12 resultados para Co-polar

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES] Este trabajo trata de profundizar en la comprensión del concepto de marketing interno (MI), considerado como un recurso operante desde la óptica de la Lógica Dominante del Servicio (LDS), así como en su influencia en la obtención de resultados empresariales superiores a los de la competencia. Para ello, se examina el efecto del MI en la predisposición de las empresas analizadas a que sus clientes y empleados de primera línea participen en el desarrollo de innovaciones de servicio, ampliando de este modo, de acuerdo con la LDS, las oportunidades de co-creación de valor disponibles para las organizaciones. Para contrastar las hipótesis planteadas se aplica un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales a la información facilitada por los gerentes de 240 hoteles de una muestra de ámbito nacional.


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[EN]Rumenic acid (cis9,trans11-18:2) is the main natural isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Rumenic acid has many purported health benefits, but effects of most other CLA isomers are unknown. Typically trans7,cis9-18:2 is the second most abundant CLA isomer, but it co-elutes with rumenic acid on conventional polar gas chromatography (GC) columns, requiring complimentary analysis with silver-ion high performance liquid chromatography (Ag(+)-HPLC). Herein we report a rapid method for analyzing rumenic acid and trans7,cis9-18:2 using a 30 m ionic-liquid GC column. Optimal resolution of the two CLA isomers was at 145 degrees C and analysis of backfat from barley-fed cattle compared well with GC/Ag(+)-HPLC (y =0.978x - 0.031, r =0.985, P <0.001).


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La tesis se ha centrado en la síntesis y caracterización estructural de materiales tipo perovskita: SrLnMRuO6 (Ln=La,Pr,Nd; M=Zn,Co,Mg,Ni,Fe) y ALn2CuTi2O9 (A=Ca,Ba; Ln=La,Pr,Nd,Sm). El estudio de las estructuras de los materiales se ha realizado mediante el análisis de los patrones de difracción en polvo de rayos-X, sincrotrón y/o neutrones. En el refinamiento por el método de Rietveld de las estructuras se han sustituido las coordenadas atómicas (el método más común), por coordenadas colectivas: las amplitudes de los modos que describen la distorsión de la fase prototipo. Los resultados generales para la serie SrLnMRuO6 (Ln=La,Pr,Nd; M=Zn,Co,Mg,Ni) a temperatura ambiente se ha recogido en un diagrama en el que se han indicado las amplitudes de los modos que transforman de acuerdo a las irreps en función del factor de tolerancia, ya que todos ellos cristalizan en la misma fase monoclínica (P21/n); y a temperaturas altas se ha construido un diagrama de fase. Los materiales SrLnFeRuO6 ( Ln=La,Pr,Nd) y CaLn2CuTi2O9 cristalizan en la fase ortorrómbica Pbnm a temperatura ambiente; mientras que BaLn2CuTi2O9 tienen una estructura más simétrica, I4/mcm. A altas temperaturas se han identificado las transiciones de fase inducidas por el cambio de temperatura.A temperaturas bajas se han analizado las estructuras magnéticas de algunos de los compuestos mediante difracción de neutrones.


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JEMS 2012 - Joint European Magnetic Symposia edited by Tiberto, P; Affronte, M; Casoli, F; Fernandez, CD; Gubbiotti, G; Marquina, C; Pratt, F; Solzi, M; Tacchi, S; Vavassori, P. 6th Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS) Parma, ITALY SEP 09-14, 2012


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Papillomaviruses (PVs) are widespread pathogens. However, the extent of PV infections in bats remains largely unknown. This work represents the first comprehensive study of PVs in Iberian bats. We identified four novel PVs in the mucosa of free-ranging Eptesicus serotinus (EserPV1, EserPV2, and EserPV3) and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (RferPV1) individuals and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships within the viral family. We further assessed their prevalence in different populations of E. serotinus and its close relative E. isabellinus. Although it is frequent to read that PVs co-evolve with their host, that PVs are highly species-specific, and that PVs do not usually recombine, our results suggest otherwise. First, strict virus-host co-evolution is rejected by the existence of five, distantly related bat PV lineages and by the lack of congruence between bats and bat PVs phylogenies. Second, the ability of EserPV2 and EserPV3 to infect two different bat species (E. serotinus and E. isabellinus) argues against strict host specificity. Finally, the description of a second noncoding region in the RferPV1 genome reinforces the view of an increased susceptibility to recombination in the E2-L2 genomic region. These findings prompt the question of whether the prevailing paradigms regarding PVs evolution should be reconsidered.


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Kike Infameri (Infame & Co) Euskal irudigileen elkarteari buruzko lekarrizketa


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Spintronics, or spin electronics, is aimed at efficient control and manipulation of spin degrees of freedom in electron systems. To comply with demands of nowaday spintronics, the studies of electron systems hosting giant spin-orbit-split electron states have become one of the most important problems providing us with a basis for desirable spintronics devices. In construction of such devices, it is also tempting to involve graphene, which has attracted great attention because of its unique and remarkable electronic properties and was recognized as a viable replacement for silicon in electronics. In this case, a challenging goal is to lift spin degeneracy of graphene Dirac states. Here, we propose a novel pathway to achieve this goal by means of coupling of graphene and polar-substrate surface states with giant Rashba-type spin-splitting. We theoretically demonstrate it by constructing the graphene@BiTeCl system, which appears to possess spin-helical graphene Dirac states caused by the strong interaction of Dirac and Rashba electrons. We anticipate that our findings will stimulate rapid growth in theoretical and experimental investigations of graphene Dirac states with real spin-momentum locking, which can revolutionize the graphene spintronics and become a reliable base for prospective spintronics applications.


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A diffraction mechanism is proposed for the capture, multiple bouncing and final escape of a fast ion (keV) impinging on the surface of a polarizable material at grazing incidence. Capture and escape are effected by elastic quantum diffraction consisting of the exchange of a parallel surface wave vector G= 2p/ a between the ion parallel momentum and the surface periodic potential of period a. Diffraction- assisted capture becomes possible for glancing angles F smaller than a critical value given by Fc 2- 2./ a-| Vim|/ E, where E is the kinetic energy of the ion,. = h/ Mv its de Broglie wavelength and Vim its average electronic image potential at the distance from the surface where diffraction takes place. For F< Fc, the ion can fall into a selected capture state in the quasi- continuous spectrum of its image potential and execute one or several ricochets before being released by the time reversed diffraction process. The capture, ricochet and escape are accompanied by a large, periodic energy loss of several tens of eV in the forward motion caused by the coherent emission of a giant number of quanta h. of Fuchs- Kliewer surface phonons characteristic of the polar material. An analytical calculation of the energy loss spectrum, based on the proposed diffraction process and using a model ion-phonon coupling developed earlier (Lucas et al 2013 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 355009), is presented, which fully explains the experimental spectrum of Villette et al (2000 Phys. Rev. Lett. 85 3137) for Ne+ ions ricocheting on a LiF(001) surface.


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Fe3O4 and ZnxFe3-xO4 pure and doped magnetite magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared in aqueous solution (Series A) or in a water-ethyl alcohol mixture (Series B) by the co-precipitation method. Only one ferromagnetic resonance line was observed in all cases under consideration indicating that the materials are magnetically uniform. The shortfall in the resonance fields from 3.27 kOe (for the frequency of 9.5 GHz) expected for spheres can be understood taking into account the dipolar forces, magnetoelasticity, or magnetocrystalline anisotropy. All samples show non-zero low field absorption. For Series A samples the grain size decreases with an increase of the Zn content. In this case zero field absorption does not correlate with the changes of the grain size. For Series B samples the grain size and zero field absorption behavior correlate with each other. The highest zero-field absorption corresponded to 0.2 zinc concentration in both A and B series. High zero-field absorption of Fe3O4 ferrite magnetic NPs can be interesting for biomedical applications.


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Papillomaviruses (PVs) are widespread pathogens. However, the extent of PV infections in bats remains largely unknown. This work represents the first comprehensive study of PVs in Iberian bats. We identified four novel PVs in the mucosa of free-ranging Eptesicus serotinus (EserPV1, EserPV2, and EserPV3) and Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (RferPV1) individuals and analyzed their phylogenetic relationships within the viral family. We further assessed their prevalence in different populations of E. serotinus and its close relative E. isabellinus. Although it is frequent to read that PVs co-evolve with their host, that PVs are highly species-specific, and that PVs do not usually recombine, our results suggest otherwise. First, strict virus-host co-evolution is rejected by the existence of five, distantly related bat PV lineages and by the lack of congruence between bats and bat PVs phylogenies. Second, the ability of EserPV2 and EserPV3 to infect two different bat species (E. serotinus and E. isabellinus) argues against strict host specificity. Finally, the description of a second noncoding region in the RferPV1 genome reinforces the view of an increased susceptibility to recombination in the E2-L2 genomic region. These findings prompt the question of whether the prevailing paradigms regarding PVs evolution should be reconsidered.


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Comunicación al congreso 1st European Conference on Metal Organic Frameworks and Porous Polymers, celebrado en Postdam del 11 al 14 de octubre de 2015


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Plant community ecologists use the null model approach to infer assembly processes from observed patterns of species co-occurrence. In about a third of published studies, the null hypothesis of random assembly cannot be rejected. When this occurs, plant ecologists interpret that the observed random pattern is not environmentally constrained - but probably generated by stochastic processes. The null model approach (using the C-score and the discrepancy index) was used to test for random assembly under two simulation algorithms. Logistic regression, distance-based redundancy analysis, and constrained ordination were used to test for environmental determinism (species segregation along environmental gradients or turnover and species aggregation). This article introduces an environmentally determined community of alpine hydrophytes that presents itself as randomly assembled. The pathway through which the random pattern arises in this community is suggested to be as follows: Two simultaneous environmental processes, one leading to species aggregation and the other leading to species segregation, concurrently generate the observed pattern, which results to be neither aggregated nor segregated - but random. A simulation study supports this suggestion. Although apparently simple, the null model approach seems to assume that a single ecological factor prevails or that if several factors decisively influence the community, then they all exert their influence in the same direction, generating either aggregation or segregation. As these assumptions are unlikely to hold in most cases and assembly processes cannot be inferred from random patterns, we would like to propose plant ecologists to investigate specifically the ecological processes responsible for observed random patterns, instead of trying to infer processes from patterns