12 resultados para qualitative aspects

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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It is well known in the scientific community that some remote sensing instruments assume that sample volumes present homogeneous conditions within a defined meteorological profile. At complex topographic sites and under extreme meteorological conditions, this assumption may be fallible depending on the site, and it is more likely to fail in the lower layers of the atmosphere. This piece of work tests the homogeneity of the wind field over a boundary layer wind profiler radar located in complex terrain on the coast under different meteorological conditions. The results reveal the qualitative importance of being aware of deviations in this homogeneity assumption and evaluate its effect on the final product. Patterns of behavior in data have been identified in order to simplify the analysis of the complex signal registered. The quality information obtained from the homogeneity study under different meteorological conditions provides useful indicators for the best alternatives the system can offer to build wind profiles. Finally, the results are also to be considered in order to integrate them in a quality algorithm implemented at the product level.


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It is well known in the scientific community that some remote sensing instruments assume that sample volumes present homogeneous conditions within a defined meteorological profile. At complex topographic sites and under extreme meteorological conditions, this assumption may be fallible depending on the site, and it is more likely to fail in the lower layers of the atmosphere. This piece of work tests the homogeneity of the wind field over a boundary layer wind profiler radar located in complex terrain on the coast under different meteorological conditions. The results reveal the qualitative importance of being aware of deviations in this homogeneity assumption and evaluate its effect on the final product. Patterns of behavior in data have been identified in order to simplify the analysis of the complex signal registered. The quality information obtained from the homogeneity study under different meteorological conditions provides useful indicators for the best alternatives the system can offer to build wind profiles. Finally, the results are also to be considered in order to integrate them in a quality algorithm implemented at the product level.


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Background: Screen-viewing has been associated with increased body mass, increased risk of metabolic syndrome and lower psychological well-being among children and adolescents. There is a shortage of information about the nature of contemporary screen-viewing amongst children especially given the rapid advances in screen-viewing equipment technology and their widespread availability. Anecdotal evidence suggests that large numbers of children embrace the multi-functionality of current devices to engage in multiple forms of screen-viewing at the same time. In this paper we used qualitative methods to assess the nature and extent of multiple forms of screen-viewing in UK children. Methods: Focus groups were conducted with 10-11 year old children (n = 63) who were recruited from five primary schools in Bristol, UK. Topics included the types of screen-viewing in which the participants engaged; whether the participants ever engaged in more than one form of screen-viewing at any time and if so the nature of this multiple viewing; reasons for engaging in multi-screen-viewing; the room within the house where multi-screen-viewing took place and the reasons for selecting that room. All focus groups were transcribed verbatim, anonymised and thematically analysed. Results: Multi-screen viewing was a common behaviour. Although multi-screen viewing often involved watching TV, TV viewing was often the background behaviour with attention focussed towards a laptop, handheld device or smart-phone. There were three main reasons for engaging in multi-screen viewing: 1) tempering impatience that was associated with a programme loading; 2) multi-screen facilitated filtering out unwanted content such as advertisements; and 3) multi-screen viewing was perceived to be enjoyable. Multi-screen viewing occurred either in the child's bedroom or in the main living area of the home. There was considerable variability in the level and timing of viewing and this appeared to be a function of whether the participants attended after-school clubs. Conclusions: UK children regularly engage in two or more forms of screen-viewing at the same time. There are currently no means of assessing multi-screen viewing nor any interventions that specifically focus on reducing multi-screen viewing. To reduce children's overall screen-viewing we need to understand and then develop approaches to reduce multi-screen viewing among children.


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[ES]La tesis doctoral analiza las experiencias amorosas de pareja de mujeres encarceladas, con el doble objetivo de visibilizar a las mujeres presas en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales y de introducir las especificidades de las mujeres encarceladas en los debates sociológicos y feministas acerca del amor. Las escasas aproximaciones al amor entre las mujeres presas han tendido a explicar sus relaciones de pareja desde el concepto de “dependencia emocional”, que, como se muestra en la tesis, presenta dos debilidades básicas, de un lado la tendencia a la psicologización y patologización de cuestiones de claro sustrato social; de otro la homogeneización de experiencias que presentan gran diversidad. Otra debilidad de ciertos análisis sobre las mujeres presas y aquellas excluidas socialmente, es que se han basado en concepciones sexistas acerca de las mujeres transgresoras como “malas mujeres”, por considerar que no cumplen con las expectativas culturales y sociales asociadas a los supuestos atributos de género. Esta tesis doctoral adopta una epistemología basada en la crítica feminista que busca modelos analíticos alejados de los estereotipos y la estigmatización de las mujeres transgresoras. Desde una perspectiva metodológica cualitativa, el trabajo de campo fue desarrollado en la cárcel de Nanclares de Oca (País Vasco) durante el 2008. Desarrollé un trabajo etnográfico de observación participante y entrevistas en profundidad semiestructuradas que elaboraban información sobre aspectos relativos a sus trayectorias de vida (familia de origen, vivienda, empleo, nivel educativo, situación penal y penitenciaria, estado de salud, etc.) y sus experiencias amorosas de pareja. En mi análisis, he rastreado la diversidad y variabilidad de las experiencias amorosas de las mujeres presas, el impacto del encarcelamiento en sus trayectorias amorosas y en la configuración de su intimidad, los elementos que hacen para estas mujeres del amor un “cautiverio”, y al mismo tiempo, las estrategias “liberadoras” que despliegan en sus desarrollos afectivos. El amor puede constituir un cautiverio para las mujeres ya que favorece la acomodación a unos roles de género que definen a las mujeres como dependientes y carentes de libertad. Al mismo tiempo, el amor se puede entender como una “estrategia emocional”, una forma de superar las consecuencias del encierro y de lograr ciertos estándares de “normalización” social, en un contexto en que se encuentran excluidas socialmente y fuertemente estigmatizadas.


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Article reproduced (or made available) with permission of Practical Dermatology®, www.practicaldermatology.com.


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Numerous problems are frequently observed when nursing competency assessment systems (NCAS) are implemented. How to effectively implement a nursing competency assessment system, according to academic and practical contributions, is poorly reported in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to present a set of recommendations for public hospitals and nursing management in order to facilitate the implementation of a NCAS. To achieve this objective we have revised the existing literature and conducted a Delphi study with nursing managers and human resource managers of the public hospitals of the Basque Health Service. The results are that the implementation of a NCAS requires a well-planned strategy that managers must consider before implementing any NCAS. This strategy must include, at minimum, the following aspects: communication, training, leadership, and content where the NCAS is concerned. The context of the organisations and the cultural dimensions may also influence the results of the application of the system.


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EUSKARA LABURPENA:Haurrek hizkuntza idatzia nola barneratzen duten eta irakasteko metodorik egokiena zein izan daitekeen inguruko eztabaida egon izan da aspalditik. Gai horri buruz, haurrek idazketaz egiten duten jabekuntza prozesuan irakasleen ikuspegi psikopedagogikoek zer nolako eragina duten haurrengan ikertu dugu. Ikerketaren alde kualitatibo eta kuantitatiboei erreparatuz, metodologia berritzaileen aplikazio ezberdinak egiten dituzten Bizkaiko Avellaneda, Etorkizuna eta Eguzkibegi ikastetxeetan ikerketa sinkroniko bat eraman dugu aurrera. Lanerako lagina HHko etapako 5 urteko gelan dauden 55 ikaslek eta 6 irakaslek osatu dute. Emaitzek adierazten dutenez, ikuspegi tradizionalean heziak dauden haurrek idazkeraren alde figuratiboekiko ziurtasun handiagoa erakusten dute eta eredu eraikitzailean hezitakoek, berriz, komunikazio gaitasun handiagoa dute. Eredu bakoitzak bere indar-guneak eta ahulguneak izateak zaildu egiten du eredu baten egokitasuna nabarmentzea.


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Mixel Aurnague, Kepa Korta and Jesus M. Larrazabal (eds.)


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[ES]Nuestro trabajo consta de dos partes fundamentales, una teórica y otra empírica. En la primera nos centramos en el estudio de los aspectos teóricos más relevantes y específicos del sector de la moda, así como en las estrategias y acciones de marketing que se desarrollan en el mismo. En segundo lugar y como principal aportación del trabajo, se presenta un estudio empírico de tipo cualitativo consistente en la realización y análisis de cuatro entrevistas en profundidad a diferentes expertos del sector en diferentes facetas del mismo, todos ellos profundos conocedores por formación, experiencia profesional, empresarial o política, no solo del sector si no también del marketing. Previamente se realizó un estudio y análisis de sus empresas u organizaciones y de otros aspectos de la moda (especialmente en Euskadi) recurriendo a fuentes de información de carácter secundario.


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World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012