10 resultados para Mathematical Model

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES]El objetivo principal de esta tesis de máster es el estudio del comportamiento térmico del instrumento TriboLAB durante su estancia en la Estación Espacial Internacional, junto con la comparación de dicho comportamiento con el pronosticado por los modelos térmicos matemáticos empleados en el diseño de su sistema de control térmico. El trabajo realizado ha permitido profundizar de forma importante en el conocimiento del mencionado comportamiento. Ello permitirá poner a disposición de otros experimentadores interesados en ubicar sus instrumentos en los balcones exteriores de la Estación Espacial Internacional, información real acerca del comportamiento térmico de un equipo de las características del TriboLAB en dichas condiciones. Información de gran interés para ser empleada en el diseño del control térmico de sus instrumentos, especialmente ahora que la vida útil de la Estación Espacial Internacional ha sido prorrogada hasta 2020. El control térmico de los equipos espaciales es un aspecto clave para asegurar su supervivencia y correcto funcionamiento bajo las extremas condiciones existentes en el espacio. Su misión es mantener los distintos componentes dentro de su rango de temperaturas admisibles, puesto que en caso contrario no podrían funcionar o incluso ni siquiera sobrevivir más allá de esas temperaturas. Adicionalmente ha sido posible comprobar la aplicabilidad de distintas técnicas de análisis de datos funcionales en lo que respecta al estudio del tipo de datos aquí contemplado. Así mismo, se han comparado los resultados de la campaña de ensayos térmicos con los modelos térmicos matemáticos que han guiado el diseño del control térmico, y que son una pieza fundamental en el diseño del control térmico de cualquier instrumento espacial. Ello ha permitido verificar tanto la validez del sistema de control térmico diseñado para el TriboLAB como con la adecuada similitud existente entre los resultados de los modelos térmicos matemáticos y las temperaturas registradas en el equipo. Todo ello, ha sido realizado desde la perspectiva del análisis de datos funcionales.


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This paper presents the construction, mathematical modeling and testing of a scaled universal hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO) device for Wave Energy Converters (WECs). A specific prototype and test bench were designed and built to carry out the tests. The results obtained from these tests were used to adjust an in-house mathematical model. The PTO was initially designed to be coupled to a scaled wave energy capture device with a low speed and high torque oscillating motion and high power fluctuations. Any Energy Capture Device (ECD) that fulfils these requirements can be coupled to this PTO, provided that its scale is adequately defined depending on the rated power of the full scale prototype. The initial calibration included estimation of the pressure drops in the different components, the pressurization time of the oil inside the hydraulic cylinders and the volumetric efficiency of the complete circuit. Since the overall efficiency measured during the tests ranged from 0.69 to 0.8 and the dynamic performance of the PTO was satisfactory, the results are really promising and it is believed that this solution might prove effective in real devices.


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Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).


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[EU]Lan honetan, software diseinu bat sortu nahi da, zeinaren bidez datu-trafikoen monitorizazio sistemak aztertzeko garatu den eredu matematiko bat ebaluatuko den. Eredu horrentzat interfaze bat egin beharko da, eta interfaze horrek esandako eredua ebaluatzeko softwareaz gain, software gehiago biltzeko ahalmena eduki beharko du. Horrela, ikertzaileek Trafikoa Monitorizatzeko Sistemak aztertzeko sortzen diren eredu matematikoak sistema bakarra erabiliz ebaluatu ahalko dute ahalik eta modu errazenean.


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In this paper we study a simple mathematical model of a bilingual community in which all agents are f luent in the majority language but only a fraction of the population has some degree of pro ficiency in the minority language. We investigate how different distributions of pro ficiency, combined with the speaker´attitudes towards or against the minority language, may infl uence its use in pair conversations.


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[EU]Ondorengo lanean ingeniaritzaren eremuan aurkitzen den eginkizunik garrantzitsuenetako bat egingo da: material berri bat karakterizatu. Hau da, errealitatean ikusten duguna era matematiko batean idatzi, edo beste era batean esanda, modelo matematiko bat lortu. Jorratuko den materiala kautxu birziklatua izango da, pneumatiko zaharretatik abiatuz egiten dena. Material honek, besteak beste, hurrengo abantailak ditu: produzitzeko erraza (beraz, prezio ekonomikoak, lehengaiak hondakin solidoak direla ikusita) eta inpakturako erantzun ona. Kautxu hau, beste erabileren artean, segurtasun-errailetan erabiltzen da, moto-gidariak ebaketetatik babesteko. Modelo matematikoa edo konstitutiboa lortzeko, lege hiperelastiko eta biskoelastikoetatik abiatuz, portaera bisko-hiperelastikorako lege bat proposatuko da. Lege hau deformazio handietarako eta deformazio abiadura handietarako aplikatu egingo da. Honen oinarria aurreko urteetan eskola honetako beste ikasleek eginiko gradu eta karrera amaierako lanak izango dira. Behin hau izanda, elementu finituetako software baten bidez simulatuko da, eta emaitza numerikoak esperimentalekin alderatuko dira. Honen bidez, modeloa hobetu ahal izango dugu, zehaztasun gehiago lortzeko asmoz.


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Recent experimental work in the field of synthetic protocell biology has shown that prebiotic vesicles are able to 'steal' lipids from each other. This phenomenon is driven purely by asymmetries in the physical state or composition of the vesicle membranes, and, when lipid resource is limited, translates directly into competition amongst the vesicles. Such a scenario is interesting from an origins of life perspective because a rudimentary form of cell-level selection emerges. To sharpen intuition about possible mechanisms underlying this behaviour, experimental work must be complemented with theoretical modelling. The aim of this paper is to provide a coarse-grain mathematical model of protocell lipid competition. Our model is capable of reproducing, often quantitatively, results from core experimental papers that reported distinct types vesicle competition. Additionally, we make some predictions untested in the lab, and develop a general numerical method for quickly solving the equilibrium point of a model vesicle population.


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Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPA) nanohydrogels were synthesized by nanoemulsion polymerization in water-in-oil systems. Several cross-linking degrees and the incorporation of acrylic acid as comonomer at different concentrations were tested to produce nanohydrogels with a wide range of properties. The physicochemical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels, and their relationship with the swelling-collapse behaviour, were studied to evaluate the suitability of PNIPA nanoparticles as smart delivery systems (for active packaging). The swelling-collapse transition was analyzed by the change in the optical properties of PNIPA nanohydrogels using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters associated with the nanohydrogels collapse were calculated using a mathematical approach based on the van't Hoff analysis, assuming a two-state equilibrium (swollen to collapsed). A mathematical model is proposed to predict both the thermally induced collapse, and the collapse induced by the simultaneous action of two factors (temperature and pH, or temperature and organic solvent concentration). Finally, van't Hoff analysis was compared with differential scanning calorimetry. The results obtained allow us to solve the problem of determining the molecular weight of the structural repeating unit in cross-linked NIPA polymers, which, as we show, can be estimated from the ratio of the molar heat capacity (obtained from the van't Hoff analysis) to the specific heat capacity (obtained from calorimetric measurements).


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Background: Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, and humans acquire the parasite by exposure to contaminated feces from hematophagous insect vectors known as triatomines. Triatoma virus (TrV) is the sole viral pathogen of triatomines, and is transmitted among insects through the fecal-oral route and, as it happens with T. cruzi, the infected insects release the virus when defecating during or after blood uptake. Methods: In this work, we analysed the occurrence of anti-TrV antibodies in human sera from Chagas disease endemic and non-endemic countries, and developed a mathematical model to estimate the transmission probability of TrV from insects to man, which ranged between 0.00053 and 0.0015. Results: Our results confirm that people with Chagas disease living in Bolivia, Argentina and Mexico have been exposed to TrV, and that TrV is unable to replicate in human hosts. Conclusions: We presented the first experimental evidence of antibodies against TrV structural proteins in human sera.