em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES]Los radicales nitrato e hidroxilo son especies químicas implicadas en la contaminación atmosférica. En el presente trabajo se ha tratado de estimar sus concentraciones empleando para ello medidas de las concentraciones de varios compuestos orgánicos volátiles registradas en el Parque Natural de Valderejo (Araba). La metodología de cálculo ya había sido empleada anteriormente para el ·OH y es la primera vez que se ha aplicado a concentraciones de NO·3 en una zona rural. Las concentraciones de radical hidroxilo calculadas (6,02·106 - 8,06·106 molec. cm-3) concuerdan con las obtenidas en medidas y estudios anteriores. En el caso del radical nitrato, las concentraciones estimadas (2,13·1011 – 2,02·1012 molec. cm-3) son bastante superiores a las encontradas en la bibliografía, por lo que se ha concluido que esta técnica de medida no es válida para el cálculo de NO·3 en una atmósfera de fondo rural como Valderejo. Esta desviación se debe probablemente a otros procesos no contemplados en la hipótesis de cálculo, por lo que se propone continuar con el estudio en este área.


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[EN] The purpose of this review article is to illustrate synthetic aspects of functionalized phosphorus derivatives containing an oximo moiety at the beta-position. First section will be focused on the synthesis of phosphine oxides, phosphonates or phosphonium salts containing an oxime group. The synthesis of these derivatives comprises the carbon–phosphorus single bond construction by reaction of haloximes with phosphorus derivatives, nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to carbonyl compounds, or nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to nitro olefins. This section will also concentrate on the most practical routes for the synthesis of the target compounds, through carbon–nitrogen double bond formation, which are as follows: condensation processes of carbonyl compounds and hydroxylamine derivatives or addition of hydroxylamines to allenes or alkynes. The preparative use of beta-oximo phosphorus derivatives as synthetic intermediates will be discussed in a second section, comprising olefination reaction, oxidation of oximes to nitrile oxides by reaction at the C-N double bond of the oxime moiety, oxidation of these substrates to nitrosoalkenes, reduction to the corresponding hydroxylamines and some reactions at the hydroxyl group of the hydroxyimino moiety.


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In a multi-target complex network, the links (L-ij) represent the interactions between the drug (d(i)) and the target (t(j)), characterized by different experimental measures (K-i, K-m, IC50, etc.) obtained in pharmacological assays under diverse boundary conditions (c(j)). In this work, we handle Shannon entropy measures for developing a model encompassing a multi-target network of neuroprotective/neurotoxic compounds reported in the CHEMBL database. The model predicts correctly >8300 experimental outcomes with Accuracy, Specificity, and Sensitivity above 80%-90% on training and external validation series. Indeed, the model can calculate different outcomes for >30 experimental measures in >400 different experimental protocolsin relation with >150 molecular and cellular targets on 11 different organisms (including human). Hereafter, we reported by the first time the synthesis, characterization, and experimental assays of a new series of chiral 1,2-rasagiline carbamate derivatives not reported in previous works. The experimental tests included: (1) assay in absence of neurotoxic agents; (2) in the presence of glutamate; and (3) in the presence of H2O2. Lastly, we used the new Assessing Links with Moving Averages (ALMA)-entropy model to predict possible outcomes for the new compounds in a high number of pharmacological tests not carried out experimentally.


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The management of municipal solid waste (MSW), particularly the role of incineration, is currently a subject of public debate. Incineration shows to be a good alternative of reducing the volume of waste and eliminating certain infectious components. Moreover, Municipal Waste Incinerators (MWI), are reported to be highly hygienic and apart from that MWIs are immediately effective in terms of transport (incinerators can be built close to the waste sources) and incineration's nature. Nevertheless, the emissions of many hazardous substances make the Municipal Waste Incineration (MWI) plants to be unpopular. Metals (especially lead, manganese, cadmium, chromium and mercury) are concentrated in fly and bottom ashes. Furthermore, incomplete combustion produces a wide variety of potentially hazardous organic compounds, such as aldehydes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated hydrocarbons including polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD) and dibenzofurans (PCDF), and even acid gases, including NOx. Many of these hazardous substances are carcinogenic and some have direct systemic toxicity.