6 resultados para Weakened teeth

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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The combination of remotely sensed gappy Sea surface temperature (SST) images with the missing data filling DINEOF (data interpolating empirical orthogonal functions) technique, followed by a principal component analysis of the reconstructed data, has been used to identify the time evolution and the daily scale variability of the wintertime surface signal of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC), or Navidad, during the 1981-2010 period. An exhaustive comparison with the existing bibliography, and the vertical temperature and salinity profiles related to its extremes over the Bay of Biscay area, show that the obtained time series accurately reflect the IPC-Navidad variability. Once a time series for the evolution of the SST signal of the current over the last decades is well established, this time series is used to propose a physical mechanism in relation to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, involving both atmospheric and oceanic variables. According to the proposed mechanism, an atmospheric circulation anomaly observed in both the 500 hPa and the surface levels generates atmospheric surface level pressure, wind-stress and heat-flux anomalies. In turn, those surface level atmospheric anomalies induce mutually coherent SST and sea level anomalies over the North Atlantic area, and locally, in the Bay of Biscay area. These anomalies, both locally over the Bay of Biscay area and over the North Atlantic, are in agreement with several mechanisms that have separately been related to the variability of the IPC-Navidad, i.e. the south-westerly winds, the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR) effect, the topographic beta effect and a weakened North Atlantic gyre.


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[EU]Hortzetako protesi osoek edentulismo partzial edo osoa jasaten duten pertsonentzat soluzio alternatibo bat suposatzen dute hortz bakarreko inplanteen aurrean, goialdeko edo behealdeko hortz guztiak (edo batzuk) pieza bakarrarekin ordezkatuz [11]. Protesi sistema hauen pieza bakoitzaren fabrikazioak zehaztasun handia eskatzen du eta aztertu beharreko hainbat faktore daude, amaiera produktuaren funtzionamendua egokia izatea nahi bada. Hauetako aspektu asko aurretik gauzatuak izan diren lanetan jorratu dira jadanik, tolerantzia gap-a eta torlojutze sekuentzia bezalako aldagaiei buruz hainbat ikerkuntza eginez [1]. Lan honen bidez, bi faktore hauez gain hezur erlaxazioaren eragina kontuan hartu nahi da, All On Four sistema batean edukiko duen irismena neurtzeko. Horrela, protesiaren fabrikazio edota ezarpenerako baldintza onargarri minimoak ezagutzea espero da, erabiltzailearentzat protesia egokia suerta dadin.


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[ES] La reciente excavación de la cueva de Praile Aitz I (Deba) ha identificado sucesivas breves ocupaciones del Tardiglaciar. Se estudian los materiales arqueológicos más significativos del Magdaleniense Inferior recuperados sobre un suelo preparado con cantitos de caliza. En él se localizaron, además de restos industriales líticos y faunísticos que no trataremos en esta ocasión, las siguientes evidencias: una azagaya, restos de ocre y un interesante lote de colgantes (cuatro cantos rodados perforados y tres incisivos de cabra con doble perforación).


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Climate change has differentially affected the timing of seasonal events for interacting trophic levels, and this has often led to increased selection on seasonal timing. Yet, the environmental variables driving this selection have rarely been identified, limiting our ability to predict future ecological impacts of climate change. Using a dataset spanning 31 years from a natural population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), we show that directional selection on timing of reproduction intensified in the first two decades (1980-2000) but weakened during the last decade (2001-2010). Against expectation, this pattern could not be explained by the temporal variation in the phenological mismatch with food abundance. We therefore explored an alternative hypothesis that selection on timing was affected by conditions individuals experience when arriving in spring at the breeding grounds: arriving early in cold conditions may reduce survival. First, we show that in female recruits, spring arrival date in the first breeding year correlates positively with hatch date; hence, early-hatched individuals experience colder conditions at arrival than late-hatched individuals. Second, we show that when temperatures at arrival in the recruitment year were high, early-hatched young had a higher recruitment probability than when temperatures were low. We interpret this as a potential cost of arriving early in colder years, and climate warming may have reduced this cost. We thus show that higher temperatures in the arrival year of recruits were associated with stronger selection for early reproduction in the years these birds were born. As arrival temperatures in the beginning of the study increased, but recently declined again, directional selection on timing of reproduction showed a nonlinear change. We demonstrate that environmental conditions with a lag of up to two years can alter selection on phenological traits in natural populations, something that has important implications for our understanding of how climate can alter patterns of selection in natural populations.