11 resultados para Triple index

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] Actualmente, las universidades se enfrentan a aumentos en sus necesidades de financiación, cuando el criterio predominante es que los poderes públicos tengan una menor presencia en la misma. Por otra parte, algunos investigadores indican que la Universidad parece estar perdiendo posiciones como centro de generación de conocimiento, el cual, como recurso en s. mismo, este siendo objeto de creciente atención por parte de las empresas y los gobiernos, considerándose le el recurso clave en la consecución de ventajas competitivas. En estas circunstancias, estimamos que la Universidad debe hacer mayores esfuerzos en orientar su investigación a la aplicación del conocimiento científico-técnico, en colaboración con las empresas y las administraciones públicas, como indica el modelo de la triple hélice de Etzkowitz y Leydesdorff. En este trabajo se presenta también como se afronta en la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea la gestión del conocimiento científico técnico, as. como un proyecto de investigación cuya finalidad consiste en la búsqueda de un modelo de gestión de este conocimiento en el contexto descrito.


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[Es] En este trabajo se parte de la hipótesis de que los propios contenidos televisivos son fuente de aprendizaje a través de las narraciones televisivas. En concreto, defendemos la idea de que es posible enseñar y aprender valores a través de dichas narraciones. Se sistematizan algunas de las investigaciones que han abordado la relación entre televisión y valores desde una triple dimensión: los propios contenidos; el medio en sí mismo y el lenguaje. Esta revisión nos permite defender que las condenas reiteradas a la televisión, responsabilizándola de la mayoría de los males que sufre la juventud, no pueden apoyarse en los estudios que la psicología ha realizado en las últimas décadas. Entendemos que el telespectador incorpora la información televisiva desde distintos contextos y que la enculturación no es unidireccional. Existe una interacción entre contextos de desarrollo y mensajes. Concretamente nos interesa analizar los valores implícitos y explícitos que subyacen a los contenidos televisivos. Para ello basándonos en el modelo elaborado por Schwartz y Bilsky hemos creado un cuestionario (Val-TV 01) con el fin de clasificar los valores e interpretar las conductas visualizadas en los textos televisivos y relacionarlos con los propios valores de los adolescentes.


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Astrocytes are fundamental for brain homeostasis and the progression and outcome of many neuropathologies including Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the triple transgenic mouse model of AD (3xTg-AD) generalised hippocampal astroglia atrophy precedes a restricted and specific beta-amyloid (A beta) plaque-related astrogliosis. Astrocytes are critical for CNS glutamatergic transmission being the principal elements of glutamate homeostasis through maintaining its synthesis, uptake and turnover via glutamate-glutamine shuttle. Glutamine synthetase (GS), which is specifically expressed in astrocytes, forms glutamine by an ATP-dependent amination of glutamate. Here, we report changes in GS astrocytic expression in two major cognitive areas of the hippocampus (the dentate gyrus, DG and the CA1) in 3xTg-AD animals aged between 9 and 18 months. We found a significant reduction in Nv (number of cell/mm(3)) of GS immunoreactive (GS-IR) astrocytes starting from 12 months (28.59%) of age in the DG, and sustained at 18 months (31.65%). CA1 decrease of GS-positive astrocytes Nv (33.26%) occurs at 18 months. This Nv reduction of GSIR astrocytes is paralleled by a decrease in overall GS expression (determined by its optical density) that becomes significant at 18 months (21.61% and 19.68% in DG and CA1, respectively). GS-IR Nv changes are directly associated with the presence of A beta deposits showing a decrease of 47.92% as opposed to 23.47% in areas free of A beta. These changes in GS containing astrocytes and GS-immunoreactivity indicate AD-related impairments of glutamate homeostatic system, at the advanced and late stages of the disease, which may affect the efficacy of glutamatergic transmission in the diseased brain that may contribute to the cognitive deficiency.


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[EUS] Matematikaren irakaskuntzaren helburuenetako bat hezkuntza maila guztietan ikasleen ahalmen intelektualen garapena da. Ahalmen espazialaren trataera eskolan urria izan da, bereziki zenbakizko ahalmenak edota arrazonamenduzko ahalmenak izan duten trataerarekin konparatzen badugu. Hezkuntza Matematikoan egindako berrikusketek ahalmen espazialaren azterketaren garrantzia azpimarratzen dute nahiz eta erreferentzi marko baten ezak sakabanatzen eta zailtzen dituen emaitzen lorpena, behin betikoak izateko erreplikagarriak izan behar dutela jakinik. Ondoren proposatzen den ikerketa-lerroak ahalmen espaziala alderdi hirukoitz batetik abiaturik aztertu nahi du: egitura, garapena eta hobetze-proposamenak kontutan harturik. Hiru arlo horietan proposaturiko ereduek bermatuko dute diagnostiko zuzen bat, ikasleen ahalmen espaziala hobetuko duena.


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Presentación (p. 9-27). Index Verborum (p.65-89). Letra "P" (extraido del CD-Rom, p.1-184)


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The EC (entorhinal cortex) is fundamental for cognitive and mnesic functions. Thus damage to this area appears as a key element in the progression of AD (Alzheimer's disease), resulting in memory deficits arising from neuronal and synaptic alterations as well as glial malfunction. In this paper, we have performed an in-depth analysis of astroglial morphology in the EC by measuring the surface and volume of the GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) profiles in a triple transgenic mouse model of AD [3xTg-AD (triple transgenic mice of AD)]. We found significant reduction in both the surface and volume of GFAP-labelled profiles in 3xTg-AD animals from very early ages (1 month) when compared with non-Tg (non-transgenic) controls (48 and 54%, reduction respectively), which was sustained for up to 12 months (33 and 45% reduction respectively). The appearance of Lambda beta (amyloid beta-peptide) depositions at 12 months of age did not trigger astroglial hypertrophy; nor did it result in the close association of astrocytes with senile plaques. Our results suggest that the AD progressive cognitive deterioration can be associated with an early reduction of astrocytic arborization and shrinkage of the astroglial domain, which may affect synaptic connectivity within the EC and between the EC and other brain regions. In addition, the EC seems to be particularly vulnerable to AD pathology because of the absence of evident astrogliosis in response to A beta accumulation. Thus we can consider that targeting astroglial atrophy may represent a therapeutic strategy which might slow down the progression of AD.


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Máster en Dirección Empresarial desde la Innovación y la Internacionalización. Curso 2014/2015


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[EN] This study analyzes the relationship between board size and economic-financial performance in a sample of European firms that constitute the EUROSTOXX50 Index. Based on previous literature, resource dependency and agency theories, and considering regulation developed by the OECD and European Union on the normative of corporate governance for each country in the sample, the authors propose the hypotheses of both positive linear and quadratic relationships between the researched parameters. Using ROA as a benchmark of financial performance and the number of members of the board as measurement of the board size, two OLS estimations are performed. To confirm the robustness of the results the empirical study is tested with two other similar financial ratios, ROE and Tobin s Q. Due to the absence of significant results, an additional factor, firm size, is employed in order to check if it affects firm performance. Delving further into the nature of this relationship, it is revealed that there exists a strong and negative relation between firm size and financial performance. Consequently, it can be asseverated that the generic recommendation one size fits all cannot be applied in this case; which conforms to the Recommendations of the European Union that dissuade using generic models for all countries.


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615 p.


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Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas.


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This paper deals with the resource allocation problem aimed at maximizing users' perception of quality in wireless channels with time-varying capacity. First of all, we model the subjective quality-aware scheduling problem in the framework of Markovian decision processes. Then, given that the obtaining of the optimal solution of this model is unachievable, we propose a simple scheduling index rule with closed-form expression by using a methodology based on Whittle approach. Finally, we analyze the performance of the achieved scheduling proposal in several relevant scenarios, concluding that it outperforms the most popular existing resource allocation strategies.