8 resultados para Process-based model

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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This paper analyzes the path of the international expansion of Grupo Arcor, an Argentine multinational company specializing in confectionery. The objective is to entify corporate strategies and business learning that led this Latin American firm to establish itself as one of the leading manufacturers in confectionery industry ,particularly in the 21st Century. The analysis is primarily qualitative in order to identify the economic dimension as a determinant in the internationalization process; a processbased approach from the Uppsala Model is used for this. However, the study is also complemented with a regression analysis to test if the firm was driven to expand internationally by the expectations on the degree of globalization of the industry and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets, and if the company was influenced by psychic distance in choosing the location of its investment; given the influence of these variables in Grupo Arcor business strategies. Our findings suggest that Grupo Arcor, was able to become global due to strategies such as vertical integration, diversification of products and geographical markets (based on psychic distance) and indeed some strategies were consequence of the globalization of the sector and the accumulation of experience in foreign markets.


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This paper analyzes the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting the received power/path loss in both outdoor and indoor links. The approach followed has been a combined use of ANNs and ray-tracing, the latter allowing the identification and parameterization of the so-called dominant path. A complete description of the process for creating and training an ANN-based model is presented with special emphasis on the training process. More specifically, we will be discussing various techniques to arrive at valid predictions focusing on an optimum selection of the training set. A quantitative analysis based on results from two narrowband measurement campaigns, one outdoors and the other indoors, is also presented.


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(EuroPES 2009)


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EuroPES 2009


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[EN] Store brands account for and important market share in the Spain and a further increase in expected in the next years due to the downturn. However, there is lack of research on store brand customer-based Brand Equity. This study attempts to propose an integrated model of Brand Equity in store or retailer brands, based on Aaker s well-known conceptual model. We propose a consumer-based model, including the main sources or dimensions of Brand Equity and considering the intention to purchase as a consequence. Based on a sample of 362 consumers and 5 store brands, structural equation modeling is used to test research hypotheses. The results obtained reveal that store brand awareness, loyalty along with store brand perceived quality have a significant influence on consumers intention to purchase store brands. Our study suggests that marketers and marketing managers from retailing companies should carefully consider the Brand Equity components when designing their brand strategies, and develop marketing activities in order to enhance their brands awareness.


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[EUS] Azken urteetan eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora gure gizartean. Gero eta gehiago dira hilabete gutxirekin haur eskolara joaten hasten diren haurrak, beraientzat segurtasun iturri den ingurunetik aldenduz. Banaketa hau bereziki zaila suerta dakieke ume gehienei aparteko ezinegonak, larritasun uneak edota gaixotasunak sortuz, eskolarekiko harremana betirako baldintzatzeaz gain. Hori dela eta, haur txikiaren eskolatzearen inguruan hausnartzeko beharra dago ezinbestean. Gaur egun haurra haur eskolako erritmo eta eskakizunetara ahalik eta azkarren moldatzeko asmoz, egokitzapen aldi bezala ezagutzen den denboraldia eskaintzen zaio haur txikiari, bere garaian Haur Hezkuntzaren bigarren ziklokoei eskaintzen hasi zitzaien bezala. Zoritxarrez honek egoerari zailtasun gehiago erantsi dizkio, ez baitira haurtxo eta haur txikiaren erritmoak errespetatzen. Hori dela eta, hezitzaileen muina eskola atsegina bihurtzeko asmotan, komunikazioan eta errespetuan oinarritutako etxekotze prozesua aurkezten da, zeinen helburua haurraren hezkuntzan parte hartzen duten guztien, familia eta eskola, elkarlanari esker bere ongizatea bermatu eta haur eskolarako igarobidea erraztuko duen giro lasaia, atsegina eta ez bakarrik adinari, baizik eta norberaren beharrizanen arabera egokia sortzea den.