6 resultados para 54301-003


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The EC (entorhinal cortex) is fundamental for cognitive and mnesic functions. Thus damage to this area appears as a key element in the progression of AD (Alzheimer's disease), resulting in memory deficits arising from neuronal and synaptic alterations as well as glial malfunction. In this paper, we have performed an in-depth analysis of astroglial morphology in the EC by measuring the surface and volume of the GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) profiles in a triple transgenic mouse model of AD [3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mice of AD)]. We found significant reduction in both the surface and volume of GFAP-labelled profiles in 3xTg-AD animals from very early ages (1 month) when compared with non-Tg (non-transgenic) controls (48 and 54%, reduction respectively), which was sustained for up to 12 months (33 and 45% reduction respectively). The appearance of Lambda beta (amyloid beta-peptide) depositions at 12 months of age did not trigger astroglial hypertrophy; nor did it result in the close association of astrocytes with senile plaques. Our results suggest that the AD progressive cognitive deterioration can be associated with an early reduction of astrocytic arborization and shrinkage of the astroglial domain, which may affect synaptic connectivity within the EC and between the EC and other brain regions. In addition, the EC seems to be particularly vulnerable to AD pathology because of the absence of evident astrogliosis in response to A beta accumulation. Thus we can consider that targeting astroglial atrophy may represent a therapeutic strategy which might slow down the progression of AD.


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[EN] Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) represent a major clinical challenge in the ageing population. To address this problem, rhEGF-loaded Poly-Lactic-co-Glycolic-Acid (PLGA)-Alginate microspheres (MS) were prepared by a modified w/o/w-doubleemulsion/ solvent evaporation method. Different formulations were evaluated with the aim of optimising MSs properties by adding NaCl to the surfactant solution and/or the solvent removal phase and adding alginate as a second polymer. The characterization of the developed MS showed that alginate incorporation increased the encapsulation efficiency (EE) and NaCl besides increasing the EE also became the particle surface smooth and regular. Once the MS were optimised, the target loading of rhEGF was increased to 1% (PLGA-Alginate MS), and particles were sterilised by gamma radiation to provide the correct dosage for in vivo studies. In vitro cell culture assays demonstrated that neither the microencapsulation nor the sterilisation process affected rhEGF bioactivity or rhEGF wound contraction. Finally, the MS were evaluated in vivo for treatment of the full-thickness wound model in diabetised Wistar rats. rhEGF MS treated animals showed a statistically significant decrease of the wound area by days 7 and 11, a complete re-epithelisation by day 11 and an earlier resolution of the inflammatory process. Overall, these findings demonstrate the promising potential of rhEGF-loaded MS (PLGA-Alginate MS) to promote faster and more effective wound healing, and suggest its possible application in DFU treatment.


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These are definitively exciting times for membrane lipid researchers. Once considered just as the cell membrane building blocks, the important role these lipids play is steadily being acknowledged. The improvement occurred in mass spectrometry techniques (MS) allows the establishment of the precise lipid composition of biological extracts. However, to fully understand the biological function of each individual lipid species, we need to know its spatial distribution and dynamics. In the past 10 years, the field has experienced a profound revolution thanks to the development of MS-based techniques allowing lipid imaging (MSI). Images reveal and verify what many lipid researchers had already shown by different means, but none as convincing as an image: each cell type presents a specific lipid composition, which is highly sensitive to its physiological and pathological state. While these techniques will help to place membrane lipids in the position they deserve, they also open the black box containing all the unknown regulatory mechanisms accounting for such tailored lipid composition. Thus, these results urges to different disciplines to redefine their paradigm of study by including the complexity revealed by the MSI techniques.


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Antecedentes: La hipertensión arterial y el sobrepeso u obesidad son considerados factores de riesgo cardiovascular, asociados de forma clara con el sedentarismo en la población adulta. La valoración del sedentarismo se puede realizar a través de métodos objetivos y subjetivos. Objetivos: Analizar el nivel de sedentarismo, mediante el cuestionario internacional de actividad física (AF) (IPAQ, método subjetivo) y acelerometría (método objetivo) en personas con HTA primaria y sobrepeso u obesidad. Determinar si existen diferencias entre ambos métodos de valoración y entre sexos. Métodos: Se llevaron a cabo las dos pruebas de valoración a 48 participantes del estudio EXERDIET-HTA (edad 51,9 ± 8,1 años). 1) Cuestionario IPAQ en versión corta que mide la AF realizada durante los últimos siete días. Los datos se clasificaron en tiempo sedentario, ligero, moderado o intenso según las recomendaciones generales de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. 2) Acelerometría triaxial durante siete días portado en la muñeca no dominante. El tiempo dedicado a conductas sedentarias, así como las diferentes intensidades de AF (ligera, moderada, vigorosa y muy vigorosa), Kcal, METs y tiempo de sueño se calcularon para los días laborables y de fin de semana. Resultados: IPAQ presentó una media de 6 h/día en comportamientos sedentarios en ambos sexos. No se presentaron diferencias entre sexos. El 85,4% resulta sedentario. Acelerometría: Los participantes presentan 1,7±0,2 MET de media al día, considerado un valor metabólico de gasto calórico ligero. El tiempo de sueño diario fue de 6,6h. El gasto calórico diario se corresponde con comportamientos sedentarios entre semana para hombres y mujeres (2038,5±801,6 kcal) y sólo los hombres incrementan el gasto el fin de semana (P=0,036). Se observó que las mujeres realizan más minutos de AF a intensidad moderada que los hombres durante toda la semana (P=0,029). Se observaron diferencias de actividad entre los días entre semana y el fin de semana, con más tiempo de sedentarismo entre semana (P=0,040) y más AF ligera el fin de semana (P=0,003), resultando esta diferencia debida al cambio de actividad en los hombres pero no en las mujeres. Todos los participantes superan los 150 minutos de AF moderada que se recomienda en las guías mundiales según la acelerometría. Conclusiones: Las personas hipertensas y con sobrepeso u obesidad presentan en general conductas sedentarias. Los patrones de sueño podrían estar relacionados con la enfermedad. Sería necesario reducir las conductas sedentarias como prevención de la obesidad y del desarrollo prematuro de enfermedades cardiovasculares, fomentando la práctica regular de AF y mejorando los hábitos de alimentación.