15 resultados para magnetic cluster

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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In this paper we introduce four scenario Cluster based Lagrangian Decomposition (CLD) procedures for obtaining strong lower bounds to the (optimal) solution value of two-stage stochastic mixed 0-1 problems. At each iteration of the Lagrangian based procedures, the traditional aim consists of obtaining the solution value of the corresponding Lagrangian dual via solving scenario submodels once the nonanticipativity constraints have been dualized. Instead of considering a splitting variable representation over the set of scenarios, we propose to decompose the model into a set of scenario clusters. We compare the computational performance of the four Lagrange multiplier updating procedures, namely the Subgradient Method, the Volume Algorithm, the Progressive Hedging Algorithm and the Dynamic Constrained Cutting Plane scheme for different numbers of scenario clusters and different dimensions of the original problem. Our computational experience shows that the CLD bound and its computational effort depend on the number of scenario clusters to consider. In any case, our results show that the CLD procedures outperform the traditional LD scheme for single scenarios both in the quality of the bounds and computational effort. All the procedures have been implemented in a C++ experimental code. A broad computational experience is reported on a test of randomly generated instances by using the MIP solvers COIN-OR and CPLEX for the auxiliary mixed 0-1 cluster submodels, this last solver within the open source engine COIN-OR. We also give computational evidence of the model tightening effect that the preprocessing techniques, cut generation and appending and parallel computing tools have in stochastic integer optimization. Finally, we have observed that the plain use of both solvers does not provide the optimal solution of the instances included in the testbed with which we have experimented but for two toy instances in affordable elapsed time. On the other hand the proposed procedures provide strong lower bounds (or the same solution value) in a considerably shorter elapsed time for the quasi-optimal solution obtained by other means for the original stochastic problem.


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We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model in compact representation and MPS format with a known scenario tree. The cluster submodels are built by storing first the 0-1 the variables, stage by stage, and then the continuous ones, also stage by stage. A C++ experimental code has been implemented for reordering the stochastic model as well as the cluster decomposition after the relaxation of the non-anticipativiy constraints until the so-called breakstage. The computational experience shows better performance of the stage ordering in terms of elapsed time in a randomly generated testbed of multistage stochastic mixed integer problems.


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Lan honekin Donostiako bizitza kalitatea ikertu nahi dute, hau da etxebizitzetako bizilagunen eta etxebizitzen egitura eta erabileraren arteko erlazio posiblea. Biztanle mota, etxebizitza mota eta Donostiako eremu homogeneoen arteko lotura bilatzen saiatuko dira, Aldagai Anitzeko Analisia, batez ere Osagai Nagusizko Analisia, erabiliz aldagai kopurua murrizteko eta faktore edo osagai gutxitan aldagaien informazio gehiena jasotzeko. Jarraian, Cluster aplikatuko dute auzo homogeneoen taldeak osatzeko.


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Este artículo trata sobre el desarrollo de áreas comerciales en los alrededores de las ciudades y de cómo el centro urbano ha ido perdiendo atractivo comercial. Esta situación, común en la mayor parte de los países de nuestro entorno, plantea importantes problemas para el comercio tradicional de centro ciudad, que ve como gran parte de sus clientes optan por la oferta de la periferia, con la siguiente fuga de ingresos.


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Recent advances in technology involving magnetic materials require development of novel advanced magnetic materials with improved magnetic and magneto-transport properties and with reduced dimensionality. Therefore magnetic materials with outstanding magnetic characteristics and reduced dimensionality have recently gained much attention. Among these magnetic materials a family of thin wires with reduced geometrical dimensions (of order of 1-30 mu m in diameter) have gained importance within the last few years. These thin wires combine excellent soft magnetic properties (with coercivities up to 4 A/m) with attractive magneto-transport properties (Giant Magneto-impedance effect, GMI, Giant Magneto-resistance effect, GMR) and an unusual re-magnetization process in positive magnetostriction compositions exhibiting quite fast domain wall propagation. In this paper we overview the magnetic and magneto-transport properties of these microwires that make them suitable for microsensor applications.


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The evaluation and comparison of internal cluster validity indices is a critical problem in the clustering area. The methodology used in most of the evaluations assumes that the clustering algorithms work correctly. We propose an alternative methodology that does not make this often false assumption. We compared 7 internal cluster validity indices with both methodologies and concluded that the results obtained with the proposed methodology are more representative of the actual capabilities of the compared indices.


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[ES] El País Vasco es internacionalmente reconocido por su gastronomía y sus grandes cocineros; de hecho, es el territorio del mundo con más estrellas Michelin por kilómetro cuadrado. Esta notoriedad e imagen repercuten muy positivamente en todo el sector gastronómico y en la imagen y proyección turística del País Vasco y se ha logrado gracias a la labor sostenida de un grupo inicial de cocineros, a los que siguieron otros, que realizan importantes esfuerzos de colaboración, sin dejar de competir entre ellos (tratándose de un claro ejemplo de coopetition). El análisis de la relación entre estos grandes cocineros vascos y su entorno, permite identificar un cluster que actualmente se encuentra en fase de madurez con un futuro esperanzador y que ha arrojado importantes beneficios al sector, a cada uno de sus integrantes y a la región en su conjunto muy especialmente en términos de innovación, notoriedad y reputación. Para la realización de este trabajo se ha utilizado, además de la revisión bibliográfica y documental pertinente, una metodología cualitativa, consistente en la realización de entrevistas en profundidad a los siete cocineros fundadores y patronos del Basque Culinary Center (primera Facultad Universitaria de Estudios Gastronómicos de Europa, dependiente de la Universidad de Mondragón). El trabajo es uno de los frutos extraídos de un contrato de colaboración entre el Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la empresa de la UPV/EHU e Innobasque (Agencia Vasca para la Innovación), en el que esta última fijó tanto los objetivos de la investigación como la metodología a utilizar.


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Enzyme-catalyzed production of biodiesel is the object of extensive research due to the global shortage of fossil fuels and increased environmental concerns. Herein we report the preparation and main characteristics of a novel biocatalyst consisting of Cross-Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs) of Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) which are covalently bound to magnetic nanoparticles, and tackle its use for the synthesis of biodiesel from non-edible vegetable and waste frying oils. For this purpose, insolubilized CALB was covalently cross-linked to magnetic nanoparticles of magnetite which the surface was functionalized with –NH2 groups. The resulting biocatalyst combines the relevant catalytic properties of CLEAs (as great stability and feasibility for their reutilization) and the magnetic character, and thus the final product (mCLEAs) are superparamagnetic particles of a robust catalyst which is more stable than the free enzyme, easily recoverable from the reaction medium and reusable for new catalytic cycles. We have studied the main properties of this biocatalyst and we have assessed its utility to catalyze transesterification reactions to obtain biodiesel from non-edible vegetable oils including unrefined soybean, jatropha and cameline, as well as waste frying oil. Using 1% mCLEAs (w/w of oil) conversions near 80% were routinely obtained at 30°C after 24 h of reaction, this value rising to 92% after 72 h. Moreover, the magnetic biocatalyst can be easily recovered from the reaction mixture and reused for at least ten consecutive cycles of 24 h without apparent loss of activity. The obtained results suggest that mCLEAs prepared from CALB can become a powerful biocatalyst for application at industrial scale with better performance than those currently available.


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We investigate analytically and numerically nonlinear vortex spin torque oscillator dynamics in a circular magnetic nanodot induced by a spin-polarized current perpendicular to the dot plane. We use a generalized nonlinear Thiele equation including spin-torque term by Slonczewski for describing the nanosize vortex core transient and steady orbit motions and analyze nonlinear contributions to all forces in this equation. Blue shift of the nano-oscillator frequency increasing the current is explained by a combination of the exchange, magnetostatic, and Zeeman energy contributions to the frequency nonlinear coefficient. Applicability and limitations of the standard nonlinear nano-oscillator model are discussed.


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Several pseudo-binary RxR2-x'Fe-17 alloys (with R = Y, Ce, Pr, Gd and Dy) were synthesized with rhombohedral Th2Zn17-type crystal structure determined from x-ray and neutron powder diffraction. The choice of compositions was done with the aim of tuning the Curie temperature (T-C) in the 270 +/- 20 K temperature range, in order to obtain the maximum magneto-caloric effect around room temperature. The investigated compounds exhibit broad isothermal magnetic entropy changes, Delta S-M(T), with moderate values of the refrigerant capacity, even though the values of Delta S-M(Peak) are relatively low compared with those of the R2Fe17 compounds with R = Pr or Nd. The reduction on the Delta S-M(Peak) is explained in terms of the diminution in the saturation magnetization value. Furthermore, the Delta S-M(T) curves exhibit a similar caret-like behavior, suggesting that the magneto-caloric effect is mainly governed by the Fe-sublattice. A single master curve for Delta S-M/Delta S-M(Peak)(T) under different values of the magnetic field change are obtained for each compound by rescaling of the temperature axis.


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We report the in situ formation of two novel metal-organic frameworks based on terbium and dysprosium ions using azobenzene-4,4-dicarboxylic acid (H(2)abd) as ligand, synthesized by soft hydrothermal routes. Both materials show isostructural three-dimensional networks with channels along a axis and display intense photoluminescence properties in the solid state at room temperature. Textural properties of the metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been fully characterized although no appreciable porosity was obtained. Magnetic properties of these materials were studied, highlighting the dysprosium material displays slightly frequency-dependent out of phase signals when measured under zero external field and under an applied field of 1000 Oe.