38 resultados para CSX Corporation.


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ESPAÑOL Desde 2008, a causa de la crisis internacional, Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa se ve obligado a emplear ciertas políticas de gestión de los recursos humanos para sobrevivir a esa situación. La finalidad de este trabajo es identificar dichas políticas y valorar si realmente ofrecen los resultados esperados, analizando minuciosamente la relación entre el absentismo laboral y el compromiso y la motivación de los trabajadores. Este estudio propone que en situaciones de recesión económica, las políticas de formación y empleo y las prestaciones cubiertas por Lagun-Aro EPSV aumentan la motivación de los empleados y en consecuencia reducen la tasa de absentismo. La investigación se fundamenta en la lectura de artículos académicos, memorias de Lagun-Aro y una detallada entrevista realizada al que fue jefe de contabilidad en Eroski durante 9 años y director administrativo y responsable de las participadas de Lagun-Aro EPSV durante 30 años. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de una relación inversa entre el compromiso y la motivación y el absentismo laboral. Además se comprueba la eficiencia de las políticas llevadas a cabo por las cooperativas de Mondragón y se destaca el principio de intercooperatividad para la efectividad de esas políticas.


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Kooperatibek gaur egungo merkatu lehiakorrean jarduten dute, beste hainbat entitaterekin batera. Gaur egungo merkatua globala da, eta merkaturen eskakizunetara egokitzea ezinbestekoa da. Merkatu honetan lehiatzerako orduan kooperatiben izaera eta portaera beste enpresekin alderatuz zerk bereizten duen aztertu da lan honetan. Printzipio eta ezaugarri bereizgarri hauek kooperatibek jarraitzen dituzten estrategiatan duten eragina ikusten da, kasu batzuetan oztopo direlarik, eta lehia abantaila beste batzuetan. Kasu praktiko gisa MONDRAGON Korporazioa ikertu da. Korporazioak 2013-2016 aldirako zehaztu dituen estrategiak garatzen dira: dimentsioa eta nazioartekotzea, berrikuntza, elkarren arteko lankidetza eta izaera eta identitate kooperatiboa, hain zuzen ere. Korporazioko kooperatibentzat orokorrak diren estrategiak dira, ondoren taldeko kide bakoitzak egokitu egingo dituenak. Ikerketa burututa, ikusi da MONDRAGON Korporazioak finkatutako estrategiatan kooperatiben printzipioek presentzia nabaria dutela. Elkarren arteko lankidetza da eragin handiena duena, bere baitan estrategia bat izanik. Komunitatearenganako interesak, bazkideen parte hartze demokratikoak eta hezkuntzak ere garrantzia nabarmena dute. Erronka bikoitza da kooperatibentzat: utilitate soziala alde batetik, eta lehiakortasuna bestetik. Hori dela eta, merkatuaren eskakizunei erantzuteko finkatutako estrategiek kooperatiben identitatearekin bat egin behar dute.


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Hurrengo lanean, Mondragon Korporazio Kooperatiboaren parte diren BATZ, S.Coop. eta DANOBAT S.Coop. enpresak aztertuko dira, batez ere hazkunde prozesuan zentratuz. Azterketa hau burutu ahal izateko, lehendabizi sarrera labur bat egingo da gaian kokatzeko eta lan honen bidez lortu nahi diren helburuak finkatuko dira bertan. Era berean, enpresen azterketa hasi baino lehen hauek kokatuta dauden ingurunearen azterketa burutuko da, jardueran eragina izango duten faktore ekonomikoak, politikoak eta abar identifikatzeko. Lanean zehar analizatuko diren bi enpresek azterketa puntu berdinak izango dituzte. Lehendabizi enpresaren ezaugarriak eta historia laburra aztertuko dira. Aurkezpen orokor honen ondoren, ingurune bereziaren azterketa gauzatuko da, enpresak sektore konkretu batean kokatuz eta sektore honen ezaugarriak identifikatuz. Kanpo analisiarekin bukatuz, enpresaren barne analisian aurkitzen diren arlo funtzionala eta baliabide eta gaitasunen azterketa burutuko da eta AMIA analisia gauzatuko da enpresaren ezaugarri espezifikoak ezagutzeko. Enpresaren ezaugarrien analisiarekin bukatu ondoren, hazkunde estrategia izango da aztergai, bertan korporazio estrategia, kanpo hazkundea, barne hazkundea eta lankidetza akordioak ikertuko dira. Azkenik, enpresa bakoitzaren azterketa burutu ondoren ondorio nagusiak aurkituko dira, bertan hasiera batean finkatutako helburuak bete diren ikusi ahal izango da, eta analisiaren ondorioz enpresen hazkundeari buruzko ideia nagusiak aurkituko dira. Erabilitako informazio guztiaren iturriak bibliografia apartatuan ikusi ahal izango dira.


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The aim of this paper is to present fixed point result of mappings satisfying a generalized rational contractive condition in the setup of multiplicative metric spaces. As an application, we obtain a common fixed point of a pair of weakly compatible mappings. Some common fixed point results of pair of rational contractive types mappings involved in cocyclic representation of a nonempty subset of a multiplicative metric space are also obtained. Some examples are presented to support the results proved herein. Our results generalize and extend various results in the existing literature.


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This paper deals with the convergence of a remote iterative learning control system subject to data dropouts. The system is composed by a set of discrete-time multiple input-multiple output linear models, each one with its corresponding actuator device and its sensor. Each actuator applies the input signals vector to its corresponding model at the sampling instants and the sensor measures the output signals vector. The iterative learning law is processed in a controller located far away of the models so the control signals vector has to be transmitted from the controller to the actuators through transmission channels. Such a law uses the measurements of each model to generate the input vector to be applied to its subsequent model so the measurements of the models have to be transmitted from the sensors to the controller. All transmissions are subject to failures which are described as a binary sequence taking value 1 or 0. A compensation dropout technique is used to replace the lost data in the transmission processes. The convergence to zero of the errors between the output signals vector and a reference one is achieved as the number of models tends to infinity.


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Compatibilized blends of polypropylene (PP) and polyamide-12 (PA12) as a second component were obtained by direct injection molding having first added 20% maleic anhydride-modified copolymer (PP-g-MA) to the PP, which produced partially grafted PP (gPP). A nucleating effect of the PA12 took place on the cooling crystallization of the gPP, and a second crystallization peak of the gPP appeared in the PA12-rich blends, indicating changes in the crystalline morphology. There was a slight drop in the PA12 crystallinity of the compatible blends, whereas the crystallinity of the gPP increased significantly in the PA12-rich blends. The overall reduction in the dispersed phase particle size together with the clear increase in ductility when gPP was used instead of PP proved that compatibilization occurred. Young's modulus of the blends showed synergistic behavior. This is proposed to be both due to a change in the crystalline morphology of the blends on the one hand and, on the other, in the PA12-rich blends, to the clear increase in the crystallinity of the gPP phase, which may, in turn, have been responsible for the increase in its continuity and its contribution to the modulus.


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Nowadays, train control in-lab simulation tools play a crucial role in reducing extensive and expensive on-site railway testing activities. In this paper, we present our contribution in this arena by detailing the internals of our European Railway Train Management System in-lab demonstrator. This demonstrator is built over a general-purpose simulation framework, Riverbed Modeler, previously Opnet Modeler. Our framework models both ERTMS subsystems, the Automatic Train Protection application layer based on movement authority message exchange and the telecommunication subsystem based on GSM-R communication technology. We provide detailed information on our modelling strategy. We also validate our simulation framework with real trace data. To conclude, under current industry migration scenario from GSM-R legacy obsolescence to IP-based heterogeneous technologies, our simulation framework represents a singular tool to railway operators. As an example, we present the assessment of related performance indicators for a specific railway network using a candidate replacement technology, LTE, versus current legacy technology. To the best of our knowledge, there is no similar initiative able to measure the impact of the telecommunication subsystem in the railway network availability.


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This paper investigates stability and asymptotic properties of the error with respect to its nominal version of a nonlinear time-varying perturbed functional differential system subject to point, finite-distributed, and Volterra-type distributed delays associated with linear dynamics together with a class of nonlinear delayed dynamics. The boundedness of the error and its asymptotic convergence to zero are investigated with the results being obtained based on the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias analysis.