4 resultados para Welfare state

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] La crisis del Estado de Bienestar y las Sociedades del Conocimiento generan una crisis en el actual sistema universitario. Este se queda sin respuestas claras y ante un panorama de fines y objetivos difuso y confuso. Frente a estas situaciones, la gestión y la organización devienen en factores estratágicos clave, y esto es así por el potencial competitivo de ambas en el ámbito universitario en particular.


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This paper analyzes the pensions reforms and changes that have been in Spain to guarantee Welfare State. In fact, pensions are the most important part that we have to control in order to satisfy the necessities of a country: who and what conditions in we have to receive them, what have to be the financial source or sources etcetera. Because of that, this paper summarizes the reforms have been until nowadays, what are the reasons of these changes and what have been the impacts as much on workers as on pensioners. Apart from that, we are going to analyze the factor to cause gender differences. Finally, it suggests some restraints that the state must to impose in the medium term to remove unfair elements that the last reform causes and to guarantee solvency in the long term.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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[EU]Ongizate Estatua demokraziarekin sortu zen, eta hiritarrek bizitza duina lortzeko eratu egin zen. Urteetan zehar Ongizate Estatuak krisiak izan ditu, zeinetan honen biziraupena kolokan jarri den. Oraingoan, 2008ko krisi ekonomikoarekin, hauetako krisi bat bizitzen ari da. Hori dela eta, lan honetan Ongizate Estatuak krisiarekin izandako bilakaera aztertuko da; batez ere, Espainiaren ongizatean izandako kalteak eta murrizketak krisi ekonomikoaren etorreragatik. Horretarako, 2007 eta 2015 urteak konparatu eta aztertuko dira, Estatuaren ongizatean begia jarriz. Horretaz gain, FBBVA-IVIE txosnenaren bitartez, Autonomia Erkidegoek duten gastu sozialen eskumenetan kalteak ere izan diren aztertuko da. Laburbilduz, Espainiako Ongizate Estatuan krisi ekonomikoak zer nolako eraginak izan dituen aztertu egingo da, eragin gehienak murrizketak izanik gastu sozialetan, biztanleriaren bizi-kalitatea zuzenki kaltetuz.