124 resultados para Ramón Jiménez
Doktore Tesi honen helburua altzairu zuntz laburren egitura-ahalmenak planteatzean datza hormigoi matrizearen indartze gisa, arrunki AZIH deitua, baldintza zehatzetan materialaren zenbait alderdi hobetzen dituzten propietate autotrinkotzaileak emateko aukerarekin bat, Altzairu Zuntzez Indarturiko Hormigoi Autotrinkotzailea (AZIHAT) deritzona sortuz, dokumentu honetan egiaztatzen diren ezaugarri eta propietateei esker. Asmo horretarako eta ezagutzen ditugun beste esperientzia batzuek ez bezala, neurri handiko horma tartea (6 metroko luzera eta 3 metroko altuera) eraiki eta aztertzen da. Proposamen honek altzairu zuntzen antolamendua aztertu nahi du neurri handiko egitura-elementuaren baitan eta obrako baldintza errealen arabera eraikiz, materialaren portaera baldintzatzaile posible guztiak kontuan izanik zehazteko, horietako zenbait ez baitira laborategiko ikerketetan agertzen. Egitura osatzen duen materialaren ezaugarritze xehatuak, hormaren zatiketa dakar tamaina ezberdineko 380 laginetan, etorkizun handiko entsegu ez-suntsitzaile eta ohiko entsegu suntsitzaileetan erabiliko direlarik. Eremu bien artean ezartzen diren erlazioek, materiala kaltetu gabe eta zeharkako eran alderdi erresistenteen zehaztapena dakarte, egiturarengan kalitate kontrola gauzatzeko bide interesgarriak irekiz. Ondorengo analisia osatzeko, lanen egikaritze aurretik zuntzek hormigoi masa barruan izango duten norabidea zehazteko metodologia ezartzen da. Jariakinen Dinamika Konputazionalaren bitartez egindako simulazioek, materialaren hondar erresistentzien balioztapena ahalbidetzen dute aurresaten den zuntzen orientazioari esker, puntu ahul edo hormigoitze prozesu ezegokiak aurretiaz detektatuz. Amaiera gisa, proposatzen den euste andel zilindrikoaren erabileraren ekonomia eta ingurumen jasangarritasun alderaketa egiten da, batetik hormigoi arrunt eta bestetik AZIHAT-aren bitartez egikaritutako bi adibiderentzat. Sistema bakoitzak bere abantaila eta desabantailak ditu, baina AZIHAT-a egitura-diseinu konbentzionala baino ekonomiko eta jasangarriagoa izan daitekeela ondorioztatzen da. Lan hauek, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen (UPV/EHU) barruko Ingeniaritza Mekanikoa Sailari atxikia dagoen Eraikuntza Ingeniaritza Jakintza Arloko ikerketan jardueren baitan burutu dira.
El objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral, se centra en plantear las posibilidades estructurales de fibras cortas de acero como refuerzo de la matriz de hormigón, habitualmente denominado HRFA, junto con la posibilidad de proporcionarle propiedades autocompactantes, que mejoren ciertos aspectos del material, formando el denominado Hormigón Autocompactante Reforzado con Fibras de Acero (HACRFA), en determinadas condiciones, gracias a las propiedades y características que se han atestiguado en este documento. Para tal fin y a diferencia de la mayoría de las experiencias anteriores que conocemos, se construye y analiza un tramo de muro de gran envergadura (3 metros de alto y 6 metros de largo). Este planteamiento permite estudiar la disposición de las fibras de acero dentro de un elemento estructural de gran tamaño y ejecutado en condiciones reales de obra, para determinar el comportamiento del material teniendo en cuenta todos los condicionantes posibles, algunos de los cuales no están presentes en las investigaciones de laboratorio. La exhaustiva caracterización del material que compone la estructura, conlleva la división del muro en 380 probetas de diversos tamaños que se someten a prometedores ensayos no destructivos y a los habituales ensayos destructivos. Las correlaciones establecidas entre ambos campos, posibilitan la determinación de aspectos resistentes de forma indirecta y sin dañar el material, estableciendo nuevas vías para un interesante control de calidad sobre la propia estructura. Para complementar el análisis a posteriori, se establece una metodología para determinar de manera previa a la ejecución de los trabajos la orientación de las fibras dentro de la masa de hormigón. Las simulaciones realizadas por medio de la Dinámica Computacional de Fluídos, permiten además establecer una serie de estimaciones de las resistencias residuales del material a partir de la orientación de las fibras prevista, detectando a priori puntos débiles o inadecuados procesos de hormigonado. Como colofón se realiza una comparativa económica y sostenibilidad medioambiental entre la aplicación a depósitos de contención cilíndricos propuesta, ejecutada por un lado mediante un hormigón convencional y el HACRFA por el otro. Cada sistema presenta sus ventajas y desventajas pero se concluye que el HACRFA puede resultar igual o más económico y sostenible, que un diseño estructural convencional. Estos trabajos se enmarcan dentro de las investigaciones desarrolladas por el Área de Conocimiento de Ingeniería de la Construcción adscrito al Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU).
7 p.
The emergence of cooperation is analyzed in heterogeneous populations where individuals can be classified in two groups according to their phenotypic appearance. Phenotype recognition is assumed for all individuals: individuals are able to identify the type of every other individual, but fail to recognize their own type, and thus behave under partial information conditions. The interactions between individuals are described by 2 × 2 symmetric games where individuals can either cooperate or defect. The evolution of such populations is studied in the framework of evolutionary game by means of the replicator dynamics. Overlapping generations are considered, so the replicator equations are formulated in discrete-time form. The well-posedness conditions of the system are derived. Depending on the parameters of the game, a restriction may exist for the generation length. The stability analysis of the dynamical system is carried out and a detailed description of the behavior of trajectories starting from the interior of the state-space is given. We find that, provided the conditions of well-posedness are verified, the linear stability of monomorphic states in the discrete-time replicator coincides with the one of the continuous case. Specific from the discrete-time case, a relaxed restriction for the generation length is derived, for which larger time-steps can be used without compromising the well-posedness of the replicator system.
When it comes to measuring blade-tip clearance or blade-tip timing in turbines, reflective intensity-modulated optical fiber sensors overcome several traditional limitations of capacitive, inductive or discharging probe sensors. This paper presents the signals and results corresponding to the third stage of a multistage turbine rig, obtained from a transonic wind-tunnel test. The probe is based on a trifurcated bundle of optical fibers that is mounted on the turbine casing. To eliminate the influence of light source intensity variations and blade surface reflectivity, the sensing principle is based on the quotient of the voltages obtained from the two receiving bundle legs. A discrepancy lower than 3% with respect to a commercial sensor was observed in tip clearance measurements. Regarding tip timing measurements, the travel wave spectrum was obtained, which provides the average vibration amplitude for all blades at a particular nodal diameter. With this approach, both blade-tip timing and tip clearance measurements can be carried out simultaneously. The results obtained on the test turbine rig demonstrate the suitability and reliability of the type of sensor used, and suggest the possibility of performing these measurements in real turbines under real working conditions.
Background: Vitamin K has been related to glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity and diabetes. Because inflammation underlies all these metabolic conditions, it is plausible that the potential role of vitamin K in glucose metabolism occurs through the modulation of cytokines and related molecules. The purpose of the study was to assess the associations between dietary intake of vitamin K and peripheral adipokines and other metabolic risk markers related to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Cross-sectional and longitudinal assessments of these associations in 510 elderly participants recruited in the PREDIMED centers of Reus and Barcelona (Spain). We determined 1-year changes in dietary phylloquinone intake estimated by food frequency questionnaires, serum inflammatory cytokines and other metabolic risk markers. Results: In the cross-sectional analysis at baseline no significant associations were found between dietary phylloquinone intake and the rest of metabolic risk markers evaluated, with exception of a negative association with plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. After 1-year of follow-up, subjects in the upper tertile of changes in dietary phylloquinone intake showed a greater reduction in ghrelin (-15.0%), glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (-12.9%), glucagon-like peptide-1 (-17.6%), IL-6 (-27.9%), leptin (-10.3%), TNF (-26.9%) and visfatin (-24.9%) plasma concentrations than those in the lowest tertile (all p<0.05). Conclusion: These results show that dietary phylloquinone intake is associated with an improvement of cytokines and other markers related to insulin resistance and diabetes, thus extending the potential protection by dietary phylloquinone on chronic inflammatory diseases.
El tiempo donado en el ámbito doméstico-familiar : estudio sobre el trabajo doméstico y los cuidados
262 p. : il.
Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)
Polymer optical fibers (POFs) doped with organic dyes can be used to make efficient lasers and amplifiers due to the high gains achievable in short distances. This paper analyzes the peculiarities of light amplification in POFs through some experimental data and a computational model capable of carrying out both power and spectral analyses. We investigate the emission spectral shifts and widths and on the optimum signal wavelength and pump power as functions of the fiber length, the fiber numerical aperture and the radial distribution of the dopant. Analyses for both step-index and graded-index POFs have been done.
We study the language choice behavior of bilingual speakers in modern societies, such as the Basque Country, Ireland andWales. These countries have two o cial languages:A, spoken by all, and B, spoken by a minority. We think of the bilinguals in those societies as a population playing repeatedly a Bayesian game in which, they must choose strategically the language, A or B, that might be used in the interaction. The choice has to be made under imperfect information about the linguistic type of the interlocutors. We take the Nash equilibrium of the language use game as a model for real life language choice behavior. It is shown that the predictions made with this model t very well the data about the actual use, contained in the censuses, of Basque, Irish and Welsh languages. Then the question posed by Fishman (2001),which appears in the title, is answered as follows: it is hard, mainly, because bilingual speakers have reached an equilibrium which is evolutionary stable. This means that to solve fast and in a re ex manner their frequent language coordination problem, bilinguals have developed linguistic conventions based chie y on the strategy 'Use the same language as your interlocutor', which weakens the actual use of B.1
11 p.
1 carta (mecanografiada) ; 210x270mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 16
Background: The World Gastroenterology Organization recommends developing national guidelines for the diagnosis of Celiac Disease (CD): hence a profile of the diagnosis of CD in each country is required. We aim to describe a cross-sectional picture of the clinical features and diagnostic facilities in 16 countries of the Mediterranean basin. Since a new ESPGHAN diagnostic protocol was recently published, our secondary aim is to estimate how many cases in the same area could be identified without a small intestinal biopsy. Methods: By a stratified cross-sectional retrospective study design, we examined clinical, histological and laboratory data from 749 consecutive unselected CD children diagnosed by national referral centers. Results: The vast majority of cases were diagnosed before the age of 10 (median: 5 years), affected by diarrhea, weight loss and food refusal, as expected. Only 59 cases (7.8%) did not suffer of major complaints. Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) assay was available, but one-third of centers reported financial constraints in the regular purchase of the assay kits. 252 cases (33.6%) showed tTG values over 10 times the local normal limit. Endomysial antibodies and HLA typing were routinely available in only half of the centers. CD was mainly diagnosed from small intestinal biopsy, available in all centers. Based on these data, only 154/749 cases (20.5%) would have qualified for a diagnosis of CD without a small intestinal biopsy, according to the new ESPGHAN protocol. Conclusions: This cross-sectional study of CD in the Mediterranean referral centers offers a puzzling picture of the capacities to deal with the emerging epidemic of CD in the area, giving a substantive support to the World Gastroenterology Organization guidelines.
This paper draws together contributions to a scientific table discussion on obesity at the European Science Open Forum 2008 which took place in Barcelona, Spain. Socioeconomic dimensions of global obesity, including those factors promoting it, those surrounding the social perceptions of obesity and those related to integral public health solutions, are discussed. It argues that although scientific accounts of obesity point to large-scale changes in dietary and physical environments, media representations of obesity, which context public policy, pre-eminently follow individualistic models of explanation. While the debate at the forum brought together a diversity of views, all the contributors agreed that this was a global issue requiring an equally global response. Furthermore, an integrated ecological model of obesity proposes that to be effective, policy will need to address not only human health but also planetary health, and that therefore, public health and environmental policies coincide.
V.I: 491 p. y V.II: 335 p.