4 resultados para Fear of Floating

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of Small-Sided Games (SSG) vs. Interval Training (IT) in soccer training on aerobic fitness and physical enjoyment in youth elite soccer players during the last 8 weeks of the season. Seventeen U-16 male soccer players (age = 15.5 +/- 0.6 years, and 8.5 years of experience) of a Spanish First Division club academy were randomized to 2 different groups for 6 weeks: SSG group (n = 9) and IT group (n = 8). In addition to the usual technical and tactical sessions and competitive games, the SSG group performed 11 sessions with different SSGs, whereas the IT group performed the same number of sessions of IT. Players were tested before and after the 6-week training intervention with a continuous maximal multistage running field test and the counter movement jump test (CMJ). At the end of the study, players answered the physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES). During the study, heart rate (HR) and session perceived effort (sRPE) were assessed. SSGs were as effective as IT in maintaining the aerobic fitness in elite young soccer players during the last weeks of the season. Players in the SSG group declared a greater physical enjoyment than IT (P = 0.006; ES = 1.86 +/- 1.07). Coaches could use SSG training during the last weeks of the season as an option without fear of losing aerobic fitness while promoting high physical enjoyment.


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[ES] La estrategia de la Banca española con respecto a Internet se ha enmarcado entre la modernización del sector y el miedo a la competencia de terceras partes. En el artículo mostramos como, desde la efervescencia inicial, las entidades se han centrado en construir un negocio rentable parte de una estrategia multicanal. Sin embargo todavía las instituciones españolas no han conseguido aprovechar todas las ventajas que presenta Internet a la hora de facilitar la comercialización de productos financieros.


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Este trabajo se encuentra bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.


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[EU]Ikerketa honen bidez XXI. Mendeko emakumezkoek sentitzen duten segurtasun-ezaren eragileak zeintzuk diren eta zergatik mantentzen diren jakin nahi da. Segurtasun-ezari buruzko bibliografiarik esanguratsuenaren azterketa egin ondoren, atal teorikoan jaso dira aipagarrienak diren eragile edo faktoreak, ikuspegi makro, meso eta mikro-soziologikoak aplikatuaz. Era berean, atal honen baitan bildu dira fenomenoa generoaren ikuspegitik behatu duten hainbat ikerketen ekarpenak. Atal enpirikoa egikaritzeko, metodologia kualitatiboa erabiliaz sei elkarrizketa egin zaizkie adin desberdinetako sei emakumezkori. Pertsonen hautaketa egiterako orduan bi aldagai hartu dira kontuan: bizilekua (hiri eremua eta herri eremua desberdinduz) eta amatasuna (seme alabak izatea ala ez izatea zehaztuz), parekotasuna bilatu delarik laginaren baitan kolektibo desberdinetako emakumeen esperientziak jaso ahal izateko. Lortutako emaitzak atal teorikoan landutako ikerketekin kontrastatu dira eta amaitzeko, ondorio orokorrei buruzko sintesia egin da etorkizunerako ikuspegiak kontuan hartuz.