6 resultados para Top-down control

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Lan honetan, gure artean gutxi ezagutzen diren “Jardueran Oinarritutako Komunitateek” (JOK) enpresa txiki eta ertainetan izan dezaketen eragina aztertzen da. Zehazki, ikergaia hauxe da: organizazio barruan komunikazioa eta ezagutzaren jarioa areagotzea helburu duen tresna hori Gipuzkoako bederatzi enpresa eta erakundetan nola txertatu den eta txertaketa horren ondorioak zeintzuk izan diren erakustea. Bereziki, puntu hauei begiratu zaie: JOKetan aritu diren pertsonen espektatiben asebetetze-mailari, lan taldeen emaitzei, lan taldeen jarduera ahalbideratzen duten faktoreei eta egon diren oztopoei. Jasotako ebidentzia enpirikoa (galdetegia, elkarrizketak) aztertu eta gero, esan daiteke orokorrean emaitzak nahiko positiboak izan direla, efekturik nabarmenenak arlo hauetan lortu direlarik: JOK-ak osatzen dituzten pertsonen parte hartzea areagotzea; Komunikazioa hobetzea (parte-hartzaileen artean eta horien eta zuzendaritzen artean); Pertsona arteko harremanak sendotzea; Ezagutza elkarri zabaltzea; Enpresarekiko asebetetasun handiagotzea. Aitzitik, aurkitu diren oztopo handienak hauexek izan dira: JOK-a behar bezala garatzeko denbora falta eta hasierako inplikazio falta (top-down ezarritako JOK-etan).


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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Effects of context on the perception of, and incidental memory for, real-world objects have predominantly been investigated in younger individuals, under conditions involving a single static viewpoint. We examined the effects of prior object context and object familiarity on both older and younger adults' incidental memory for real objects encountered while they traversed a conference room. Recognition memory for context-typical and context-atypical objects was compared with a third group of unfamiliar objects that were not readily named and that had no strongly associated context. Both older and younger adults demonstrated a typicality effect, showing significantly lower 2-alternative-forced-choice recognition of context-typical than context-atypical objects; for these objects, the recognition of older adults either significantly exceeded, or numerically surpassed, that of younger adults. Testing-awareness elevated recognition but did not interact with age or with object type. Older adults showed significantly higher recognition for context-atypical objects than for unfamiliar objects that had no prior strongly associated context. The observation of a typicality effect in both age groups is consistent with preserved semantic schemata processing in aging. The incidental recognition advantage of older over younger adults for the context-typical and context-atypical objects may reflect aging-related differences in goal-related processing, with older adults under comparatively more novel circumstances being more likely to direct their attention to the external environment, or age-related differences in top-down effortful distraction regulation, with older individuals' attention more readily captured by salient objects in the environment. Older adults' reduced recognition of unfamiliar objects compared to context-atypical objects may reflect possible age differences in contextually driven expectancy violations. The latter finding underscores the theoretical and methodological value of including a third type of objects-that are comparatively neutral with respect to their contextual associations-to help differentiate between contextual integration effects (for schema-consistent objects) and expectancy violations (for schema-inconsistent objects).


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Over the last few decades, wine makers have been producing wines with a higher alcohol content, assuming that they are more appreciated by consumers. To test this hypothesis, we used functional magnetic imaging to compare reactions of human subjects to different types of wine, focusing on brain regions critical for flavor processing and food reward. Participants were presented with carefully matched pairs of high- and low- alcohol content red wines, without informing them of any of the wine attributes. Contrary to expectation, significantly greater activation was found for low- alcohol than for high- alcohol content wines in brain regions that are sensitive to taste intensity, including the insula as well as the cerebellum. Wines were closely matched for all physical attributes except for alcohol content, thus we interpret the preferential response to the low- alcohol content wines as arising from top-down modulation due to the low alcohol content wines inducing greater attentional exploration of aromas and flavours. The findings raise intriguing possibilities for objectively testing hypotheses regarding methods of producing a highly complex product such as wine.


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320 p.