28 resultados para Ernesto Sábato

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Orden nº 52 (13 de agosto). Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-12. 1 hoja. Orden nº 53 (15 de agosto). Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-13. 1 hoja. Mecanografiadas


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Ponencia presentada y defendida en las XIV jornadas Hispano Lusas de Gestión Científica celebradas en Azores en febrero de 2004.


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In this paper, the influence on corrugation of the most significant track parameters has been examined. After this parametric study, the optimization of the track parameters to minimize the undulatory wear growth has been achieved. Finally, the influence of the dispersion of the track and contact parameters on corrugation growth has been studied. A method has been developed to obtain an optimal solution of the track parameters which minimizes corrugation growth, thus ensuring that this solution remains optimum despite dispersion of track parameters and wheel-rail contact uncertainties. This work is based on the computer application RACING (RAil Corrugation INitiation and Growth) which has been developed by the authors to predict rail corrugation features.


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This work shows the method developed to solve the wheel-rail contact problem via a look-up table with a three-dimensional elastic model. This method enables introduction of the two contact point effect on vehicle movement using three-dimensional analysis of surfaces including the influence of the angle of attack. This work presents several dynamic simulations and studies the impact that the introduction of the two contact points on three dimensions has on wear indexes and derailment risk against traditional bidimensional analysis. Furthermore, it studies advantages and disadvantages of using a look-up table against an on-line resolution of the problem.


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Tracking the evolution of research in waste recycling science (WRS) can be valuable for environmental agencies, as well as for recycling businesses. Maps of science are visual, easily readable representations of the cognitive structure of a branch of science, a particular area of research or the global spectrum of scientific production. They are generally built upon evidence collected from reliable sources of information, such as patent and scientific publication databases. This study uses the methodology developed by Rafols et al. (2010) to make a “double overlay map” of WRS upon a basemap reflecting the cognitive structure of all journal-published science, for the years 2005 and 2010. The analysis has taken into account the cognitive areas where WRS articles are published and the areas from where it takes its intellectual nourishing, paying special attention to the growing trends of the key areas. Interpretation of results lead to the conclusion that extraction of energy from waste will probably be an important research topic in the future, along with developments in general chemistry and chemical engineering oriented to the recovery of valuable materials from waste. Agricultural and material sciences, together with the combined economics, politics and geography field, are areas with which WRS shows a relevant and ever increasing cognitive relationship.


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El clorhidrato de tiaprida es una benzamida u ortopramida con efecto neuroléptico atípico. En el presente trabajo se estudia el efecto del clorhidrato de tiaprida sobre el consumo de oxígeno, glucosa, fosforilación oxidativa mitocondrial, actividad ATPasa y la interacción con diversos neurotransmisores en preparaciones de cortes de corteza de rata "in vitro". En relación con el MATERIAL Y METODOS, se determinó el consumo de oxígeno en cortes, homogeneizados y mitocondrias de cerebro de rata "in vitro" mediante técnica manométrica. La actividad ATPasa se determinó estimando el fosfato inorgánico liberado a partir del adenosín-trifosfato (ATP) en ausencia y en presencia de ouabaína. Se determinó el consumo de glucosa mediante el proceder de la glucosa-oxidasa y también se estudió la fosforilación oxidativa mitocondrial. Para el estudio de las interacciones con los neurotransmisores se recurrió a los cortes de cortaza cerebral de rata "in vitro". Se determinó el valor de la Concentración Inbitoria50 cuando el antagonismo era de tipo no competitivo. El clorhidrato de tiaprida a las concentraciones de 10-3, 10-4 y 10-5M disminuye el consumo de oxígeno de homogeneizados de cerebro de rata "in vitro", no desacopla la fosforilación oxidativa mitocondrial, no modifica el consumo de oxígeno y de glucosa de cortes de cerebro de rata "in vitro" incubados en solución de Krebs-Ringer fosfato normal, no inhibe la actividad ATPasa de membrana sodio-potasio dependiente, ni la actividad ATPasa no sensible a ouabaína. El clorhidrato de tiaprida a la concentración de 10-6M antagoniza el incremento de consumo de oxígeno inducido por la dopamina en cortes de cerebro de rata "in vitro" incubados en solución de Krebs-Ringer fosfato pH 7.4 con glucosa 10 mM, siendo este antagonismo de tipo no competitivo. El clorhidrato de tiaprida no modifica los efectos de histamina y serotonina sobre el consumo de oxígeno de cortes de cerebro de rata.


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This paper presents a model designed to study vertical interactions between wheel and rail when the wheel moves over a rail welding. The model focuses on the spatial domain, and is drawn up in a simple fashion from track receptances. The paper obtains the receptances from a full track model in the frequency domain already developed by the authors, which includes deformation of the rail section and propagation of bending, elongation and torsional waves along an infinite track. Transformation between domains was secured by applying a modified rational fraction polynomials method. This obtains a track model with very few degrees of freedom, and thus with minimum time consumption for integration, with a good match to the original model over a sufficiently broad range of frequencies. Wheel-rail interaction is modelled on a non-linear Hertzian spring, and consideration is given to parametric excitation caused by the wheel moving over a sleeper, since this is a moving wheel model and not a moving irregularity model. The model is used to study the dynamic loads and displacements emerging at the wheel-rail contact passing over a welding defect at different speeds.


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This paper analyzes the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for predicting the received power/path loss in both outdoor and indoor links. The approach followed has been a combined use of ANNs and ray-tracing, the latter allowing the identification and parameterization of the so-called dominant path. A complete description of the process for creating and training an ANN-based model is presented with special emphasis on the training process. More specifically, we will be discussing various techniques to arrive at valid predictions focusing on an optimum selection of the training set. A quantitative analysis based on results from two narrowband measurement campaigns, one outdoors and the other indoors, is also presented.


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This paper sets out an optimum synthesis methodology for wheel profiles of railway vehicles in order to secure good dynamic behaviour with different track configurations. Specifically, the optimisation process has been applied to the case of rail wheelsets mounted on double gauge bogies, that move over two different gauges, which also have different types of rail: the Iberian gauge (1668 mm) and the UIC gauge (1435 mm). Optimisation is performed using Genetic Algorithms and traditional optimisation methods in a complementary way. The objective function used is based on an ideal equivalent conicity curve which ensures good stability on straight sections and also proper negotiation of curves. To this end the curve is constructed in such a way that it is constant with a low value for small lateral wheelset displacements (with regard to stability), and increases as the displacements increase (to facilitate negotiation of curved sections). Using this kind of ideal conicity curve also enables a wheel profile to be secured where the contact points have a larger distribution over the active contact areas, making wear more homogeneous and reducing stresses. The result is a wheel profile with a conicity that is closer to the target conicity for both gauges studied, producing better curve negotiation while maintaining good stability on straight sections of track. The paper shows the resultant wheel profile, the contact curves it produces, and a number of dynamic analyses demonstrating better dynamic behaviour of the synthesised wheel on curved sections with respect to the original wheel.


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The objective of this paper is to compare 3 types of track (high performance ballasted track, STEDEF and AFTRAV) from the corrugation growth point of view. This work has considered different vehicle speeds and track radii, and the results have taken into account the four wheels of a bogie. These tracks have been studied using Finite Elements with Nastran-Patran and RACING, a tool developed in Matlab by the authors which estimates the corrugation growth tendency. The tracks are studied using the Finite Strip Method and the Periodic Structure Theory. Lateral and vertical receptances for track and vehicle have been obtained, as well as the corrugation growth functions. In the paper the tracks are ranked according to corrugation development.


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Congreso 750 aniversario de la fundación de la villa de Salvatierra. Ana de Begoña Azcárraga y Henrike Knörr Borras in memorian.


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[ES]Hoy en día, los sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos soportan un amplio número de servicios como la voz, datos y vídeos que requieren unas grandes tasas de transmisión. Por ello la mejora de la calidad del enlace que ofrecen los sistemas MIMO es clave. El problema surge al colocar varias antenas en un terminal móvil sin que aparezca un acoplamiento entre las distintas antenas que evite el correcto funcionamiento de estas. En este documento se realizará un estudio de los diferentes métodos de desacoplo entre antenas PIFA (Planar Inverted-F antenna) en un terminal móvil.


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[ES]En este documento se tratará de recopilar toda la información y documentación que ha sido necesaria para la correcta elaboración del proyecto que estamos llevando a cabo. El objetivo final del mismo consiste en el diseño y análisis de un reflectoarray que trabaje en banda L, pero cuyo diseño sea adaptable a otras bandas de funcionamiento existentes. Estará destinado a la transmisión de una señal de modo que resulte un sistema que optimice tanto rendimiento como coste. Para ello, en este documento se recogen aspectos como: análisis teórico de funcionamiento, resultados de simulaciones, planificación de tareas, etcétera, es decir, todo lo necesario para finalizar con éxito el proyecto, logrando los objetivos previamente establecidos.


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[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado trata sobre el diseño de un array de antenas en tecnología microstrip para ser utilizado en la banda de 5 GHz del estándar de tecnologías inalámbricas IEEE 802.11a. Se buscará aplicar la teoría de arrays para conseguir la mayor ganancia posible, pero al mismo tiempo tratando de obtener un gran ancho de banda para que la antena sea óptima dentro de la mayor parte posible de la banda especificada. El proyecto partirá de un único parche microstrip para posteriormente ir evolucionando el diseño hasta llegar a un array de 2x2 elementos. Al primer diseño se le irán añadiendo progresivamente todos los componentes necesarios (red de adaptación, desfasadores, mayor número de parches, etc.) para poder ir estudiando las simulaciones a la vez que el diseño progresa. Todos los diseños se realizarán con el software ADS (Advanced Design System) de la compañía Agilent Technologies. Finalmente se fabricará el array diseñado y se medirá para contrastarlo con las simulaciones.


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Comparación entre la gran depresión y la crisis de 2008