6 resultados para Vietnamese Immigration to Western Countries

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Background: Malignancies arising in the large bowel cause the second largest number of deaths from cancer in the Western World. Despite progresses made during the last decades, colorectal cancer remains one of the most frequent and deadly neoplasias in the western countries. Methods: A genomic study of human colorectal cancer has been carried out on a total of 31 tumoral samples, corresponding to different stages of the disease, and 33 non-tumoral samples. The study was carried out by hybridisation of the tumour samples against a reference pool of non-tumoral samples using Agilent Human 1A 60- mer oligo microarrays. The results obtained were validated by qRT-PCR. In the subsequent bioinformatics analysis, gene networks by means of Bayesian classifiers, variable selection and bootstrap resampling were built. The consensus among all the induced models produced a hierarchy of dependences and, thus, of variables. Results: After an exhaustive process of pre-processing to ensure data quality–lost values imputation, probes quality, data smoothing and intraclass variability filtering–the final dataset comprised a total of 8, 104 probes. Next, a supervised classification approach and data analysis was carried out to obtain the most relevant genes. Two of them are directly involved in cancer progression and in particular in colorectal cancer. Finally, a supervised classifier was induced to classify new unseen samples. Conclusions: We have developed a tentative model for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on a biomarker panel. Our results indicate that the gene profile described herein can discriminate between non-cancerous and cancerous samples with 94.45% accuracy using different supervised classifiers (AUC values in the range of 0.997 and 0.955).


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Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent leukemia of adults in Western countries and shows a ~8.5-fold increased relative risk in first-degree relatives. Up to date several studies have identified low-penetrance susceptibility alleles in CLL. Nevertheless, these studies scarcely study regions that do not encode proteins such as microRNAs (miRNAs). Abnormalities in miRNAs, as altered expression patterns and mutations, have been described in CLL, suggesting their implication in the development of the disease. Polymorphisms in these miRNAs may deregulate miRNAs expression levels and affect to the miRNA function. However, despite accumulating evidence that inherited genetic variation in miRNA genes can contribute to the predisposition for CLL, the role of these in the risk of CLL has not been extensively studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to find new genetic markers of risk to CLL. To that end, we made a systematic search for SNPs in miRNAs and miRNAs deregulated in CLL and genotyped 213 polymorphisms in 401 samples of Spanish individuals. The literature search resulted in more than 100 miRNAs deregulated in CLL and 43 polymorphisms studied in the disease. Out of 213 genotyped SNPs, 13 showed to be significantly associated with CLL risk. rs2682818 in pre-mature miR618 was the most significant result, with 0.49 fold decreased risk to CLL. Interestingly, a previous study associated this SNP with an increased risk of developing follicular lymphoma. Secondly, rs10173558 SNP in mir- 1302-4 showed the highest risk association, with a 5.24 fold increased risk, but there were no previous works studying it. Finally, rs61992671 in miR412, previously associated with CLL risk, showed also association in our sample. In conclusion, we find 13 alleles which could contribute to the risk of CLL. However, new large-scale studies including functional analyses will be needed to validate our findings.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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La sociedad actual cada vez cambia con más rapidez, por lo tanto para que los países sigan siendo competitivos en el mercado mundial y el desarrollo del país vaya en aumento es necesario llevar a cabo una innovación de calidad. A lo largo de este trabajo hemos identificado y analizado los principales factores que influyen a la innovación en dos países latinoamericanos, Chile y México. De esta forma, el objeto de este trabajo consiste en Desarrollar un Plan de Acción que permita a los gobiernos de los países analizados desarrollar su capacidad innovadora. Para ello, se ha utilizado una metodología denominada Delphi, mediante la cual hemos conocido la opinión y percepción que tienen algunos expertos, que se dedican al estudio de la innovación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que tanto la educación como la financiación de las actividades de investigación y educación son los factores que determinan el plan innovador de un país. Asimismo, mediante dicho plan los Gobiernos podrían llegar a ser más eficientes y aprovechar las oportunidades que poseen para mejorar la calidad de la innovación que se lleva a cabo en Chile y México.


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[EU]2008.urtetik pairatzen ari garen krisialdia mundu osoko ekonomietan izan du eragina. Depresio Handitik krisi larriena izaten ari dena Estatu batuetan hasi eta bereziki herrialde garatuetan barreiatu ditu bere efektu negatiboak. Testuinguru honetan, lanaren helburu nagusia izango da krisiaren ondorioz gehien kaltetuak izan diren Europako herrialdeen arteko ezaugarri antzeko eta ezberdinak ezagutzea. Horretarako erabilitako metodologia, analitiko-sintetikoa izanik. Aukeratutako herrialdeen ezaugarri nabarmenak aztertu eta gero, bakoitzean krisiaren eraginak azaltzen dituzten faktore esanguratsuenak identifikatu ditugu. Bukatzeko, faktore horiek herriz herri errepikatzen diren edo, aldiz, desberdinak diren ondorioztatzea dugu helburu.