33 resultados para Catalina II, Emperatriz de Rusia

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Fecha: >1970 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 8-10 / Nº de pág.: 5 (mecanografiadas)


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How immigration affects the labor market of the host country is a topic of major concern for many immigrant-receiving nations. Spain is no exception following the rapid increase in immigrant flows experienced over the past decade. We assess the impact of immigration on Spanish natives’ income by estimating the net immigration surplus accruing at the national level and at high immigrant-receiving regions while taking into account the imperfect substitutability of immigrant and native labor. Specifically, using information on the occupational densities of immigrants and natives of different skill levels, we develop a mapping of immigrant-to-native self-reported skills that reveals the combination of natives across skills that would be equivalent to an immigrant of a given self-reported skill level, which we use to account for any differences between immigrant self-reported skill levels and their effective skills according to the Spanish labor market. We find that the immigrant surplus amounts to 0.04 percent of GDP at the national level and it is even higher for some of the main immigrant-receiving regions, such as Cataluña, Valencia, Madrid, and Murcia.


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Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: British Journal of Industrial Relations, June 2007, vol. 45, issue 2, pp. 257-284.


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This paper presents new evidence on the role of gender segregation and pay structure in explaining gender wage differentials of full-time salaried workers in Spain. Data from the 1995 and 2002 Wage Structure Surveys reveal that raw gender wage gaps decreased from 0.24 to 0.14 over the seven-year period. Average differences in the base wage and wage complements decreased from 0.09 to 0.05 and from 0.59 to 0.40, respectively. However, the gender wage gap is still large after accounting for workers’ human capital, job and pay structure characteristics, and female segregation into low-paying industries, occupations, establishments, and occupations within establishments.


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Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa) from 1999 through 2004, we explore the role of regional employment opportunities in explaining the increasing immigrant flows of recent years despite the limited internal mobility on the part of natives. Subsequently, we investigate the policy question of whether immigration has helped reduced unemployment rate disparities across Spanish regions by attracting immigrant flows to regions offering better employment opportunities. Our results indicate that immigrants choose to reside in regions with larger employment rates and where their probability of finding a job is higher. In particular, and despite some differences depending on their origin, immigrants appear generally more responsive than their native counterparts to a higher likelihood of informal, self, or indefinite employment. More importantly, insofar the vast majority of immigrants locate in regions characterized by higher employment rates, immigration contributes to greasing the wheels of the Spanish labor market by narrowing regional unemployment rate disparities.


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Ejemplar dedicado a: Serta Palaeohispanica in honorem Javier de Hoz


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Taller celebrado dentro de las II Jornadas de Acceso Abierto organizadas por la Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU del 22 al 24 de Octubre de 2012, con motivo de la "International Open Access Week".


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El presente artículo, continuación de otro publicado en el número anterior de esta revista, no tiene por objeto explicar el manejo de la hoja de cálculo Excel, ni presentar hojas de cálculo que incluyan modelos para solucionar problemas relacionados con la valoración de las decisiones de financiación e inversión. Se trata de explicar la utilidad de un paquete informático "The Decision Tolls Suite" que consta de cinco programas, cada uno de los cuales trata un aspecto distinto del análisis de las decisiones en condiciones de riesgo, que se aplica a una hoja de cálculo Excel.


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Ekonomian Lizentziaturako Matematika II irakasgaia gainditu behar duten ikasleentzat, eta baita ere, gai batzuetan, gradu berriko Matematika I eta Matematika II irakasgaiko ikasleentzat. Ekonomian Lizentziaturako Matematika II irakasgaiko azken hamar urteetan jarri diren azterketak eta haien erantzunak aurkituko dituzue. Lehenengo zatian, egin gabeko azterketak daude, ordena kronologikoan, zaharrenetik berrienera, eta bigarren zatian, erantzunak daude, ordena kronologikoan ere baina gaika ere. Horrela, programaren gai bakoitzaren ariketa guztiak elkarrekin aurkituko dituzue, gaiz gai ikasi nahi izanez gero


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[ES] Un real decreto de 1904, emitido con motivo de la celebración del VI Centenario del nacimiento de Petrarca (1304-1374), creó la Commissione per l’Edizione Nazionale delle Opere di Francesco Petrarca. Después de un siglo en el que los estudios petrarquescos han experimentado un florecimiento espectacular, con varias revistas y colecciones dedicadas exclusivamente a Petrarca y con una deslumbrante nómina de especialistas, han visto la luz siete de los veinte volúmenes previstos inicialmente.


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En la mitología vasca existen numerosas narraciones cuyo protagonista presenta rasgos de similitud con el Polifemo de la mitología griega. En este trabajo se recopilan y analizan las diferentes populares o legendarias en que aparece bajo descripciones o denominaciones diversas: pastor (gigante) antropófago anónimo, begibakarra (“ojo único), gentil, sorgina (“bruja”), basajaun, Tártalo, Tártaro, Ojanco, Torto, Alarabi, Cíclope, y se relacionan con el modelo literario del Cíclope griego.