5 resultados para Private equity

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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GAL honetan Arrisku-Kapital Entitateak aztertzen dira. Hau laburki, finantziazio bide alternatibo bat da, zeinaren ezaugarririk garrantzitsuena da, finantziazioaz gain ezagutza iturri ere badirela enpresa-proiektu berritzaileak sustatzeko. Lanaren antolaketari dagokionez, lehenik eta behin, Arrisku Kapital inbertsioaren kontzeptua eta ezaugarriak legalki ekonomikoki zein historikoki aztertu dira, helburua gizartean entitate hauengan dagoen ikuspuntu okerra zuzentzea izan den. Bestetik entitateen tipologia eta legedi aplikagarria aztertu dira 2014. urteko erreforma eta gainontzeko araudia aztertuz. Ondoren alderdi erregulatzailea sakondu da, hau da entitate hauek bete behar dituzten obligazioak eta zeintzuk diren beraien mugak inbertsioak egiteko unean. Geroago, sektorearen erronkak aztertzen dira, gaur egungo egoera eta etorkizunean enpresen finantziazioak ze nolako testuinguru topa dezakegun azalduz. Amaitzeko balorazio bat egin da, bertan garapen historiko zein juridikoa kontuan izanik, sektoreak tamalez hartu duen itxura kritikatu da, batez ere espekulazioari atea ireki diolako eta enpresa txiki eta berritzaileen finantziazio iturri izan zitekeena, areriotasunezko eskurapenak eta espekulazioan oinarrituriko inbertsioak sustatzea ekarri duelako.


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In this paper we study the effect of population age distribution upon private consumption expenditure in Spain from 1964 to 1997 using aggregate data. We obtain four main results. First, changes in the population pyramid have substantial effects upon the behaviour of private consumption. Second, the pattern of the coefficients of the demographic variables is not consistent with the simplest version of the life cycle hypothesis. Third, we estimate the impact of the demographic transition upon consumption and find positive values associated with episodes in which the shares of groups of individuals with expenditure levels higher (lower) than the mean increased (decreased). Fourth, the results are robust to alternative specifications for the population age distribution.


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For over a decade now, work has been ongoing on the professional organization and management of town centre retail spaces in Spain under what is known as the Open Shopping Centre model. Introducing this model has involved a process of public-private collaboration in several different phases, conditioned to a large extent by the specific context of each initiative. With a view to furthering the process of benchmarking developed out of the experiences of recent years, we shall use case analysis to explain trends in initiatives for retail regeneration and stimulation undertaken in the Basque Country (an autonomous community in the north of Spain) since 2000. We analyze the factors that have prompted these initiatives, assessing and comparing the landmarks and conditions that have marked, or are determining, progress in the dynamic of collaboration between municipal authorities and retailers for a competitive improvement both in the retail sector and in the environment in which it operates: the city. Finally we list witch are these key factors.


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[EN] Store brands account for and important market share in the Spain and a further increase in expected in the next years due to the downturn. However, there is lack of research on store brand customer-based Brand Equity. This study attempts to propose an integrated model of Brand Equity in store or retailer brands, based on Aaker s well-known conceptual model. We propose a consumer-based model, including the main sources or dimensions of Brand Equity and considering the intention to purchase as a consequence. Based on a sample of 362 consumers and 5 store brands, structural equation modeling is used to test research hypotheses. The results obtained reveal that store brand awareness, loyalty along with store brand perceived quality have a significant influence on consumers intention to purchase store brands. Our study suggests that marketers and marketing managers from retailing companies should carefully consider the Brand Equity components when designing their brand strategies, and develop marketing activities in order to enhance their brands awareness.