14 resultados para Constraint qualifications

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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This paper is focused on the study of the important property of the asymptotic hyperstability of a class of continuous-time dynamic systems. The presence of a parallel connection of a strictly stable subsystem to an asymptotically hyperstable one in the feed-forward loop is allowed while it has also admitted the generation of a finite or infinite number of impulsive control actions which can be combined with a general form of nonimpulsive controls. The asymptotic hyperstability property is guaranteed under a set of sufficiency-type conditions for the impulsive controls.


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23 p. -- An extended abstract of this work appears in the proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science


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We consider the quanti fied constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) which is to decide, given a structure and a first-order sentence (not assumed here to be in prenex form) built from conjunction and quanti fication, whether or not the sentence is true on the structure. We present a proof system for certifying the falsity of QCSP instances and develop its basic theory; for instance, we provide an algorithmic interpretation of its behavior. Our proof system places the established Q-resolution proof system in a broader context, and also allows us to derive QCSP tractability results.


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903 páginas, bibliografía en páginas 854-895, glosario en páginas 896-903


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This paper investigates optimal fiscal policy in a static multisector model. A Ramsey type planner chooses tax rates on each good type as well as spending levels on each good type subject to an exogenous total expenditure constraint and requirements that some minimum amount of spending be undertaken in each sector. It is shown that optimal policy does not equally spend in each sector but instead results in one of the minimum expenditure constraints binding.


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[EN]This paper deals with the so-called Person Case Constraint (Bonet, 1991), a universal constraint blocking accusative clitics and object agreement morphemes other than third person when a dative is inserted in the same clitic/agreement cluster. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we argue that the scope of the PCC is considerably broader than assumed in previous work, and that neither its formulation in terms of person (1st/2nd vs. 3rd)-case (accusative vs. dative) restrictions nor its morphological nature are part of the right descriptive generalization.We present evidence (i) that the PCC is triggered by the presence of an animacy feature in the object’s agreement set; (ii) that it is not case dependent, also showing up in languages that lack dative case; and (iii) that it is not morphologically bound. Second, we argue that the PCC, even if it is modified accordingly, still puts together two different properties of the agreement system that should be set apart: (i) a cross linguistic sensitivity of object agreement to animacy and (ii) a similarly widespread restriction on multiple object agreement observed crosslinguistically. These properties lead us to propose a new generalization, the Object Agreement Constraint (OAC): if the verbal complex encodes object agreement, no other argument can be licensed through verbal agreement.


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Maia Duguine, Susana Huidobro and Nerea Madariaga (eds.)


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Scalable video coding allows an efficient provision of video services at different quality levels with different energy demands. According to the specific type of service and network scenario, end users and/or operators may decide to choose among different energy versus quality combinations. In order to deal with the resulting trade-off, in this paper we analyze the number of video layers that are worth to be received taking into account the energy constraints. A single-objective optimization is proposed based on dynamically selecting the number of layers, which is able to minimize the energy consumption with the constraint of a minimal quality threshold to be reached. However, this approach cannot reflect the fact that the same increment of energy consumption may result in different increments of visual quality. Thus, a multiobjective optimization is proposed and a utility function is defined in order to weight the energy consumption and the visual quality criteria. Finally, since the optimization solving mechanism is computationally expensive to be implemented in mobile devices, a heuristic algorithm is proposed. This way, significant energy consumption reduction will be achieved while keeping reasonable quality levels.


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The problem discussed is the stability of two input-output feedforward and feedback relations, under an integral-type constraint defining an admissible class of feedback controllers. Sufficiency-type conditions are given for the positive, bounded and of closed range feed-forward operator to be strictly positive and then boundedly invertible, with its existing inverse being also a strictly positive operator. The general formalism is first established and the linked to properties of some typical contractive and pseudocontractive mappings while some real-world applications and links of the above formalism to asymptotic hyperstability of dynamic systems are discussed later on.


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Tesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178 p.


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XX. mendean eman zen hezkuntza sistemaren aldaketa dela eta agertutako “Eskola Berria”ren mugimenduaren barnean dagoen Amara Berri Sistema mugimendu garrantzitsua eta oso berritzailea da. Hezkuntza kalitatea hobetzeko nahiarekin, hogei hezkuntza zentro baino gehiagok lan-sare bat osatzen dute, non sistema honen finkatzeari eta garapenari erreferentzia egiten dioten helburuak ezartzen diren. Ikerketa lan honetan ikasleen kalifikazio akademikoak eta irakasleek Amara Berri Sistemaren gainean duten pertzepzioa ageri dira. Horrela, Amara Berri Sistemak eskolari eta bertako kideei dakarkien onurak anitzak direla eta egiaztaturik daudela baieztatzen dugu.


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[EN]In this report we present the tags we use when annotating the gold standard of syntactic functions and the decisions taken during its annotation. The gold standard is a necessary resource to evaluate the rulebased surface syntactic parser (the one based on the Constraint Grammar formalism), and, moreover, it can be useful to develop and evaluate statistical parsers. The tags we are presenting here follow the Constraint Grammar (CG) formalism (Karlsson et al., 1995). In fact, last experiments show that good results have been obtained when parsing with CG (Karlsson et al., 1995; Samuelsson and Voutilainen,1997; Tapanainen and Järvinen, 1997; Bick, 2000).


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In recent years, the performance of semi-supervised learning has been theoretically investigated. However, most of this theoretical development has focussed on binary classification problems. In this paper, we take it a step further by extending the work of Castelli and Cover [1] [2] to the multi-class paradigm. Particularly, we consider the key problem in semi-supervised learning of classifying an unseen instance x into one of K different classes, using a training dataset sampled from a mixture density distribution and composed of l labelled records and u unlabelled examples. Even under the assumption of identifiability of the mixture and having infinite unlabelled examples, labelled records are needed to determine the K decision regions. Therefore, in this paper, we first investigate the minimum number of labelled examples needed to accomplish that task. Then, we propose an optimal multi-class learning algorithm which is a generalisation of the optimal procedure proposed in the literature for binary problems. Finally, we make use of this generalisation to study the probability of error when the binary class constraint is relaxed.


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[EU]Garatutako txosten honekin, etxebizitza baten kalifikazio energetikoa burutuko da. Izan ere, gai honek orain dela bi urte sartu zen dekretuaren ondorioz berebiziko garrantzia hartu du etxe bat saldu edo alokatzeko orduan. Aipatutako kalifikazio energetikoa lortu ahal izateko CE3X programa erabiliko da. Horretarako, beharrezko izango da aztertutako etxearen datu aipagarrienak izatea (neurriak, materialak, leihoak...). Lehenik eta behin, proiektuaren helburu den etxebizitzaren kalifikazio energetikoa lortuko da, F letra eskuratuz, oso kalifikazio baxua dena. Ondoren, hobekuntza batzuk aplikatuko zaizkio etxeari energia eraginkortasuna hobetzeko asmoarekin. Hori eginez gero, E letra bat lortzea posible izango da amortizazio epe eta inbertsio nahiko onargarriekin.