em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco
[ES] A pesar de que los economistas han dedicado enorme esfuerzo a examinar la racionalidad de los contratos en agricultura, pocos estudios se han llevado a cabo en viticultura. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias contractuales en la producción de uva y vino. En el presente trabajo se analizan las estructuras contractuales actualmente utilizadas en varias regiones vitivinícolas. Independientemente de las características inherentes en los contratos, se obtiene que estos mecanismos permiten a las bodegas articular sus requisitos con respecto a la calidad de las uvas producidas por los agricultores.
[Es]El objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar la actividad de saltar de una criatura entre los dos y los cuatro años en el contexto de la Práctica Psicomotriz Aucouturier. La perspectiva teórica adoptada ha sido la teoría psicogenética y dialéctica de Henri Wallon (1879-1962). Según ésta, saltar es un automatismo natural regulado por el aparato funcional del equilibrio que se aprende en la primera infancia. La metodología utilizada ha sido la observacional. El diseño es idiográfico, de seguimiento y multidimensional, y el instrumento de observación es el formato de campo «el salto en psicomotricidad durante el tercer año de vida». De los resultados, obtenidos mediante la aplicación prospectiva del análisis secuencial de retardos, nos detenemos en los de una participante cuyo salto es especialmente errático y puntualmente intenso. Progresa de semivertical a vertical y de heterónomo a autónomo, pero a su propia «altura de seguridad».
[EN]This paper presents a project within that research field. The project consists on the development of an experimental environment comprised by a sensorized practice manikin and a management software system. Manikin model allows the simulation of cardiac arrest episodes on laboratory settings. The management software system adds the capacity to compute and analyze the characteristics of the artifact induced on the electrocardiogram and the thoracic impedance signals by chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to variations of the electrode-skin interface. The main reason for choosing this kind of model is the impossibility to use real people because of the risk of thoracic injuries during chest compression. Moreover, this platform could be used for training in reanimation techniques for real situations. Even laypeople with minimal training can perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. This can reduce the response time to an emergency while the healthcare personnel arrives, which is key to improve outcomes, since with every minute the chances of survival decrease approximately 10%. It is not necessary to have medical knowledge to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which could increase chances of survival for a patient with an early reanimation since In this context, this paper details the technique solution for the manikin sensorisation to acquire the electrocardiogram, the impedance signal measured between the defibrillation pads placed on the patient’s chest, the compression depth, the compression force and the acceleration experienced by the chest in the three orthogonal axes. Moreover, it is possible to inject a previously recorded electrocardiogram signal.
The surge of the Internet traffic with exabytes of data flowing over operators mobile networks has created the need to rethink the paradigms behind the design of the mobile network architecture. The inadequacy of the 4G UMTS Long term Evolution (LTE) and even of its advanced version LTE-A is evident, considering that the traffic will be extremely heterogeneous in the near future and ranging from 4K resolution TV to machine-type communications. To keep up with these changes, academia, industries and EU institutions have now engaged in the quest for new 5G technology. In this paper we present the innovative system design, concepts and visions developed by the 5G PPP H2020 project SESAME (Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services). The innovation of SESAME is manifold: i) combine the key 5G small cells with cloud technology, ii) promote and develop the concept of Small Cellsas- a-Service (SCaaS), iii) bring computing and storage power at the mobile network edge through the development of nonx86 ARM technology enabled micro-servers, and iv) address a large number of scenarios and use cases applying mobile edge computing. Topics: