8 resultados para 3-17-1


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276 p.


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Orden nº 24 (14 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-2. 2 hojas. Orden nº 26 (16 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-3. 1 hoja. Orden nº 27 (17 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-4. 2 hojas. Orden nº 28 (18 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-5. 3 hojas. Orden nº 32 (22 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-6. 3 hojas + 1 h. de anexo. Orden nº 40 (31 de julio). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-7. 1 hoja. Orden nº 41 (1 de agosto). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-8. 1 hoja. Orden nº 44 (4 de agosto). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-9. 2 hojas. Orden nº 46 (5 de agosto). Unidad de instalación: Carpeta Rectorado G-10. 1 hoja. Mecanografiadas


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[EN]This paper proposes an approach to the concept of ICT-based innovation in schools, from the perspective of the factors that facilitate the innovative use of ICT. To this end, a scale has been developed and validated to identify these factors through the participation of 195 teachers from 16 schools considered by the Basque educational authorities as innovators in ICT. The results obtained attest to the validity and reliability of both the scale and the 5 key factors that influence innovation in technology-based teaching. This factor-based structure enables a holistic view of ICT innovation in schools across 3 key areas: school context, teachers and the education authorities.


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[ES] El objetivo del presente trabajo se ha centrado en medir la eficacia publicitaria de dos formatos de anuncios on-line, concretamente el robapáginas frente al contextual, así como los factores que sobre la base de la literatura revisada influyen en dicha eficacia publicitaria. Su contexto de aplicación son las páginas web de tipo blog o bitácora que, a pesar del auge que han experimentado en su utilización, no han recibido atención en el ámbito de la investigación publicitaria.


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The hydrological response of a catchment to rainfall on different timescales is result of a complex system involving a range of physical processes which may operate simultaneously and have different spatial and temporal influences. This paper presents the analysis of streamflow response of a small humid-temperate catchment (Aixola, 4.8 km(2)) in the Basque Country on different timescales and discusses the role of the controlling factors. Firstly, daily time series analysis was used to establish a hypothesis on the general functioning of the catchment through the relationship between precipitation and discharge on an annual and multiannual scale (2003-2008). Second, rainfall-runoff relationships and relationships among several hydrological variables, including catchment antecedent conditions, were explored at the event scale (222 events) to check and improve the hypothesis. Finally, the evolution of electrical conductivity (EC) during some of the monitored storm events (28 events) was examined to identify the time origin of waters. Quick response of the catchment to almost all the rainfall events as well as a considerable regulation capacity was deduced from the correlation and spectral analyses. These results agree with runoff event scale data analysis; however, the event analysis revealed the non-linearity of the system, as antecedent conditions play a significant role in this catchment. Further, analysis at the event scale made possible to clarify factors controlling (precipitation, precipitation intensity and initial discharge) the different aspects of the runoff response (runoff coefficient and discharge increase) for this catchment. Finally, the evolution of EC of the waters enabled the time origin (event or pre-event waters) of the quickflow to be established; specifically, the conductivity showed that pre-event waters usually represent a high percentage of the total discharge during runoff peaks. The importance of soil waters in the catchment is being studied more deeply.


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209 p. : il., gráf.


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Ikerketa lan honen helburu nagusia, Espainiako maila gorenean jokatzen aritzen den Getxo Errugbi taldeko jokalarien estruktura biotipologikoa eta somatotipoa aztertzea eta aurre-denboraldian zehar, hau da, 10 astetan zehar gorputz egituran jasandako aldaketak baloratzea izan da. Bestalde, aurrelarien eta atzelarien arteko desberdintasunak eta postuaren arabera aurre-denboraldiak duen eragina sumatzearen helburua ere izan du ikerketa honek. Horretarako, aurre-denboraldiaren hasieran, ekainaren 18an eta amaieran, abuztuaren 27an, elite mailako diren 30 jokalariren datu antropometrikoak neurtu izan ziren. Datu antropometrikoak altuera, pisua, larruazaleko tolesturak, hezur diametroak eta gorputz adarren perimetroak izan ziren. 30 jokalarien ekaineko batez besteko adina, esperientzia, altuera, pisua, gorputz masa indizea eta gantz ehunekoa hurrengokoak izan ziren hurrenez hurren; 25,7 ?? 5,7 urte, 14,3 ?? 6,1 urte, 181,5 ?? 6,8 cm, 91,2 ?? 17,7 kg, 27,6 ?? 4,6 GMI eta 13,48 ?? 3,66 gantz %. Metodologiari dagokionez, kirolari bakoitzaren somatotipoa Heath-Carter metodoaren bidez kalkulatua izan da eta gantz ehunekoa eta gantz masa 4 gunetako Jackson/Pollock gantz kalibre metodoaren bidez kalkulatu izan dira.


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Comunicación a congreso (póster): XXIV Simposio del Grupo Especializado de Cristalografía y Crecimiento Cristalino, GE3C. 23-26 de junio de 2014, Bilbao