3 resultados para Dance. Dance history. Memory. Creative process

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[eus] Lan honen ikerkuntza gaia sormena da. Ibilbide honetan, sormena ardatz eta oinarri hartuz, DBH-ko Marrazketa Teknikoko ikasleek Haur Hezkuntzako umeentzat bideratutako Formak jokoa asmatu dute. Bi erronka nagusi izan ditu lan honek: alde batetik, DBH-ko ikasleekin batera, aholkulari lanak eginez, jokoa eraikitzeko prozesu sortzaile bat aurrera eramatea. Bestetik, HH-ko umeentzat joko sortzaile bat formulatzea. Joko honen helburu nagusiena pertsona guztiengan existitzen den sormen gaitasuna bultzatzea, sustatzea eta garatzea izan delarik. Bidean azaldu diren erronkei aurre egin eta konponbidea topatzerako orduan, egilearen Haur zein Bigarren hezkuntzako hezitzaile perfil bikoitza ezinbesteko tresna izan da. Ikuspuntu bikoitz honek, sormenaren txertatzea hezkuntzako fase bakoitzari egokitzea ahalbidetu du, hezkuntza prozesu globala dela argi izanik.


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Objective: to analyze what nursing models and nursing assessment structures have been used in the implementation of the nursing process at the public and private centers in the health area Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). Method: a retrospective study was undertaken, based on the analysis of the nursing records used at the 158 centers studied. Results: the Henderson model, Carpenito's bifocal structure, Gordon's assessment structure and the Resident Assessment Instrument Nursing Home 2.0 have been used as nursing models and assessment structures to implement the nursing process. At some centers, the selected model or assessment structure has varied over time. Conclusion: Henderson's model has been the most used to implement the nursing process. Furthermore, the trend is observed to complement or replace Henderson's model by nursing assessment structures.


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Emergent properties of global political culture were examined using data from the World History Survey (WHS) involving 6,902 university students in 37 countries evaluating 40 figures from world history. Multidimensional scaling and factor analysis techniques found only limited forms of universality in evaluations across Western, Catholic/Orthodox, Muslim, and Asian country clusters. The highest consensus across cultures involved scientific innovators, with Einstein having the most positive evaluation overall. Peaceful humanitarians like Mother Theresa and Gandhi followed. There was much less cross-cultural consistency in the evaluation of negative figures, led by Hitler, Osama bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein. After more traditional empirical methods (e.g., factor analysis) failed to identify meaningful cross-cultural patterns, Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) was used to identify four global representational profiles: Secular and Religious Idealists were overwhelmingly prevalent in Christian countries, and Political Realists were common in Muslim and Asian countries. We discuss possible consequences and interpretations of these different representational profiles.