10 resultados para electromechanical actuators

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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152 p. : il.


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There is an increasing number of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) systems that are time-sensitive and resource-aware. From healthcare to building and even home/office automation, it is now common to find systems combining interactive and sensing multimedia traffic with relatively simple sensors and actuators (door locks, presence detectors, RFIDs, HVAC, information panels, etc.). Many of these are today known as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Quite frequently, these systems must be capable of (1) prioritizing different traffic flows (process data, alarms, non-critical data, etc.), (2) synchronizing actions in several distributed devices and, to certain degree, (3) easing resource management (e.g., detecting faulty nodes, managing battery levels, handling overloads, etc.). This work presents FTT-MA, a high-level middleware architecture aimed at easing the design, deployment and operation of such AmI systems. FTT-MA ensures that both functional and non-functional aspects of the applications are met even during reconfiguration stages. The paper also proposes a methodology, together with a design tool, to create this kind of systems. Finally, a sample case study is presented that illustrates the use of the middleware and the methodology proposed in the paper.


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[ES]El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado tiene como objetivo contribuir al desarrollo de un proyecto de investigación mediante la programación y control del movimiento de mecanismos de cinemática paralela para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Dicho proyecto está enmarcado dentro de una línea de investigación del grupo de investigación CompMech de la UPV-­‐EHU que gira en torno al desarrollo y estudio de este tipo de mecanismos. Esto es; este trabajo, más allá de la utilidad que pudiera tener por sí mismo, está pensado para formar parte de un proyecto de mayor envergadura, para cuyo éxito será imprescindible la colaboración con otros investigadores y la integración de este trabajo con los realizados por ellos. Consiste en la creación de un software para el control y movimiento de mecanismos, generando vibraciones para la realización de ensayos dinámicos. Para ello, se programarán sobre la plataforma LabVIEW la interfaz de usuario y el motor de cálculo. Una vez se compruebe que el programa funciona correctamente, se integrará dentro de un programa principal, un control articular que será el encargado de comunicarse con la máquina. Posteriormente, se procederá a la realización de ensayos experimentales sobre los propios robots, en taller. Se tomarán medidas mediante acelerómetros y otros dispositivos, determinando las medidas más adecuadas para su correcta validación. Finalmente, se generalizará el trabajo realizado para posibilitar su empleo futuro en diferentes mecanismos


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The present project aims to describe and study the nature and transmission of nerve pulses. First we review a classical model by Hodgkin-Huxley which describes the nerve pulse as a pure electric signal which propagates due to the opening of some time- and voltage-dependent ion channels. Although this model was quite successful when introduced, it fails to provide a satisfactory explanation to other phenomena that occur in the transmission of nerve pulses, therefore a new theory seems to be necessary. The soliton theory is one such theory, which we explain after introducing two topics that are important for its understanding: (i) the lipid melting of membranes, which are found to display nonlinearity and dispersion during the melting transition, and (ii) the discovery and the conditions required for the existence of solitons. In the soliton theory, the pulse is presented as an electromechanical soliton which forces the membrane through the transition while propagating. The action of anesthesia is also explained in the new framework by the melting point depression caused by anesthetics. Finally, we present a comparison between the two models.


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This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.


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[ES]En la situación actual, en que las empresas han tenido que automatizar los procesos a nivel mundial para hacer frente a los nuevos retos de la competitividad, pone de manifiesto la necesidad de nuevas tecnologías para innovar y redefinir sus procesos. Este proyecto se centra en la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías en un proceso de laminación en caliente para así a aumentar la capacidad de producción y la calidad de la empresa. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analiza la planta y el proceso a automatizar, se señalan los problemas y se procede a estudiar la solución más adecuada. Después de seleccionar la solución, se colocan sensores y actuadores a lo largo del proceso en función de los pasos a seguir por la fabricación. Con todo ello se ha diseñado una secuencia de control para que el proceso sea autónomo. Además, se diseña un algoritmo para controlar el arranque de los motores, reduciendo así el consumo de energía. En conclusión, se desea mejorar un viejo proceso de producción a través de la automatización y las nuevas tecnologías. Breve descripción del trabajo (cinco líneas). Esta descripción debe destacar los puntos más relevantes del trabajo: su objetivo principal, los métodos a emplear para su desarrollo y los resultados que se pretenden conseguir, o que se han conseguido.


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[Es]El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en calcular los movimientos que son necesarios en los actuadores de la plataforma de un mecanismo de cinemática paralela, a fin de poder localizar la pieza en la posición adecuada para poder llevar a cabo la operación de microfresado de la misma. Para desarrollar el proyecto se necesitará un software de programación como es Matlab. Este trabajo surge de la necesidad de dar soporte a un proyecto mayor que consiste en el diseño de un manipulador de cinemática paralela cuyas juntas funcionan por deformación. Se pretende que mientras la herramienta se encuentra inmóvil, se consiga el microfresado de moldes para la fabricación de microlentes mediante el movimiento del manipulador. Se ha resuelto la cinemática inversa y se ha calculado el espacio de trabajo. En este documento se van a presentar las tareas, el presupuesto y los riesgos del proyecto así como unos anexos en los que se incluirá el código de la programación.


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[EN] A new concept for fluid flow manipulation in microfluidic paper-based analytical devices ( µPADs) is presented by introducing ionogel materials as passive pumps. µPADs were fabricated using a new doubleside contact stamping process and ionogels were precisely photopolymerised at the inlet of the µPADs.The ionogels remain mainly on the surface of the paper and get absorbed in the superficial paper-fibers allowing for the liquid to flow from the ionogel into the paper easily. As a proof of concept the fluid flow and mixing behaviour of two different ionogels µPADs were compared with the non-treated µPADs.It was demonstrated that both ionogels highly affect the fluid flow by delaying the flow due to their different physical and chemical properties and water holding capacities.


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[EN] This paper describes, for the first time, the use of alginate hydrogels as miniaturised microvalves within microfluidic devices. These biocompatible and biodegradable microvalves are generated in situ and on demand, allowing for microfluidic flow control. The microfluidic devices were fabricated using an origami inspired technique of folding several layers of cyclic olefin polymer followed by thermocompression bonding. The hydrogels can be dehydrated at mild temperatures, 37◦C, to slightly open the microvalve and chemically erased using an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) solution, to completely open the channel, ensuring the reusability of the whole device and removal of damaged or defective valves for subsequent regeneration.


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One of the main problems of fusion energy is to achieve longer pulse duration by avoiding the premature reaction decay due to plasma instabilities. The control of the plasma inductance arises as an essential tool for the successful operation of tokamak fusion reactors in order to overcome stability issues as well as the new challenges specific to advanced scenarios operation. In this sense, given that advanced tokamaks will suffer from limited power available from noninductive current drive actuators, the transformer primary coil could assist in reducing the power requirements of the noninductive current drive sources needed for current profile control. Therefore, tokamak operation may benefit from advanced control laws beyond the traditionally used PID schemes by reducing instabilities while guaranteeing the tokamak integrity. In this paper, a novel model predictive control (MPC) scheme has been developed and successfully employed to optimize both current and internal inductance of the plasma, which influences the L-H transition timing, the density peaking, and pedestal pressure. Results show that the internal inductance and current profiles can be adequately controlled while maintaining the minimal control action required in tokamak operation.