7 resultados para Camundongos knockout

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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Pannexin1 (Panx1) is a plasma membrane channel permeable to relatively large molecules, such as ATP. In the central nervous system (CNS) Panx1 is found in neurons and glia and in the immune system in macrophages and T-cells. We tested the hypothesis that Panx1-mediated ATP release contributes to expression of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis, using wild-type (WT) and Panx1 knockout (KO) mice. Panx1 KO mice displayed a delayed onset of clinical signs of EAE and decreased mortality compared to WT mice, but developed as severe symptoms as the surviving WT mice. Spinal cord inflammatory lesions were also reduced in Panx1 KO EAE mice during acute disease. Additionally, pharmacologic inhibition of Panx1 channels with mefloquine (MFQ) reduced severity of acute and chronic EAE when administered before or after onset of clinical signs. ATP release and YoPro uptake were significantly increased in WT mice with EAE as compared to WT non-EAE and reduced in tissues of EAE Panx1 KO mice. Interestingly, we found that the P2X7 receptor was upregulated in the chronic phase of EAE in both WT and Panx1 KO spinal cords. Such increase in receptor expression is likely to counterbalance the decrease in ATP release recorded from Panx1 KO mice and thus contribute to the development of EAE symptoms in these mice. The present study shows that a Panx1 dependent mechanism (ATP release and/or inflammasome activation) contributes to disease progression, and that inhibition of Panx1 using pharmacology or gene disruption delays and attenuates clinical signs of EAE.


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Background & Aims: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are important for liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH). Expression of Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14), the receptor for TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), is induced rapidly after PH and remains elevated throughout the period of peak hepatocyte replication. The role of Fn14 in post-PH liver regeneration is uncertain because Fn14 is expressed by liver progenitors and TWEAK-Fn14 interactions stimulate progenitor growth, but replication of mature hepatocytes is thought to drive liver regeneration after PH. Methods: To clarify the role of TWEAK-Fn14 after PH, we compared post-PH regenerative responses in wild type (WT) mice, Fn14 knockout (KO) mice, TWEAK KO mice, and WT mice treated with anti-TWEAK antibodies. Results: In WT mice, rare Fn14(+) cells localized with other progenitor markers in peri-portal areas before PH. PH rapidly increased proliferation of Fn14(+) cells; hepatocytic cells that expressed Fn14 and other progenitor markers, such as Lgr5, progressively accumulated from 12-8 h post-PH and then declined to baseline by 96 h. When TWEAK/Fn14 signaling was disrupted, progenitor accumulation, induction of pro-regenerative cytokines, hepatocyte and cholangiocyte proliferation, and over-all survival were inhibited, while post-PH liver damage and bilirubin levels were increased. TWEAK stimulated proliferation and increased Lgr5 expression in cultured liver progenitors, but had no effect on either parameter in cultured primary hepatocytes. Conclusions: TWEAK-FN14 signaling is necessary for the healthy adult liver to regenerate normally after acute partial hepatectomy.


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E2F1 and E2F2 transcription factors have an important role during the regulation of cell cycle. In experiments done with E2F1/E2F2 knockout mice, it has been described that bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) undergo an early rapid proliferation event related to DNA hyper-replication. As a consequence, DNA damage response (DDR) pathway is triggered and E2F1/E2F2 knockout macrophages enter premature senescence related to G2/M phase arrest. The exact mechanism trough which DNA hyper-replication leads to DDR in absence of E2F1 and E2F2 remains undiscovered. To determine whether the ATR/ATM pathway, the master regulator of G2/M checkpoint, might be the surveillance mechanism in order to regulate uncontrolled proliferation in the DKO model, we monitored and analysis biochemical properties of BMDM cultures in the presence of caffeine, a potent inhibitor of ATM/ATR activity. Our results show that the addition of caffeine abolishes premature senescence in DKO BMDM, stimulates γ-H2AX accumulation and decreases Mcm2 expression.


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E2F1 eta E2F2 transkripzio-faktoreek funtzio garrantzitsua dute ziklo zelularraren errgulazioan. Sagu knockout-etan eginiko saioetan deskribatu da E2F1 eta E2F2 geneen absentzian DNAren bikoizketa-tasa emendatuta dagoela makrofagoetan, eta ondorioz seneszentzia goiztiarra aktibatuta dagoela zelula hauetan. Seneszentzia horren mekanismoak ez dira ezagutzen, baina uste da DNAren estres erreplikatiboaren eraginez gertatzen dela. Oraintsu argitaratutako lan batzuren arabera, onkogeneek eragindako desegonkortasun genomikoa nukleosido mailaren urritasunagatik sortzen dela proposatu da. Emaitza hauek kontutan harturik, E2F1-/-/E2F2-/- (DKO) makrofagoen kultiboei nukleosidoak gehitu dizkiet exogenoki, eta zelula hauen proliferazioaren jarraipena egin dut. Nukleosidoekin trataturiko kultiboetan DNAren kalteen jaitsiera eta seneszenziaren saihespena detektatu ditut. Emaitza hauek zera iradokitzen dute, DKO zeluletako seneszentzia goiztiarraren arrazoia DNAren hiper-erreplikazioak sortutako nukleosidoen urritasuna izan daitekeela.


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Background & Aims: Pro-inflammatory cytokines are important for liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH). Expression of Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14), the receptor for TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK), is induced rapidly after PH and remains elevated throughout the period of peak hepatocyte replication. The role of Fn14 in post-PH liver regeneration is uncertain because Fn14 is expressed by liver progenitors and TWEAK-Fn14 interactions stimulate progenitor growth, but replication of mature hepatocytes is thought to drive liver regeneration after PH. Methods: To clarify the role of TWEAK-Fn14 after PH, we compared post-PH regenerative responses in wild type (WT) mice, Fn14 knockout (KO) mice, TWEAK KO mice, and WT mice treated with anti-TWEAK antibodies. Results: In WT mice, rare Fn14(+) cells localized with other progenitor markers in peri-portal areas before PH. PH rapidly increased proliferation of Fn14(+) cells; hepatocytic cells that expressed Fn14 and other progenitor markers, such as Lgr5, progressively accumulated from 12-8 h post-PH and then declined to baseline by 96 h. When TWEAK/Fn14 signaling was disrupted, progenitor accumulation, induction of pro-regenerative cytokines, hepatocyte and cholangiocyte proliferation, and over-all survival were inhibited, while post-PH liver damage and bilirubin levels were increased. TWEAK stimulated proliferation and increased Lgr5 expression in cultured liver progenitors, but had no effect on either parameter in cultured primary hepatocytes. Conclusions: TWEAK-FN14 signaling is necessary for the healthy adult liver to regenerate normally after acute partial hepatectomy.