11 resultados para reasoning about loops

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EN] Progress in methodology in specific fields is usually very closely linked to the technological progress in other areas of knowledge. This justifies the fact that lexicographical techniques have had to wait for the arrival of the IT era of the last decades of the 20th century in order to be able to create specialised electronic dictionaries which can house and systemise enormous amounts of information which can later be dealt with quickly and efficiently. This study proposes a practical-methodological model which aims to solve the grammatical treatment of adverbs in Ancient Latin. We have suggested a list of 5 types, in a decreasing order from a greater to lesser degree of specialisation; technical (T), semi-technical (S-T), instrumental-valued (I-V), instrumental- descriptive (I-D), instrumental-expository (I-E).


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This paper investigates the local asymptotic stabilization of a very general class of instable autonomous nonlinear difference equations which are subject to perturbed dynamics which can have a different order than that of the nominal difference equation. In the general case, the controller consists of two combined parts, namely, the feedback nominal controller which stabilizes the nominal (i.e., perturbation-free) difference equation plus an incremental controller which completes the stabilization in the presence of perturbed or unmodeled dynamics in the uncontrolled difference equation. A stabilization variant consists of using a single controller to stabilize both the nominal difference equation and also the perturbed one under a small-type characterization of the perturbed dynamics. The study is based on Banach fixed point principle, and it is also valid with slight modification for the stabilization of unstable oscillatory solutions.


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EMM-FM2011 – First Euro Mediterranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials, edited by Cheikhrouhou, A. 1st Euro Mediterranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials (EMM-FM). Sousse, TUNISIA . Sep. 06-10, 2011


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[EN] This paper is an outcome of the following dissertation:


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Gaur egun, konpetentzia zientifikoen garapena Lehen Hezkuntzako eskolan gutxi garatuta eta eztabaidagarria den gaia da. Ikasleek kultura zientifikoan murgiltzeko forma aurkitu eta, bereziki, argumentazio gaitasuna garatzen laguntzea, zientziak hitz egiteko aukerak emanez, ez da batere arrunta gure eskoletan. Esku-hartze berritzaile hau egoera honi aurre egiteko eta arazoari irtenbide bat bilatzeko diseinatuta izan da. Honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzan zientzienganako interesa sustatzen saiatzen da, zientziako klaseetan datuen erabilerari eta argumentazioari lehentasuna emanez. Ekimena 2013-2014ko martxoan jarri da martxan.


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Adapting a test between cultures or languages requires taking into account legal, linguistic, metric, and use-related considerations. Significantly more attention has been paid to the methodological aspects involved in the study of metric equivalence than to judgmental-analytical procedures prior to the empirical confirmation stage. However, considering the latter is crucial in the adaptation process. Along these lines, this paper seeks to describe and focus on the relevance of the previous stages, thereby offering a systematization process that comprises ten sections. This approach contributes to ensuring the construction of a test adapted and equivalent in as much as possible to the original. This process is exemplified by means of a Spanish language adaptation of a cognitive test originally designed in Portuguese for the Portuguese population, the Reasoning Test Battery. Copyright (C) 2013, Konrad Lorenz University Foundation. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U.


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In this work I present recent scientific papers related to the concept of tree-depth: different characterizations, a game theoretic approach to it and recently discovered applications. The focus in this work is presenting all the ideas in a self-contained way, such that they can be easily understood with little previous knowledge. Apart from that all the ideas are presented in a homogeneous way with clear examples and all the lemmas, some of which didn’t have proofs in the papers, are presented with rigorous proofs.


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Blowflies are insects of forensic interest as they may indicate characteristics of the environment where a body has been laying prior to the discovery. In order to estimate changes in community related to landscape and to assess if blowfly species can be used as indicators of the landscape where a corpse has been decaying, we studied the blowfly community and how it is affected by landscape in a 7,000 km(2) region during a whole year. Using baited traps deployed monthly we collected 28,507 individuals of 10 calliphorid species, 7 of them well represented and distributed in the study area. Multiple Analysis of Variance found changes in abundance between seasons in the 7 analyzed species, and changes related to land use in 4 of them (Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia ampullacea, L. caesar and L. illustris). Generalised Linear Model analyses of abundance of these species compared with landscape descriptors at different scales found only a clear significant relationship between summer abundance of C. vomitoria and distance to urban areas and degree of urbanisation. This relationship explained more deviance when considering the landscape composition at larger geographical scales (up to 2,500 m around sampling site). For the other species, no clear relationship between land uses and abundance was found, and therefore observed changes in their abundance patterns could be the result of other variables, probably small changes in temperature. Our results suggest that blowfly community composition cannot be used to infer in what kind of landscape a corpse has decayed, at least in highly fragmented habitats, the only exception being the summer abundance of C. vomitoria.


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[eus] Gaur egungo eskoletan, oraindik ere, zoritxarrez, behar besteko garrantzirik ematen ez zaion eta sendotu behar den ikasleen autoezagutza fisikoaren inguruan, honako landa-lana diseinatu eta ikasleekin burutu egin da, hauengan aldaketa bat sortarazteko asmoarekin. Horretarako, prestatutako ariketa desberdinen bitartez, ikasleen arrazonamendu maila, baita maila emozionala ere landu egin da. Kontuan izanda, autoezagutzan, aldaketak epe luzean ematen direla, esku-hartze honen bidez ez dira aldaketa handirik edo esanguratsurik nabarmendu. Dena den, errespetuaren balorea ikasleengan transmititzea lortu egin da. Hori dela eta, landa lana burutu eta gero, egindakoaren inguruan, autokritika egin da.


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The ADAPTECC Climate Change Adaptation Game is a role-play game designed to enable players to experience the difficulties that arise at local and regional levels when authorities have to implement adaptation measures. Adaptation means anticipating the advert effects of climate change (CC) and taking measures to prevent and minimise the damage caused by its impacts. Each player takes the role of the mayor or a councillor of a town affected by CC who must decide what adaptation strategies and measures to take, or of a member of the Regional Environment Department which must distribute funding for adaptation among the various towns. At the end of the game, players should have a greater understanding of the challenges posed by adaptation to CC


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Over the last few decades, wine makers have been producing wines with a higher alcohol content, assuming that they are more appreciated by consumers. To test this hypothesis, we used functional magnetic imaging to compare reactions of human subjects to different types of wine, focusing on brain regions critical for flavor processing and food reward. Participants were presented with carefully matched pairs of high- and low- alcohol content red wines, without informing them of any of the wine attributes. Contrary to expectation, significantly greater activation was found for low- alcohol than for high- alcohol content wines in brain regions that are sensitive to taste intensity, including the insula as well as the cerebellum. Wines were closely matched for all physical attributes except for alcohol content, thus we interpret the preferential response to the low- alcohol content wines as arising from top-down modulation due to the low alcohol content wines inducing greater attentional exploration of aromas and flavours. The findings raise intriguing possibilities for objectively testing hypotheses regarding methods of producing a highly complex product such as wine.