4 resultados para balanced growth path

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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The aim of this paper is to analyze how active R&D policies affect the growth rate of an economy with endogenous growth and non-renewable resources. We know from Scholz and Ziemens (1999) and Groth (2006) that in infinitely lived agents (ILA) economies, any active R&D policy increases the growth rate of the economy. To see if this result also appears in economies with finite lifetime agents, we developed an endogenous growth overlapping generations (OLG) economy à la Diamond which uses non-renewable resources as essential inputs in final good’s production. We show analytically that any R&D policy that reduces the use of natural resources implies a raise in the growth rate of the economy. Numerically we show that in economies with low intertemporal elasticity of substitution (IES), active R&D policies lead the economy to increase the depletion of non-renewable resources. Nevertheless, we find that active R&D policies always imply increases in the endogenous growth rate, in both scenarios. Furthermore, when the IES coefficient is lower (greater) than one, active R&D policies affect the growth rate of the economy in the ILA more (less) than in OLG economies.


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Published as an article in: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2005, vol. 50, issue 2, pages 387-407.


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In this article, we analyze how to evaluate fishery resource management under “ecological uncertainty”. In this context, an efficient policy consists of applying a different exploitation rule depending on the state of the resource and we could say that the stock is always in transition, jumping from one steady state to another. First, we propose a method for calibrating the growth path of the resource such that observed dynamics of resource and captures are matched. Second, we apply the calibration procedure proposed in two different fishing grounds: the European Anchovy (Division VIII) and the Southern Stock of Hake. Our results show that the role played by uncertainty is essential for the conclusions. For European Anchovy fishery (Division VIII) we find, in contrast with Del Valle et al. (2001), that this is not an overexploited fishing ground. However, we show that the Southern Stock of Hake is in a dangerous situation. In both cases our results are in accordance with ICES advice.


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Egungo krisi ekonomikoak eragin handia izan du ekonomiaren esparru guztietan, industria sektorean ere horrela jaso da eta gehien bat eraikuntza sektorean. Hala ere, industrian zenbait zifra positibo jasotzen dira jadanik, enpleguko datuek hau pairatzen ez duten arren. Ingurune honetan esportazioekin kontaktuan dauden enpresek abantaila handia izan dute egoera honi aurre egiteko. Izan ere, Europar batasuneko eta gainerako zenbait herrialdeetan duten egoera hobeagoa da eta ondorioz, enpresa hauek neurri txikiago batean jasango dute krisiaren efektua. Hauetako bat da Embalan3 enpresa, krisi ekonomiko batean dagoen ingurune batean egon arren, hazten jarraitu du. Hau lortzeko oinarrizkoa izan da aipatutako esportazioekin kontaktua izatearen abantaila, Embalan3 enpresaren jarduera bezeroak fabrikatzen edo saltzen dituen piezak egurrezko enbalajeetan sartzea eta azken bezeroari bidaltzea bai da. Honez gain, lorpen hau ahalbideratu diena lehiakideekiko ezberdintzea izan da, zerbitzu integral osoa eskainiz. Honen bidez, bezeroari biltegiratzetik piezen garraiorako deseinu eta garraio beraren antolaketara eskaintzen die. Gaur egun arte hau izan da hazkundearen euskarririk handiena eta etorkizunean hazten jarraitzeko ezinbesteko oinarria izango da. Hazkunde bide honetan, betiere beraien independentzia mantentzen saiatuz eta oraindik enpesa txikia izateak dituen mugak kontutan izanik.