3 resultados para Proficiency in Mathematics

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Does language-specific orthography help language detection and lexical access in naturalistic bilingual contexts? This study investigates how L2 orthotactic properties influence bilingual language detection in bilingual societies and the extent to which it modulates lexical access and single word processing. Language specificity of naturalistically learnt L2 words was manipulated by including bigram combinations that could be either L2 language-specific or common in the two languages known by bilinguals. A group of balanced bilinguals and a group of highly proficient but unbalanced bilinguals who grew up in a bilingual society were tested, together with a group of monolinguals (for control purposes). All the participants completed a speeded language detection task and a progressive demasking task. Results showed that the use of the information of orthotactic rules across languages depends on the task demands at hand, and on participants' proficiency in the second language. The influence of language orthotactic rules during language detection, lexical access and word identification are discussed according to the most prominent models of bilingual word recognition.


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Euskaraz: Gaur egun, munduan ingeles hizkuntzaren garrantzia dela eta, hainbat herrialdeen lehen hezkuntzan, bigarren edo atzerriko hizkuntza bezala, ikasten den ikasgaia da. Hala ere, herrialde guztietako biztanlerian ez da gaitasun berdina lortzen. Hizkuntza ikas estrategien erabilerak, xede-hizkuntzaren gaitasunak lortzeko erabakigarriak izan daitezkeela kontuan izanda, lan honen helburua, ingelesa ikasterakoan, testuinguru ezberdinak duten bi lurraldeen (Norvegia-Bodø eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa) ikas-estrategien erabilera aztertzea izan da, lehen hezkuntzako bi taldeetan, metodo deskriptibo konparatiboa erabiliz. Emaitzek erakutsi zuten, norvegiar taldeko ikasleek euskal taldekoek baino maizago ikas-estrategiak erabiltzen zituztela. Honekin, testuingurua eta ikas estrategiak erabiltzearen arteko korrelazio posible bat iradoki daiteke.


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The objective of this dissertation is to study the theory of distributions and some of its applications. Certain concepts which we would include in the theory of distributions nowadays have been widely used in several fields of mathematics and physics. It was Dirac who first introduced the delta function as we know it, in an attempt to keep a convenient notation in his works in quantum mechanics. Their work contributed to open a new path in mathematics, as new objects, similar to functions but not of their same nature, were being used systematically. Distributions are believed to have been first formally introduced by the Soviet mathematician Sergei Sobolev and by Laurent Schwartz. The aim of this project is to show how distribution theory can be used to obtain what we call fundamental solutions of partial differential equations.