6 resultados para POORLY SOLUBLE API

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EN] The aims of this work were (i) to evaluate the potential of nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) as a tool to 24 enhance the oral bioavailability of poorly soluble compounds using saquinavir (SQV), a BCS class IV drug 25 and P-gp substrate as a model drug, and (ii) to study NLC transport mechanisms across the intestinal barrier. 26 Three different NLC formulations were evaluated. SQV transport across Caco-2 monolayers was enhanced up 27 to 3.5-fold by NLCs compared to SQV suspension. M cells did not enhance the transport of NLCs loaded with 28 SQV. The size and amount of surfactant in the NLCs influenced SQV's permeability, the transcytosis pathway 29 and the efflux of SQV by P-gp. An NLC of size 247 nm and 1.5% (w/v) surfactant content circumvented P-gp 30 efflux and used both caveolae- and clathrin-mediated transcytosis, in contrast to the other NLC formulations, 31 which used only caveolae-mediated transcytosis. By modifying critical physicochemical parameters of the 32 NLC formulation, we were thus able to overcome the P-gp drug efflux and alter the transcytosis mechanism 33 of the nanoparticles. These findings support the use of NLCs approaches for oral delivery of poorly 34 water-soluble P-gp substrates.


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Bordetella pertussis, the whooping cough pathogen, secretes several virulence factors among which adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT) is essential for establishment of the disease in the respiratory tract. ACT weakens host defenses by suppressing important bactericidal activities of the phagocytic cells. Up to now, it was believed that cell intoxication by ACT was a consequence of the accumulation of abnormally high levels of cAMP, generated exclusively beneath the host plasma membrane by the toxin N-terminal catalytic adenylate cyclase (AC) domain, upon its direct translocation across the lipid bilayer. Here we show that host calpain, a calcium-dependent Cys-protease, is activated into the phagocytes by a toxin-triggered calcium rise, resulting in the proteolytic cleavage of the toxin N-terminal domain that releases a catalytically active "soluble AC''. The calpain-mediated ACT processing allows trafficking of the "soluble AC'' domain into subcellular organella. At least two strategic advantages arise from this singular toxin cleavage, enhancing the specificity of action, and simultaneously preventing an indiscriminate activation of cAMP effectors throughout the cell. The present study provides novel insights into the toxin mechanism of action, as the calpain-mediated toxin processing would confer ACT the capacity for a space- and time-coordinated production of different cAMP "pools'', which would play different roles in the cell pathophysiology.


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Interconexión entre la API de Google y la plataforma de gestión empresarial AonSolutions.


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Dokumentu honek magnet lotura eta web API arloak lantzen dituen Gradu Amaierako Proiektua deskribatzen du. Teknologia horiek liburu elektronikoak partekatzeko erabili dira eta sortutako aplikazioari Liburutruk izena eman zaio. Honakoak dira Liburutruk-en ezaugarri nagusienak: • Zerbitzariak web API api publiko eta dokumentatua eskaintzen du. • APIaren bidez liburuak eta horiei lotutako baliabideak kudeatu daitezke. • Gehitutako liburuak BitTorrent bidez partekatzen ditu eta liburu horien magnet loturak sortzen ditu. • Web-nabigatzaileetan exekutatzen den bezeroa du, orri bakarreko aplikazioa dena. • Bezeroak zerbitzariaren APIa erabiltzen du. • Aplikazioa eta kodea edonork eskura ditzake.


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Three new species of Lumbriculidae were collected from floodplain seeps and small streams in southeastern North America. Some of these habitats are naturally acidic. Sylphella puccoon gen. n., sp. n. has prosoporous male ducts in X-XI, and spermathecae in XII-XIII. Muscular, spherical atrial ampullae and acuminate penial sheaths distinguish this monotypic new genus from other lumbriculid genera having similar arrangements of reproductive organs. Cookidrilus pocosinus sp. n. resembles its two subterranean, Palearctic congeners in the arrangement of reproductive organs, but is easily distinguished by the position of the spermathecal pores in front of the chaetae in X-XIII. Stylodrilus coreyi sp. n. differs from congeners having simple-pointed chaetae and elongate atria primarily by the structure of the male duct and the large clusters of prostate cells. Streams and wetlands of Southeastern USA have a remarkably high diversity of endemic lumbriculids, and these poorly-known invertebrates should be considered in conservation efforts.