4 resultados para Dosage thérapeutique

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Background: Contrary to what is generally thought schizophrenia is a very common mental health issue. For this, several animal models are used to assess the illness in order to develop a definitive. The most widely spread paradigm is the use of pharmacological models. Aim: The aim of this review is to display which are the most used insults for the assessment of social behaviour related negative symptoms in animal models as well as to ascertain which is the most adequate regime. Design: Literature review. Methods: PubMed database was used for this article by the search of the indexed “schizophrenia”, “animal models”, “social behaviour” and “negative symptoms” descriptors. With the exception of a single article due to it value this review is based on articles from 10 years onwards. Besides, only clinical trials and reviews written in English or Spanish and that had laboratory rodents as target population were accepted. Results: The studies assessed agree that pharmacological models (specially those regarding the NMDA receptor antagonists) are a valuable means for the experimental investigation of negative symptoms in schizophrenia with the necessity to emphasise that only some negative symptoms (anhedonia and social interaction, mainly) can be experimentally assessed. Conclusions: There is not enough evidence regarding the fours aspects of this review. PCP, Ketamine or MK-801 in sub-acute dosage regimes are currently the most indicated insults to mimic schizophrenic symptoms in rodents, although further research in needed, albeit other substances are valuable as well. (In English language exclusively)


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[EN]Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has many potential healthful properties, and beef is naturally enriched with CLA. Simple and rapid methods to measure total CLA were investigated to enable sorting of beef carcasses with potential enhanced economic value. Direct alcohol extraction combined with measuring absorbance was simple, accurate and perhaps the most viable method for rapid carcass sorting compared to methods using saponification or methylation followed by extraction.


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[EU]Lan honek Curriculuma Norbanakoari Egokitzeko (CNE) programen eremuan egindako prestakuntza-jardueraren harira bildutako hausnarketak jasotzen ditu. Hezkuntza premia bereziak (HPB) dituzten ikasleekin jarduten duten irakasleen kezka handi bat ikasleen mintzaira garapena da. Ikuspuntu terapeutikoaren mugak gainditzeko asmoz, sekuentzia didaktikoen metodologia proposatzen da hizkuntzaren lanabes. Egindako saioetan ikasleen komunikazio ahalmena garatzeko bidean aurkitu ditugun egitekoak, berezitasun eta arazoak aditzera eman nahi dira


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[EN] Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) represent a major clinical challenge in the ageing population. To address this problem, rhEGF-loaded Poly-Lactic-co-Glycolic-Acid (PLGA)-Alginate microspheres (MS) were prepared by a modified w/o/w-doubleemulsion/ solvent evaporation method. Different formulations were evaluated with the aim of optimising MSs properties by adding NaCl to the surfactant solution and/or the solvent removal phase and adding alginate as a second polymer. The characterization of the developed MS showed that alginate incorporation increased the encapsulation efficiency (EE) and NaCl besides increasing the EE also became the particle surface smooth and regular. Once the MS were optimised, the target loading of rhEGF was increased to 1% (PLGA-Alginate MS), and particles were sterilised by gamma radiation to provide the correct dosage for in vivo studies. In vitro cell culture assays demonstrated that neither the microencapsulation nor the sterilisation process affected rhEGF bioactivity or rhEGF wound contraction. Finally, the MS were evaluated in vivo for treatment of the full-thickness wound model in diabetised Wistar rats. rhEGF MS treated animals showed a statistically significant decrease of the wound area by days 7 and 11, a complete re-epithelisation by day 11 and an earlier resolution of the inflammatory process. Overall, these findings demonstrate the promising potential of rhEGF-loaded MS (PLGA-Alginate MS) to promote faster and more effective wound healing, and suggest its possible application in DFU treatment.