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em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] Cada vez más el deporte-espectáculo se está abriendo paso como objeto de estudio en los centros de investigación avanzada, como consecuencia de la necesidad de gestionar los altos presupuestos de las entidades deportivas.


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[ES] En los últimos tiempos existe un énfasis creciente en la comercialización de la investigación universitaria a través de la creación de empresas (spin-offs). Ahora bien, los fenómenos que el concepto de spin-off universitaria trata de abarcar no son homogéneos. Por esta razón, parece conveniente dilucidar las múltiples realidades que abarca organizándolas mediante tipologías.


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Gaur eguneko politika ekonomikoak aztertu ezkero berehala ohartuko ginateke azpiegitura - proiektuei ematen ari zaien garrantzi gero eta handiagoaz. Aurrekontuetan, beste zenbait kontusailetan murrizketak edo gutxienez mugaketak planteatzen ari diren bitartean azpiegituren ezarrerarako baliabide gehiago destinatzen dituzte. Eta ildo hau nagusitzen ari da esparru guztietan, europarretik hasita udal esparruraino. Artikulu honen helburua ez da izango gai honen sakoneko azterketa xehetu eta osatua eskeintzea, horrek luzez gaindituko bailuke aldizkari batetako idazlan batek bete dezaken funtzioa. Gure helburua, hortaz, askoz ere apalagoa izango da; zera da lortu nahi duguna: gure lurraldearentzat hain erabakior diren azpiegitura - proiektuei buruzko jakinmina sortaraztea irakurleongan, aurrerantzean interes eta arreta handiagoaz jarrai ditzaten gaiaren nondik norakoak, komunikabideek horren maiz zuzentzen diguten informazioaren bidez.


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[EN] In today s economy, innovation is considered to be one of the main driving forces behind business competitiveness, if not the most relevant one. Traditionally, the study of innovation has been addressed from different perspectives. Recently, literature on knowledge management and intellectual capital has provided new insights. Considering this, the aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of different organizational conditions i.e. structural capital on innovation capability and innovation performance, from an intellectual capital (IC) perspective. As regards innovation capability, two dimensions are considered: new idea generation and innovation project management. The population subject to study is made up of technology-based Colombian firms. In order to gather information about the relevant variables involved in the research, a questionnaire was designed and addressed to the CEOs of the companies making up the target population. The sample analyzed is made up of 69 companies and is large enough to carry out a statistical study based on structural equation modelling (partial least squares approach) using PLS-Graph software (Chin and Frye, 2003). The results obtained show that structural capital explains to a great extent both the effectiveness of the new idea generation process and of innovation project management. However, the influence of each specific organizational component making up structural capital (organizational design, organizational culture, hiring and professional development policies, innovation strategy, technological capital, and external structure) varies. Moreover, successful innovation project management is the only innovation capability dimension that exerts a significant impact on company performance.