137 resultados para ZUBIRI, XABIER


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Increasing evidence links metabolic signals to cell proliferation, but the molecular wiring that connects the two core machineries remains largely unknown. E2Fs are master regulators of cellular proliferation. We have recently shown that E2F2 activity facilitates the completion of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy (PH) by regulating the expression of genes required for S-phase entry. Our study also revealed that E2F2 determines the duration of hepatectomy-induced hepatic steatosis. A transcriptomic analysis of normal adult liver identified "lipid metabolism regulation" as a major E2F2 functional target, suggesting that E2F2 has a role in lipid homeostasis. Here we use wild-type (E2F2(+/+)) and E2F2 deficient (E2F2(-/-)) mice to investigate the in vivo role of E2F2 in the composition of liver lipids and fatty acids in two metabolically different contexts: quiescence and 48-h post-PH, when cellular proliferation and anabolic demands are maximal. We show that liver regeneration is accompanied by large triglyceride and protein increases without changes in total phospholipids both in E2F2(+/+) and E2F2(-/-) mice. Remarkably, we found that the phenotype of quiescent liver tissue from E2F2(-/-) mice resembles the phenotype of proliferating E2F2(+/+) liver tissue, characterized by a decreased phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratio and a reprogramming of genes involved in generation of choline and ethanolamine derivatives. The diversity of fatty acids in total lipid, triglycerides and phospholipids was essentially preserved on E2F2 loss both in proliferating and non-proliferating liver tissue, although notable exceptions in inflammation-related fatty acids of defined phospholipid classes were detected. Overall, our results indicate that E2F2 activity sustains the hepatic homeostasis of major membrane glycerolipid components while it is dispensable for storage glycerolipid balance.


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Sarreran, gastrostomia-zundaren jatorria eta historia azaltzen da, hau da, noiz erabili zen lehenengo aldiz, zeinek asmatu zuen eta zein aldaketa jasan dituen besteak beste. Halaber, zunda erabiltzen duten gaixoak zein kondiziotan egon behar duten eta zein gaixotasun motatan ipintzen den ere aipatzen da. Lan honen helburua, gastrostomia-zundari buruz eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonei buruz ezaguera handitzea da. Horretarako aztertu dira, gastrostomia-zunda zer den, zein kasutan erabiltzen den, zein konplikazio dituen, zundaren erabileraren aldeko ebidentzia eta gastrostomia-zunda duten pertsonetan erizainaren rola. Lanaren metodologiari dagokionez, hitz gakoak erabiliz gaiari buruzko errebisio narratiboa egin da hainbat datu-base fidagarrietan. Horrez gain, NANDA, NIC eta NOC liburuak ere erabili dira. Bilaketaren irizpide nagusiena, dokumentuak gaiarekin erlazionatutako errebisio bibliografiko, saiakera kliniko, ikerketak eta artikuluak izatea da. Lanaren garapenean, gastrostomia-zundaren definizio eta erabilera azaldu dira. Gastrostomia-zunda urdaila eta abdomena komunikatzen dituen zunda da eta irensketa gutxitua edo galdua geratzen den eta digestio-aparatuak funtzionala izaten jarraitzen duen pertsonetan gomendatzen da erabilera. Bestetik, zundak sor ditzakeen konplikazio posibleak azaldu dira, hauek gehienetan ez dira larriak izaten eta erraz konpon daitezke. Horrez gain, erizainaren rola zundarekiko eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonekiko zein den azaldu da hala nola, zaintzailea eta hezitzailea. Azkenik, gastrostomia-zundaren erabileraren aldeko aurkitu den ebidentzia azaldu da. Eztabaidan, helburuetan aipatutako puntu guztiak aztertu dira eta aurkitutako urritasunetatik proposamenak egin dira. Gainera, zunda honekiko eta zunda hau daramaten pertsonekiko esperientzia propioa ere azaldu da. Ondorio gisa ikusi da, dituen onuren arren, gastrostomia-zundaren erabilerari buruzko ebidentzia garbirik ez dagoela. Gainera, nahiz eta 4-6 astez gutxienez elikadura enterala behar duten eta bizi esperantza 2 hilabetetik gorakoa duten gaixoetan erabiltzen den, ondorioztatu da asaldura neuromuskularrak, endekapeneko gaixotasun neurologikoa eta buru/lepoko minbizian gehien erabiltzen dela. Bestalde, zundak eragiten dituen konplikazio gehienak garrantzi handikoak ez direla eta erraz konpontzen direla ikusi da. Horrez gain, erizainak rol ezberdinak dituela ikusi da, hezitzailearena eta zaintzailera.


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Jakina da informatika oso gai zabala dela. Horregatik, oro har, sistema informatikoen garatzaileak sistemaren osagai bakan batzuetaz soilik arduratzen dira. Proiektu honek hardwarearen eta softwarearen munduak uztartzea du helburu; hardware- eta softwareosagaiak dituen sistema bat sortu, behar diren osagai guztiak garatuz. Horretaz gain, garatutakoa erabilgarria izatea bilatu da, hau da, funtzio praktiko eta erreal bat edukitzea. Horretarako, Android eta Arduino plataformak aztertu dira: Android erabiltzaileari interfaze grafikoa eskaini eta elkarrekintza burutzeko erabili da; Arduino, berriz, hardwarearen kontrolatzailea izateko. Horrekin, eragingailuak kontrolatuz, time-lapseak egiteko sistema automatizatua garatu da; D-Lappse Android aplikazioarekin sistema kontrolatu daiteke eta dollyari aginduak bidali, argazki-sekuentziak era automatizatu batean egiteko.


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Dokumentu honek magnet lotura eta web API arloak lantzen dituen Gradu Amaierako Proiektua deskribatzen du. Teknologia horiek liburu elektronikoak partekatzeko erabili dira eta sortutako aplikazioari Liburutruk izena eman zaio. Honakoak dira Liburutruk-en ezaugarri nagusienak: • Zerbitzariak web API api publiko eta dokumentatua eskaintzen du. • APIaren bidez liburuak eta horiei lotutako baliabideak kudeatu daitezke. • Gehitutako liburuak BitTorrent bidez partekatzen ditu eta liburu horien magnet loturak sortzen ditu. • Web-nabigatzaileetan exekutatzen den bezeroa du, orri bakarreko aplikazioa dena. • Bezeroak zerbitzariaren APIa erabiltzen du. • Aplikazioa eta kodea edonork eskura ditzake.


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El objetivo del siguiente proyecto es proporcionar una herramienta para estudiar el rendimiento de sistemas multiprocesador. Para ello estos sistemas serán previamente modelados como redes de Petri y simulados mediante el entorno de simulación de sistemas de eventos discretos OMNeT++.


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Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera (PFC) de la Ingeniería Informática (II) se enmarca en otro proyecto de mayor envergadura, cuyo objetivo final es estudiar y desarrollar aplicaciones móviles basadas en Android, que permitan agilizar los pagos de importes bajos, haciendo uso de la tecnología de comunicación inalámbrica, de corto alcance y alta frecuencia (NFC). El proyecto surge de la oportunidad de desarrollar un prototipo de aplicación haciendo uso de una tecnología que apenas se ha empezado a utilizar, que sin embargo las grandes empresas de telecomunicaciones tienen previsto explotar en los próximos años.


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328 p.


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Objective: Aerosol delivery holds potential to release surfactant or perfluorocarbon (PFC) to the lungs of neonates with respiratory distress syndrome with minimal airway manipulation. Nevertheless, lung deposition in neonates tends to be very low due to extremely low lung volumes, narrow airways and high respiratory rates. In the present study, the feasibility of enhancing lung deposition by intracorporeal delivery of aerosols was investigated using a physical model of neonatal conducting airways. Methods: The main characteristics of the surfactant and PFC aerosols produced by a nebulization system, including the distal air pressure and air flow rate, liquid flow rate and mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD), were measured at different driving pressures (4-7 bar). Then, a three-dimensional model of the upper conducting airways of a neonate was manufactured by rapid prototyping and a deposition study was conducted. Results: The nebulization system produced relatively large amounts of aerosol ranging between 0.3 +/- 0.0 ml/min for surfactant at a driving pressure of 4 bar, and 2.0 +/- 0.1 ml/min for distilled water (H(2)Od) at 6 bar, with MMADs between 2.61 +/- 0.1 mu m for PFD at 7 bar and 10.18 +/- 0.4 mu m for FC-75 at 6 bar. The deposition study showed that for surfactant and H(2)Od aerosols, the highest percentage of the aerosolized mass (similar to 65%) was collected beyond the third generation of branching in the airway model. The use of this delivery system in combination with continuous positive airway pressure set at 5 cmH(2)O only increased total airway pressure by 1.59 cmH(2)O at the highest driving pressure (7 bar). Conclusion: This aerosol generating system has the potential to deliver relatively large amounts of surfactant and PFC beyond the third generation of branching in a neonatal airway model with minimal alteration of pre-set respiratory support.


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Objective: to analyze what nursing models and nursing assessment structures have been used in the implementation of the nursing process at the public and private centers in the health area Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). Method: a retrospective study was undertaken, based on the analysis of the nursing records used at the 158 centers studied. Results: the Henderson model, Carpenito's bifocal structure, Gordon's assessment structure and the Resident Assessment Instrument Nursing Home 2.0 have been used as nursing models and assessment structures to implement the nursing process. At some centers, the selected model or assessment structure has varied over time. Conclusion: Henderson's model has been the most used to implement the nursing process. Furthermore, the trend is observed to complement or replace Henderson's model by nursing assessment structures.


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Efforts to promote infill development and to raise densities are growing in many cities around the world as a way to encourage urban sustainability. However, in cities polarized along socio-economic lines, the benefits of densification are not so evident. The aim of this paper is to discuss some of the contradictions of densification in Santiago de Chile, a city characterized by socio-spatial disparities. To that end, we first use regression analysis to explain differences in density rates within the city. The regression analysis shows that dwelling density depends on the distance from the city center, socioeconomic conditions, and the availability of urban attributes in the area. After understanding the density profile, we discuss the implications for travel and the distribution of social infrastructures and the environmental services provided by green areas. While, at the metropolitan scale, densification may favor a more sustainable travel pattern, it should be achieved by balancing density rates and addressing spatial differences in the provision of social services and environmental amenities. We believe a metropolitan approach is essential to correct these spatial imbalances and to promote a more sustainable and socially cohesive growth pattern.


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In the recent history of psychology and cognitive neuroscience, the notion of habit has been reduced to a stimulus-triggered response probability correlation. In this paper we use a computational model to present an alternative theoretical view (with some philosophical implications), where habits are seen as self-maintaining patterns of behavior that share properties in common with self-maintaining biological processes, and that inhabit a complex ecological context, including the presence and influence of other habits. Far from mechanical automatisms, this organismic and self-organizing concept of habit can overcome the dominating atomistic and statistical conceptions, and the high temporal resolution effects of situatedness, embodiment and sensorimotor loops emerge as playing a more central, subtle and complex role in the organization of behavior. The model is based on a novel "iterant deformable sensorimotor medium (IDSM)," designed such that trajectories taken through sensorimotor-space increase the likelihood that in the future, similar trajectories will be taken. We couple the IDSM to sensors and motors of a simulated robot, and show that under certain conditions, the IDSM conditions, the IDSM forms self-maintaining patterns of activity that operate across the IDSM, the robot's body, and the environment. We present various environments and the resulting habits that form in them. The model acts as an abstraction of habits at a much needed sensorimotor "meso-scale" between microscopic neuron-based models and macroscopic descriptions of behavior. Finally, we discuss how this model and extensions of it can help us understand aspects of behavioral self-organization, historicity and autonomy that remain out of the scope of contemporary representationalist frameworks.


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During the last two decades, analysis of 1/f noise in cognitive science has led to a considerable progress in the way we understand the organization of our mental life. However, there is still a lack of specific models providing explanations of how 1/f noise is generated in coupled brain-body-environment systems, since existing models and experiments typically target either externally observable behaviour or isolated neuronal systems but do not address the interplay between neuronal mechanisms and sensorimotor dynamics. We present a conceptual model of a minimal neurorobotic agent solving a behavioural task that makes it possible to relate mechanistic (neurodynamic) and behavioural levels of description. The model consists of a simulated robot controlled by a network of Kuramoto oscillators with homeostatic plasticity and the ability to develop behavioural preferences mediated by sensorimotor patterns. With only three oscillators, this simple model displays self-organized criticality in the form of robust 1/f noise and a wide multifractal spectrum. We show that the emergence of self-organized criticality and 1/f noise in our model is the result of three simultaneous conditions: a) non-linear interaction dynamics capable of generating stable collective patterns, b) internal plastic mechanisms modulating the sensorimotor flows, and c) strong sensorimotor coupling with the environment that induces transient metastable neurodynamic regimes. We carry out a number of experiments to show that both synaptic plasticity and strong sensorimotor coupling play a necessary role, as constituents of self-organized criticality, in the generation of 1/f noise. The experiments also shown to be useful to test the robustness of 1/f scaling comparing the results of different techniques. We finally discuss the role of conceptual models as mediators between nomothetic and mechanistic models and how they can inform future experimental research where self-organized critically includes sensorimotor coupling among the essential interaction-dominant process giving rise to 1/f noise.


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Learning to perceive is faced with a classical paradox: if understanding is required for perception, how can we learn to perceive something new, something we do not yet understand? According to the sensorimotor approach, perception involves mastery of regular sensorimotor co-variations that depend on the agent and the environment, also known as the "laws" of sensorimotor contingencies (SMCs). In this sense, perception involves enacting relevant sensorimotor skills in each situation. It is important for this proposal that such skills can be learned and refined with experience and yet up to this date, the sensorimotor approach has had no explicit theory of perceptual learning. The situation is made more complex if we acknowledge the open-ended nature of human learning. In this paper we propose Piaget's theory of equilibration as a potential candidate to fulfill this role. This theory highlights the importance of intrinsic sensorimotor norms, in terms of the closure of sensorimotor schemes. It also explains how the equilibration of a sensorimotor organization faced with novelty or breakdowns proceeds by re-shaping pre-existing structures in coupling with dynamical regularities of the world. This way learning to perceive is guided by the equilibration of emerging forms of skillful coping with the world. We demonstrate the compatibility between Piaget's theory and the sensorimotor approach by providing a dynamical formalization of equilibration to give an explicit micro-genetic account of sensorimotor learning and, by extension, of how we learn to perceive. This allows us to draw important lessons in the form of general principles for open-ended sensorimotor learning, including the need for an intrinsic normative evaluation by the agent itself. We also explore implications of our micro-genetic account at the personal level.


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[EU]Gradu amaierako lan hau merkatuan dauden kalitate kontroleko azterketa mota batzuen azterketan oinarritzen da, batez ere materialaren gainazaleko gogortasunaren azterketan metodo berri baten erabilpenaz. Metodo berri hau, metodo ez suntsikorra da eta Barkhausen soinuan oinarritzen da non gogortasunaren estimazio hurbildu bat egitea lortu nahi den. Lan honetan metodo berri honen inplantazioaren onurak eta berau zertan datzan azaltzen da etorkizunean materialaren gainazaleko gogortasunaren neurketan erabili ahal izateko enpresen onurarako kanlitateko kontroleko sailean.