127 resultados para Geología Gipuzkoa


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[ES] Estudio del vulcanismo submarino de edad Cretácico en la transversal de Errigoiti. Implicaciones petrogenéticas y geodinámicas derivadas del estudio de los diques, mediante láminas delgadas, "visu" de las rocas de campo y análisis geoquímicos con sus respectivos diagramas e interpretaciones.


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[EUS] Gradu bukaerako lan honetan, euskokantauriar arroko hareen fase kristalinoak aztertzen dira XRD bidez. Munduko beste hareekin aldaratu egingo dira, aipatutako metodoa erabiliz, fase bereizgarriak dituzten ala ez zehazteko.


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[EUS] Foruako aztarnategi arkeologikotik datozen erromatar garaiko forja zepa metalikoen karakterizazioa, garai hartan indarrean zegoen siderurgiari buruzko ezagutza handitzeko asmoz.


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Eusko Kantauriar Arroko Albiar-Cenomaniar mugaren inguruan trnsgresio orkorra gertatu zen subsidentzia tektonikoaren desazelerazio eta diapirismoaren sortze efektuarekin batera. Honen ondorioz, kostaldeko ingurune siliziklastikoek oso erretrogradazio arina erakusten dute, hedapen handiko karbonatozko arrapal itsastar zabalen garapenerako eremua utziz. Analisi estratigrafikoaren bidez, Murgiako diapiroaren iparmendebaldeko Albiar-Cenomaniar trasizioko materialak aztertzen dira, aldaketa sedimentologiko arin honetarako ezaugarriak eta kontrolak ezagutzeko.


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Two new species of the genus Zospeum Bourguignat, 1856 are described from caves in the Sierra de Aitzgorri (Gipuzkoa) and the Sierra Salvada (Burgos) in Northern Spain. The taxa Z. vasconicum sp. n. and Z. zaldivarae sp. n. have recently, without a formal name, been included in a molecular study of worldwide members of the Carychiidae. In the present paper, the shell morphology and variation of these species is described and illustrated.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6E has recently been described, but its long-term epidemiology is not well known. From 1981-2013, 704 serogroup 6 clinical isolates were obtained in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. All invasive and one in four non-invasive isolates were included. Overall, 75, 97, 51 and 45 serotypes 6A, 6B, 6C and 6E isolates, respectively, were detected. No serotype 6D isolates were identified. The prevalence of serotypes 6E and 6B, but not that of serotypes 6A and 6C, declined after the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Serotype 6E isolates showed the highest resistance rate. Most serotype 6E isolates were ST90.


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Introduction In the preantibiotic era Streptococcus pyogenes was a common cause of severe pneumonia but currently, except for postinfluenza complications, it is not considered a common cause of community-acquired pneumonia in adults. Aim and Material and Methods This study aimed to identify current clinical episodes of S. pyogenes pneumonia, its relationship with influenza virus circulation and the genotypes of the involved isolates during a decade in a Southern European region (Gipuzkoa, northern Spain). Molecular analysis of isolates included emm, multilocus-sequence typing, and superantigen profile determination. Results Forty episodes were detected (annual incidence 1.1 x 100,000 inhabitants, range 0.29-2.29). Thirty-seven episodes were community-acquired, 21 involved an invasive infection and 10 developed STSS. The associated mortality rate was 20%, with half of the patients dying within 24 hours after admission. Influenza coinfection was confirmed in four patients and suspected in another. The 52.5% of episodes occurred outside the influenza seasonal epidemic. The 67.5% of affected persons were elderly individuals and adults with severe comorbidities, although 13 patients had no comorbidities, 2 of them had a fatal outcome. Eleven clones were identified, the most prevalent being emm1/ST28 (43.6%) causing the most severe cases. Conclusions S. pyogenes pneumonia had a continuous presence frequently unrelated to influenza infection, being rapidly fatal even in previously healthy individuals.