6 resultados para quench distortion

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] Este proyecto genera productos adicionales de trabajos también disponibles en el repositori, en concreto:


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[EN] This paper is based in the following project:


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We study the entanglement in a chain of harmonic oscillators driven out of equilibrium by preparing the two sides of the system at different temperatures, and subsequently joining them together. The steady state is constructed explicitly and the logarithmic negativity is calculated between two adjacent segments of the chain. We find that, for low temperatures, the steady-state entanglement is a sum of contributions pertaining to left-and right-moving excitations emitted from the two reservoirs. In turn, the steady-state entanglement is a simple average of the Gibbs-state values and thus its scaling can be obtained from conformal field theory. A similar averaging behaviour is observed during the entire time evolution. As a particular case, we also discuss a local quench where both sides of the chain are initialized in their respective ground states.


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[EU]Proiektu honen bidez, laser bidezko tenplaketaren ondoriozko piezen gainazalen distortsioaren neurketa kuantitatiboa eta tratamendu honegatik eratorri daitezkeen hondar tentsioen azterketa egin nahi izan da. Hauxe burutzeko hondar tentsioen neurketarako Contour metodoa erabili da, elektro-higadurako ebaketa eginez. IGET Bilboko mekanikako tailerreko ingurugiroan eta bertako langileen inbestigazio lerroetan barneratzeko helburuz, laser tenplaketa tratamenduen azterketan lagungarria izateko xedearekin aurrera eraman da proiektu hau.