highest concentrations were measured during the cleaning task (in the nano-TiO2 manufacturing process) and during the application (spraying) of depollutant coatings on a wall. (2) It was found a high release of particles above the background in several tasks as expected due to the nature of the activities performed. The maximum concentration was measured during drilling and during adding powder materials (mean total particle concentration up to 5.591E+04 particles/cm(3) and 5.69E+04 particles/cm(3)). However, considering data on total particle concentration released, no striking differences have been observed when tasks have been performed using conventional materials in the sector (control) and when using materials doped with nano-objects.