4 resultados para Internet Of Things, IoT, Wearable, Domotica, Embedded, Arduino, Raspberry, Apple, SmartWatch, Apple Watch, Smart Home, Cloud, Computing

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Durante los últimos años hemos venido observando la tendencia a incorporar capacidad de proce- samiento y comunicación a dispositivos que hasta entonces se utilizaban de modo independiente. La evolución de los móviles a smartphones es un claro ejemplo de dicha tendencia, aunque también cabe mencionar otros ejemplos, como es el caso de los denominados hogares inteligentes, en los que elementos del hogar se encuentran interconectados y pueden actuar de modo conjunto. Esta ten- dencia no se limita a sistemas independientes, sino que propone interconectar todos los elementos disponibles para conformar la denominada Internet de los Objetos/Cosas o Internet of Things, IoT. Una de las mayores dificultades que se presenta en estos sistemas es que las características de es- tos nuevos dispositivos inteligentes, en general limitados en términos de cómputo, almacenamiento, autonomía o comunicación, queda a menudo lejos de los equipos informáticos tradicionales. Esta cuestión, junto con la ausencia de estándares para gestionar estos dispositivos, constituye un impor- tante problema a abordar. Considerando este marco, en este proyecto se ha desarrollado una aplicación orientada a este tipo de dispositivos. Más concretamente, la aplicación tiene como soporte una red de sensores inalámbricos, WSN, con el objetivo de realizar seguimiento de individuos. Cabe destacar que el desarrollo de la aplicación se ha realizado utilizando Contiki OS, sistema ope- rativo diseñado especialmente para dispositivos con características limitadas como los presentados anteriormente y firme candidato a convertirse en estándar.


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Trabajo realizado en la empresa ULMA Embedded Solutions


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Migrating to cloud computing is one of the current enterprise challenges. This technology provides a new paradigm based on "on-demand payment" for information and communication technologies. In this sense, the small and medium enterprise is supposed to be the most interested, since initial investments are avoided and the technology allows gradual implementation. However, even if the characteristics and capacities have been widely discussed, entry into the cloud is still lacking in terms of practical, real frameworks. This paper aims at filling this gap, presenting a real tool already implemented and tested, which can be used as a cloud computing adoption decision tool. This tool uses diagnosis based on specific questions to gather the required information and subsequently provide the user with valuable information to deploy the business within the cloud, specifically in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This information allows the decision makers to generate their particular Cloud Road. A pilot study has been carried out with enterprises at a local level with a two-fold objective: To ascertain the degree of knowledge on cloud computing and to identify the most interesting business areas and their related tools for this technology. As expected, the results show high interest and low knowledge on this subject and the tool presented aims to readdress this mismatch, insofar as possible. Copyright: © 2015 Bildosola et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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How can networking affect the turnout in an election? We present a simple model to explain turnout as a result of a dynamic process of formation of the intention to vote within Erdös-Renyi random networks. Citizens have fixed preferences for one of two parties and are embedded in a given social network. They decide whether or not to vote on the basis of the attitude of their immediate contacts. They may simply follow the behavior of the majority (followers) or make an adaptive local calculus of voting (Downsian behavior). So they either have the intention of voting when the majority of their neighbors are willing to vote too, or they vote when they perceive in their social neighborhood that elections are "close". We study the long run average turnout, interpreted as the actual turnout observed in an election. Depending on the combination of values of the two key parameters, the average connectivity and the probability of behaving as a follower or in a Downsian fashion, the system exhibits monostability (zero turnout), bistability (zero turnout and either moderate or high turnout) or tristability (zero, moderate and high turnout). This means, in particular, that for a wide range of values of both parameters, we obtain realistic turnout rates, i.e. between 50% and 90%.