9 resultados para Body art

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[EN] By analysing the novel Lärchenau and its -to a certain point- gothic features, this article interprets the elaboration of body in this novel as a site of the expression of power, but also as an alternative language. The grotesque dimension and the representation of the bodily numbness and pain as projections of historical awareness are key elements for the interpretation of Lärchenau in the context of Post-Unification Germany.


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Eguíluz, Federico; Merino, Raquel; Olsen, Vickie; Pajares, Eterio; Santamaría, José Miguel (eds.)


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[EN] Some authors have suggested that body weight dissatisfaction may be high in students majoring in dietetics. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the extent of body weight and image dissatisfaction in a sample of women in dietetics major. Additionally, predictors of magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction were analyzed. Participants were 62 volunteers with normalweight whose mean age was 21.87±1.89 years old (nonrandom sample). The assessment instruments included anthropometric measurements, a somatomorphic matrix test and an eating disorders inventory (EDI-2). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 15.0. A larger proportion of students chose an ideal body weight lower than actual weight (67.7%) and body image with less body fat and more muscle mass than actual values (56.4%). The magnitude of body weight dissatisfaction was associated with muscle mass and body fat dissatisfaction, and with the subscale of EDI-2 “body dissatisfaction”. So, from a public health standpoint, we consider important to continue working in this line of research with the aim of better understanding the extent of body weight dissatisfaction in women dietitians, and how this dissatisfaction could interfere with their professional practice.


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[EN] The purpose of this study was to evaluate body composition and body image (perception and satisfaction) in a group of young elite soccer players and to compare the data with those of a control group (age and BMI matched). Participants were 56 volunteer males whose mean age and BMI were 19.6 (SD 1.3) years and 23.3 (SD 1.1) kg/m2, respectively. Results showed that soccer players have a higher lean mass and lower fat mass than controls. Moreover, body perception (difference between current and actual image) was more accurate in controls than in soccer players, and the results suggest a tendency for soccer players to aspire to have more muscle mass and body fat. Soccer players perceived an ideal image with significantly higher body-fat percentage than their current and actual images. There were no body-dissatisfaction differences between groups, however. Although the results are necessarily limited by the small sample size, the findings should be of interest to coaches of young elite soccer teams.


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This paper takes a new look at an old question: what is the human self? It offers a proposal for theorizing the self from an enactive perspective as an autonomous system that is constituted through interpersonal relations. It addresses a prevalent issue in the philosophy of cognitive science: the body-social problem. Embodied and social approaches to cognitive identity are in mutual tension. On the one hand, embodied cognitive science risks a new form of methodological individualism, implying a dichotomy not between the outside world of objects and the brain-bound individual but rather between body-bound individuals and the outside social world. On the other hand, approaches that emphasize the constitutive relevance of social interaction processes for cognitive identity run the risk of losing the individual in the interaction dynamics and of downplaying the role of embodiment. This paper adopts a middle way and outlines an enactive approach to individuation that is neither individualistic nor disembodied but integrates both approaches. Elaborating on Jonas' notion of needful freedom it outlines an enactive proposal to understanding the self as co-generated in interactions and relations with others. I argue that the human self is a social existence that is organized in terms of a back and forth between social distinction and participation processes. On this view, the body, rather than being identical with the social self, becomes its mediator


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[EUS] Elikadura oso garrantzitsua da errendimendurako txapelketa batean. Horrez gain, lehiaketa batzuetan, kirolariak kategoria ezberdinetan sailkatzen dira beren pisuaren arabera, kyokushin karatean bezala. Arte martzial honetako lehiakide askok txapelketaren aurreko egunetan dieta gogorra egin behar dute, ahalik eta kategoria baxuen egoteko asmoz. Batzuetan, barauan edo afaldu gabe joaten dira hori lortzeko. Horregatik, ikerketa honetan pisua hartu eta gero eta lehiatu aurretik elikadurazko estrategia ezberdinak aztertu ziren. Kontrola egin baino lehen, karbohidratoak eta proteinak hartu behar izan zituzten partaideek, eta indarra, erresistentzia, bizkortasuna eta potentzia baloratu egin zen. Kancho Oyama gimnasioan egin ziren frogak. Horietan 12 karatekak hartu zuten parte, batzuk emakumezkoak (4) eta beste batzuk gizonezkoak (8), 18 urte baino gehiagokoak izanda. Ikerketaren emaitzak, partaide gehienak indarrean, erresistentzia eta bizkortasunean karbohidratoekin eta potentzian proteinekin hobetu egin zutela markatu zuten. Ere esan dezakegu, errendimenduan mutilek neskek baino gehiago hobetzen dutela. Goizean arratsaldean baino errendimendu hobea nabarmentzen da, kontuan izanda, pisua hartu baino ordu batzuk lehenago jan barik daudela. Iraupen gutxiko eta intentsitate altuko kontaktuko kiroletan, txapelketa baino lehen ohiturak funtsezkoak dira, hala nola, ondo deskantsatzea, aurre entrenamenduak eta elikadura adibidez, horretaz gain, karbohidratoak hartzen baditugu pisua hartu eta gero normalean errendimendu gehiago lortzen da proteinekin baino, ondorio aipagarriena izanik.


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The purpose of the present work was both to analyze composition of Spanish celiac women and to study the food habits and gluten-free diet of these celiac patients, in order to determine whether they achieve a balanced and healthy diet as well as to highlight nutritional qualitative and/or quantitative differences. 54 adult celiac women (34 +/- 13 years) took part in the six-month study. Height, weight and body composition were measured. An analysis of energy consumption and of the macronutrient distribution of their diet was carried out. Their fulfillment of micronutrient intake recommendations was verified. Participants showed a Body Mass Index of 21.6 +/- 2.4 kg/m(2). Energy Intake was slightly lower than the Dietary Reference Intakes. Excessive protein apart from over-consumption of fat was observed. More than three quarters of participants consumed meat in excess. Carbohydrate consumption along with that of fiber was below recommended levels. Vitamin D, iron, and iodine had a low percentage of recommendation compliance. In general, participants followed the recommendations of dairy products and fruit intake whereas vegetable consumption was not enough for the vast majority. We conclude that although the diet of celiac women does not differ much from the diet of general population, some considerations, such as reducing fat and protein consumption and increasing fiber intake, must be taken into account.


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[EN] Considerando el celebérrimo desnudo masculino heleno, el presente trabajo investiga las coordenadas del imaginario griego que dieron lugar a esta rompedora «puesta en escena» del cuerpo humano e investiga la yuxtaposición vestido/desnudo como un principio diferenciador de primera magnitud en el proceso formativo de las categorías de Ciudadano, Mujer y Bárbaro.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas