4 resultados para first-year design

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EU]Lan honetan lehiaketako motorraren txasisaren optimizazio erresistentea egin nahi da. Txasisaren hasierako diseinutik abiatuz, diseinua optimizatuko da zona konkretu batean, bertan eragina duten indarrak eutsi ditzan ahalik eta pisu gutxienarekin. Lana egin ahal izateko, Motostudent txapelketatik lortu diren datuak erabiliko dira, honenbestez, erabiliko diren datuak errealak izango dira eta beraz baita emaitzak ere. Diseinua eta bere analisi estatiko egiteko erabiliko den softwarea, Creo 2.0 izango da.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado aquí presentado trata de un plan de negocio, el cual se centra en la creación de una nueva empresa evaluando su viabilidad técnica y financiera desde diferentes ámbitos: diseño de primer prototipo, modelo de negocio, financiación, plan de inversión, análisis del mercado, producción, logística, estrategias de comercialización, marketing, recursos humanos y trámites legales, entre otros.


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The health status of premature infants born 32(1)-35(0) weeks' gestational age (wGA) hospitalized for RSV infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for RSV (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. The primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. Secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. A significantly higher proportion of cases than controls experienced recurrent wheezing through 6 years of age (46.7% vs. 27.4%; p = 0.001). The vast majority of lung function tests appeared normal at 6 years of age in both cohorts. In children with pulmonary function in the lower limit of normality (FEV1 Z-score [-2; -1]), wheezing was increased, particularly for cases vs. controls (72.7% vs. 18.9%, p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed the most important factor for wheezing was RSV hospitalization. Quality of life on the respiratory subscale of the TAPQOL was significantly lower (p = 0.001) and healthcare resource utilization was significantly higher (p<0.001) in cases than controls. This study confirms RSV disease is associated with wheezing in 32-35 wGA infants through 6 years of age.