14 resultados para ORDER-STATISTICS

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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This paper estimates a new measure of liquidity costs in a market driven by orders. It represents thecost of simultaneously buying and selling a given amount of shares, and it is given by a single measure of ex-ante liquidity that aggregates all available information in the limit order book for a given number of shares. The cost of liquidity is an increasing function relating bid-ask spreads with the amounts available for trading. This measure completely characterizes the cost of liquidity of any given asset. It does not suffer from the usual ambiguities related to either the bid-ask spread or depth when they are considered separately. On the contrary, with a single measure, we are able to capture all dimensions of liquidity costs on ex-ante basis.


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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In a recent paper Leong-Huang:2010 {Journal of Applied Statistics 37, 215–233} proposed a wavelet-correlation-based approach to test for cointegration between two time series. However, correlation and cointegration are two different concepts even when wavelet analysis is used. It is known that statistics based on nonstationary integrated variables have non-standard asymptotic distributions. However, wavelet analysis offsets the integrating order of nonstationary series so that traditional asymptotics on stationary variables suffices to ascertain the statistical properties of wavelet-based statistics. Based on this, this note shows that wavelet correlations cannot be used as a test of cointegration.


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The learning of probability distributions from data is a ubiquitous problem in the fields of Statistics and Artificial Intelligence. During the last decades several learning algorithms have been proposed to learn probability distributions based on decomposable models due to their advantageous theoretical properties. Some of these algorithms can be used to search for a maximum likelihood decomposable model with a given maximum clique size, k, which controls the complexity of the model. Unfortunately, the problem of learning a maximum likelihood decomposable model given a maximum clique size is NP-hard for k > 2. In this work, we propose a family of algorithms which approximates this problem with a computational complexity of O(k · n^2 log n) in the worst case, where n is the number of implied random variables. The structures of the decomposable models that solve the maximum likelihood problem are called maximal k-order decomposable graphs. Our proposals, called fractal trees, construct a sequence of maximal i-order decomposable graphs, for i = 2, ..., k, in k − 1 steps. At each step, the algorithms follow a divide-and-conquer strategy based on the particular features of this type of structures. Additionally, we propose a prune-and-graft procedure which transforms a maximal k-order decomposable graph into another one, increasing its likelihood. We have implemented two particular fractal tree algorithms called parallel fractal tree and sequential fractal tree. These algorithms can be considered a natural extension of Chow and Liu’s algorithm, from k = 2 to arbitrary values of k. Both algorithms have been compared against other efficient approaches in artificial and real domains, and they have shown a competitive behavior to deal with the maximum likelihood problem. Due to their low computational complexity they are especially recommended to deal with high dimensional domains.


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[EN] One universal feature of human languages is the division between grammatical functors and content words. From a learnability point of view, functors might provide entry points or anchors into the syntactic structure of utterances due to their high frequency. Despite its potentially universal scope, this hypothesis has not yet been tested on typologically different languages and on populations of different ages. Here we report a corpus study and an artificial grammar learning experiment testing the anchoring hypothesis in Basque, Japanese, French, and Italian adults. We show that adults are sensitive to the distribution of functors in their native language and use them when learning new linguistic material. However, compared to infants’ performance on a similar task, adults exhibit a slightly different behavior, matching the frequency distributions of their native language more closely than infants do. This finding bears on the issue of the continuity of language learning mechanism.


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[EUS] Ama izatea emakume guztion eskubidea da, baina, aniztasun funtzionala duten emakumeen inguruan ari garenean, gaia tabu bihurtu daiteke. Ikerketa honetan, aniztasun funtzional fisikoa duten emakumeen amatasunaren gaia lantzen da. Horretarako, legedi testuak, datu estatistikoak, ikerketak erabili dira, baina batez ere protagonistei ahotsa eman nahi izan da, aniztasuna funtzional fisikoa duten emakumeak. Seme alabarik gabeko aniztasun funtzionala duten emakumeak, ama izandako aniztasun funtzionala duten emakumeak, eta ama izan ostean aniztasun funtzionala izandako emakumeak. Ateratako emaitzek, ezjakintasuna eta baldintzapen sozialek emakume hauen bizitza modelatzen dutela erakusteaz gain, emakume taldearen arabera bizitza ikuspuntu ezberdinak daudela adierazten dute.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil y otra web (sólo la parte cliente, y puntualmente algún pequeño desarrollo de la parte servidor). La aplicación consiste en la venta de comida por parte de restaurantes de México


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We propose a bio-inspired sequential quantum protocol for the cloning and preservation of the statistics associated to quantum observables of a given system. It combines the cloning of a set of commuting observables, permitted by the no-cloning and no-broadcasting theorems, with a controllable propagation of the initial state coherences to the subsequent generations. The protocol mimics the scenario in which an individual in an unknown quantum state copies and propagates its quantum information into an environment of blank qubits Finally, we propose a realistic experimental implementation of this protocol in trapped ions.


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Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of geometrically confined submicron soft magnetic elements. Here magnetodynamics of relatively thick (50-100 nm) circular Ni80Fe20 dots were probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance in the absence of external magnetic field. Spin excitation modes related to the thickness dependent vortex core gyrotropic dynamics were detected experimentally in the gigahertz frequency range. Both analytical theory and micromagnetic simulations revealed that these exchange dominated modes are flexure oscillations of the vortex core string with n = 0,1,2 nodes along the dot thickness. The intensity of the mode with n = 1 depends significantly on both dot thickness and diameter and in some cases is higher than the one of the uniform mode with n = 0. This opens promising perspectives in the area of spin transfer torque oscillators.