123 resultados para Sánchez Galindo, Benito


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La Comunidad Autónoma Vasca presenta una realidad socio-económica compleja sobre la que inciden multitud de variables políticas,económicas y culturales que han mediatizado nuestro desarrollo en los últimos años. Partiendo de que el principal problema que tiene la economía vasca y también la española es el paro,nos planteamos qué líneas de actuación deberían darse, si no para solucionarlo totalmente, sí al menos para reducirlo de una forma significativa.


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Se trata de ir introduciendo medidas que instalen un nuevo concepto del trabajo y su organización. La justa reivindicación laboral de reducción del tiempo de trabajo no ha sido un camino de rosas, la reorganización del trabajo es un procedimiento útil y necesario para evitar efectos perversos que impidan la creación de empleo.


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160 p. (Bibliogr. 141-160)


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En este trabajo se han expuesto algunos aspectos relacionados con la ética del consumo. El consumo se ha venido utilizando como un medio para alcanzar los distintos objetivos de política económica, centrándose en la actualidad en conseguir un mayor crecimiento económico, lo que nos conduciría a una mayor felicidad. El consumo de los individuos debe depender no de aspectos monetarios, como se suele analizar desde la postura macroeconómica, sinno de una serie de capacidades que son internas y externas, esto es, adquiridas, al individuo. Éstas son las que deben marcar las pautas consumistas y según vayan desarrollándose, el consumo debería evolucionar paralelamente.


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[EU]Lan honetan, adibideetan oinarritutako patroi batzuk sortu ditugu, erregeletan oinarritutako itzulpen-sistema automatiko bat hobetzeko asmoz. Patroirik erabilgarrienak emango zituzten adibideak bakarrik hartzeko, euren erabilera-maiztasunari eta itzulpen automatikoen egokitasunari erreparatu diegu. Ondoren, adibideetako entitate-izenak eta zenbakiak orokortu ditugu, elementu horiek aldatuta ere, patroiak erabili ahal izateko.


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Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente


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The role of Na+ fluxes through voltage-gated sodium channels in the regulation of sperm cell function remains poorly understood. Previously, we reported that several genes encoding voltage-gated Na+ channels were expressed in human testis and mature spermatozoa. In this study, we analyzed the presence and function of the TTX-resistant VGSC a subunit Na(v)1.8 in human capacitated sperm cells. Using an RT-PCR assay, we found that the mRNA of the gene SCN10A, that encode Na-v1.8, was abundantly and specifically expressed in human testis and ejaculated spermatozoa. The Na-v1.8 protein was detected in capacitated sperm cells using three different specific antibodies against this channel. Positive immunoreactivity was mainly located in the neck and the principal piece of the flagellum. The presence of Na-v1.8 in sperm cells was confirmed by Western blot. Functional studies demonstrated that the increases in progressive motility produced by veratridine, a voltage-gated sodium channel activator, were reduced in sperm cells preincubated with TTX (10 mu M), the Na-v1.8 antagonist A-803467, or a specific Na-v1.8 antibody. Veratridine elicited similar percentage increases in progressive motility in sperm cells maintained in Ca2+-containing or Ca2+-free solution and did not induce hyperactivation or the acrosome reaction. Veratridine caused a rise in sperm intracellular Na+, [Na+](i), and the sustained phase of the response was inhibited in the presence of A-803467. These results verify that the Na+ channel Na-v1.8 is present in human sperm cells and demonstrate that this channel participates in the regulation of sperm function.


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16th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA) Univ Bristol, H H Wills Phys Lab, Bristol, ENGLAND AUG 19-24, 2012 Edited by:Alam, A; Coleman, P; Dugdale, S; Roussenova, M


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Single-chain polymeric nanoparticles are artificial folded soft nano-objects of ultra-small size which have recently gained prominence in nanoscience and nanotechnology due to their exceptional and sometimes unique properties. This review focuses on the current state of the investigations of click chemistry techniques for highly-efficient single-chain nanoparticle construction. Additionally, recent progress achieved for the use of well-defined single-chain nanoparticles in some promising fields, such as nanomedicine and catalysis, is highlighted.


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Overexpression of the mammalian homolog of the unc-18 gene (munc18-1) has been described in the brain of subjects with schizophrenia. Munc18-1 protein is involved in membrane fusion processes, exocytosis and neurotransmitter release. A transgenic mouse strain that overexpresses the protein isoform munc18-1a in the brain was characterized. This animal displays several schizophrenia-related behaviors, supersensitivity to hallucinogenic drugs and deficits in prepulse inhibition that reverse after antipsychotic treatment. Relevant brain areas (that is, cortex and striatum) exhibit reduced expression of dopamine D-1 receptors and dopamine transporters together with enhanced amphetamine-induced in vivo dopamine release. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates decreased gray matter volume in the transgenic animal. In conclusion, the mouse overexpressing brain munc18-1a represents a new valid animal model that resembles functional and structural abnormalities in patients with schizophrenia.


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Nowadays due to the crisis, some government measures are aimed at reducing healthcare spending, affecting in some level or another the quality offered. Process management is said to be a useful tool for reducing healthcare costs by improving management without any additional economic investment. That is doing more with the same resources and without reducing the quality offered. In this study an empirical case of a Catalan hospital is presented. Overall, the usefulness of process management in the healthcare sector is shown and some tips are provided for those managers that want to implement this management system in their hospitals. This work is also interesting for those managers responsible for the National Healthcare System due to a big question is stated: what would happen if process management was implemented in the whole healthcare system?