17 resultados para 1985-1995

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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This paper analyzes the stationarity of this ratio in the context of a Markov-switching model à la Hamilton (1989) where an asymmetric speed of adjustment is introduced. This particular specification robustly supports a nonlinear reversion process and identifies two relevant episodes: the post-war period from the mid-50’s to the mid-70’s and the so called “90’s boom” period. A three-regime Markov-switching model displays the best regime identification and reveals that only the first part of the 90’s boom (1985-1995) and the post-war period are near-nonstationary states. Interestingly, the last part of the 90’s boom (1996-2000), characterized by a growing price-dividend ratio, is entirely attributed to a regime featuring a highly reverting process.


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As a necessary condition for the validity of the present value model, the price-dividend ratio must be stationary. However, significant market episodes seem to provide evidence of prices significantly drifting apart from dividends while other episodes show prices anchoring back to dividends. This paper investigates the stationarity of this ratio in the context of a Markov- switching model à la Hamilton (1989) where an asymmetric speed of adjustment towards a unique attractor is introduced. A three-regime model displays the best regime identification and reveals that the first part of the 90’s boom (1985-1995) and the post-war period are characterized by a stationary state featuring a slow reverting process to a relatively high attractor. Interestingly, the latter part of the 90’s boom (1996-2000), characterized by a growing price-dividend ratio, is entirely attributed to a stationary regime featuring a highly reverting process to the attractor. Finally, the post-Lehman Brothers episode of the subprime crisis can be classified into a temporary nonstationary regime.


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This paper has been presented at the XIII Encuentros de Economía Aplicada, Sevilla, Spain, 2010.


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This paper provides microeconomic evidence on the variation over time of the firm-specific wage premium in Spain from 1995 to 2002, and its impact on wage inequality. We make use of two waves of a detailed linked employer-employee data set. In addition, a new data set with financial information on firms is used for 2002 to control as flexibly as possible for differences in the performance of firms (aggregated at industry level). To our knowledge, there is no microeconomic evidence on the dynamics of the firm-specific wage premium for Spain or for any other country with a similar institutional setting. Our results suggest that there is a clear tendency towards centralization in the collective bargaining process in Spain over this seven-year period, that the firm-level contract wage premium undergoes a substantial decrease, particularly for women, and finally that the "centralization" observed in the collective bargaining process has resulted in a slight decrease in wage inequality.


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2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 210x297mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 27


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2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; entre 215x265mm y 220x280mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 35


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9 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 207x300mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 36


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2 cartas y 1 felicitación navideña (mecanografiadas) ; entre 215x302mm y 210x148mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 62


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2 cartas (mecanografiadas) ; 150x210mm y 210x300mm


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Un primer trabajo sobre estas inscripciones se presentó en la SFER, París, el 20 de junio de 1998.


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El presente TFG tiene como objeto de estudio la regulación del aborto que ha existido en España desde que entró en vigor la Constitución Española el 29 de diciembre de 1978. Todo ello con el fin de demostrar que el Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica para la protección del concebido y de los derechos de la mujer embarazada que había elaborado el actual Gobierno del Partido Popular iba en contra de la tendencia que se sigue hoy en día en la regulación de esta cuestión. En efecto, el citado Anteproyecto no sólo era más retrógrado en comparación con la regulación existente en los estados europeos de nuestro entorno, sino también, y esto es lo más llamativo por tratarse de tres estados islámicos de corte conservador, con la regulación vigente en Túnez, Turquia y Marruecos. Finalmente, remarcamos la noción de libertad como pilar fundamental de toda esta compleja cuestión, la cual nos lleva a mostrarnos partidarios del derecho a la maternidad libremente decidida.