38 resultados para Problemas de rotemento, Algoritmos em colônia de formiga


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Relación de problemas resueltos de exámenes de la asignatura Matemáticas III para Economistas de la Licenciatura de Economía desde febrero de 2001 hasta junio de 2010.


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Contenido: - Instalaciones de turbina de gas. - Análisis de los procesos termodinámicos. - Conceptos básicos para el análisis de turbinas de gas: a) Instalación de turbina de gas. b) Turbina como máquina térmica. - Análisis mediante el software Turgas.


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Quantum Computing is a relatively modern field which simulates quantum computation conditions. Moreover, it can be used to estimate which quasiparticles would endure better in a quantum environment. Topological Quantum Computing (TQC) is an approximation for reducing the quantum decoherence problem1, which is responsible for error appearance in the representation of information. This project tackles specific instances of TQC problems using MOEAs (Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). A MOEA is a type of algorithm which will optimize two or more objectives of a problem simultaneously, using a population based approach. We have implemented MOEAs that use probabilistic procedures found in EDAs (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms), since in general, EDAs have found better solutions than ordinary EAs (Evolutionary Algorithms), even though they are more costly. Both, EDAs and MOEAs are population-based algorithms. The objective of this project was to use a multi-objective approach in order to find good solutions for several instances of a TQC problem. In particular, the objectives considered in the project were the error approximation and the length of a solution. The tool we used to solve the instances of the problem was the multi-objective framework PISA. Because PISA has not too much documentation available, we had to go through a process of reverse-engineering of the framework to understand its modules and the way they communicate with each other. Once its functioning was understood, we began working on a module dedicated to the braid problem. Finally, we submitted this module to an exhaustive experimentation phase and collected results.


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[EU]Proiektu honen helburua sare ezberdinetan algoritmo metaheuristikoen erabileraren bitartez bideratze arazoak ebaztea eta aztertzea da. Helburu honetarako erabiliko diren algoritmoak Coral Reefs Optimization eta Firefly Algorithm dira. Bi algoritmoak Python erabiliz inplementatuko dira, baita sareak simulatzen dituen programa ere. Modu honetan, algoritmo bakoitzaren gaitasuna aztertuko da sareko bi punturen arteko bide bideragarri bat, zeinek ezarritako murrizketak betetzen dituen, aurkitzeko; prozesu hau ausaz sortutako simulatutako sare batean oinarrituz garatuko da. Honen bitartez, arazo honen ebazpenerako algoritmo bakoitza egokia den eta bietariko zein den egokiena ondorioztatu ahalko da.


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(ES)El trabajo tratará de explicar el problema de bancarrota (asignación de recursos escasos) y explicar los diferentes tipos de reglas de reparto existentes y axiomas.


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El trabajo analiza en profundidad la labor de Reporteros Sin Fronteras en defensa de la libertad de expresión en el ámbito internacional. Estudia su estructura, sus actividades principales así como los problemas asociados.