72 resultados para net requirements


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[EU] Kontabilitate Plan Orokorrak aldaketa sakon bat izan du. Aldaketa horien artean lehena, kontabilitatearen oinarria den Kontzeptu-Esparrua da. Kontabilitatearen Kontzeptu-Esparruak, kontabilitatearen oinarriak ezartzen ditu. Bertan adierazten dira kontabilitatearen helburua zein den, hori lortzeko betebeharrak, printzipioak, osagaiak eta erregistro eta balioespen irizpideak. Lehen zati hau ondo ulertzen ez bada, kontabilitateak zentzurik ez daukala esan genezake.


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[EN]Traditionally writing skills have been given priority in language teaching and so, oral skills have been put aside. However, during the last years many voices have asserted the importance of oral skills. Therefore, they claim that oral language teaching must be emphasized at school. Also, the necessity of strengthening oral language is shown in the new curriculum. Nevertheless, those intentions are reflected in very different ways in textbooks. In this work we have looked into the treatment that oral language is given in teaching materials because, in our opinion, textbooks are one of the most important tools for teachers. The facts show that the importance given to oral language and the exercises and tools needed to work that skill are very different from one publishing house to another. Besides, we have confirmed that all the textbooks don’t satisfy the requirements proposed in the Basque official curriculum (e.g. didactic sequences) or that the approach to the text or the way to work with it are not always what they should be. Therefore, it is obvious that we have still a long way in the field of oral language and specially in the way of teaching oral skills


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Background: Maladaptive behavior has been reported as a phenotypical feature in Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS). It severely limits social adaptation and the quality of life of children and adults with the syndrome. Different factors have been linked with the intensity and form of these behavioral disturbances but there is no consensus about the cause. Consequently, there is still controversy regarding management strategies and there is a need for new data. Methods: The behavior of 100 adults with PWS attending a dedicated center was assessed using the Developmental Behavior Checklist for Adults (DBC-A) and the PWS-specific Hyperphagia Questionnaire. The DBC-A was completed separately by trained caregivers at the center and relatives or caregivers in a natural setting. Genotype, gender, age, degree of obesity and cognitive impairment were analyzed as variables with a hypothetical influence on behavioral features. Results: Patients showed a relatively high rate of behavioral disturbances other than hyperphagia. Disruptive and social relating were the highest scoring DBC-A subscales whereas anxiety/antisocial and self-absorbed were the lowest. When hospital caregiver and natural caregiver scores were compared, scores for the latter were higher for all subscales except for disruptive and anxiety/antisocial. These effects of institutional management were underlined. In the DBC-A, 22 items have descriptive indications of PWS behavior and were used for further comparisons and correlation analysis. In contrast to previous reports, rates of disturbed behavior were lower in patients with a deletion genotype. However, the behavioral profile was similar for both genotypes. No differences were found in any measurement when comparing type I and type II deletions. The other analyzed variables showed little relevance. Conclusions: Significant rates of behavioral disorders were highlighted and their typology described in a large cohort of adults with PWS. The deletion genotype was related to a lower severity of symptoms. Some major behavioral problems, such as hyperphagia, may be well controlled if living circumstances are adapted to the specific requirements of individuals with PWS.


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Over the last few decades, quantum chemistry has progressed through the development of computational methods based on modern digital computers. However, these methods can hardly fulfill the exponentially-growing resource requirements when applied to large quantum systems. As pointed out by Feynman, this restriction is intrinsic to all computational models based on classical physics. Recently, the rapid advancement of trapped-ion technologies has opened new possibilities for quantum control and quantum simulations. Here, we present an efficient toolkit that exploits both the internal and motional degrees of freedom of trapped ions for solving problems in quantum chemistry, including molecular electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and vibronic coupling. We focus on applications that go beyond the capacity of classical computers, but may be realizable on state-of-the-art trapped-ion systems. These results allow us to envision a new paradigm of quantum chemistry that shifts from the current transistor to a near-future trapped-ion-based technology.


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This paper presents the construction, mathematical modeling and testing of a scaled universal hydraulic Power Take-Off (PTO) device for Wave Energy Converters (WECs). A specific prototype and test bench were designed and built to carry out the tests. The results obtained from these tests were used to adjust an in-house mathematical model. The PTO was initially designed to be coupled to a scaled wave energy capture device with a low speed and high torque oscillating motion and high power fluctuations. Any Energy Capture Device (ECD) that fulfils these requirements can be coupled to this PTO, provided that its scale is adequately defined depending on the rated power of the full scale prototype. The initial calibration included estimation of the pressure drops in the different components, the pressurization time of the oil inside the hydraulic cylinders and the volumetric efficiency of the complete circuit. Since the overall efficiency measured during the tests ranged from 0.69 to 0.8 and the dynamic performance of the PTO was satisfactory, the results are really promising and it is believed that this solution might prove effective in real devices.


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One of the major concerns in an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) scenario, such as that which may be found on a long-distance train service, is the provision of efficient communication services, satisfying users' expectations, and fulfilling even highly demanding application requirements, such as safety-oriented services. In an ITS scenario, it is common to have a significant amount of onboard devices that comprise a cluster of nodes (a mobile network) that demand connectivity to the outside networks. This demand has to be satisfied without service disruption. Consequently, the mobility of the mobile network has to be managed. Due to the nature of mobile networks, efficient and lightweight protocols are desired in the ITS context to ensure adequate service performance. However, the security is also a key factor in this scenario. Since the management of the mobility is essential for providing communications, the protocol for managing this mobility has to be protected. Furthermore, there are safety-oriented services in this scenario, so user application data should also be protected. Nevertheless, providing security is expensive in terms of efficiency. Based on this considerations, we have developed a solution for managing the network mobility for ITS scenarios: the NeMHIP protocol. This approach provides a secure management of network mobility in an efficient manner. In this article, we present this protocol and the strategy developed to maintain its security and efficiency in satisfactory levels. We also present the developed analytical models to analyze quantitatively the efficiency of the protocol. More specifically, we have developed models for assessing it in terms of signaling cost, which demonstrates that NeMHIP generates up to 73.47% less signaling compared to other relevant approaches. Therefore, the results obtained demonstrate that NeMHIP is the most efficient and secure solution for providing communications in mobile network scenarios such as in an ITS context.


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Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience exacerbations of the disease that require hospitalization. Current guidelines offer little guidance for identifying patients whose clinical situation is appropriate for admission to the hospital, and properly developed and validated severity scores for COPD exacerbations are lacking. To address these important gaps in clinical care, we created the IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study. Methods/Design: The RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology was used to identify appropriate and inappropriate scenarios for hospital admission for patients experiencing COPD exacerbations. These scenarios were then applied to a prospective cohort of patients attending the emergency departments (ED) of 16 participating hospitals. Information was recorded during the time the patient was evaluated in the ED, at the time a decision was made to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge home, and during follow-up after admission or discharge home. While complete data were generally available at the time of ED admission, data were often missing at the time of decision making. Predefined assumptions were used to impute much of the missing data. Discussion: The IRYSS-COPD Appropriateness Study will validate the appropriateness criteria developed by the RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Methodology and thus better delineate the requirements for admission or discharge of patients experiencing exacerbations of COPD. The study will also provide a better understanding of the determinants of outcomes of COPD exacerbations, and evaluate the equity and variability in access and outcomes in these patients.


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We conduct experiments to investigate the effects of different majority requirements on bargaining outcomes in small and large groups. In particular, we use a Baron-Ferejohn protocol and investigate the effects of decision rules on delay (number of bargaining rounds needed to reach agreement) and measures of "fairness" (inclusiveness of coalitions, equality of the distribution within a coalition). We find that larger groups and unanimity rule are associated with significantly larger decision making costs in the sense that first round proposals more often fail, leading to more costly delay. The higher rate of failure under unanimity rule and in large groups is a combination of three facts: (1) in these conditions, a larger number of individuals must agree, (2) an important fraction of individuals reject offers below the equal share, and (3) proposers demand more (relative to the equal share) in large groups.


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El presente proyecto consiste en el análisis y búsqueda de soluciones para el control de producción de la unidad de rodajes de la compañía CAF S.A. Para ello, se ha tenido que analizar procesos de producción, capturar requerimientos, desarrollar unas herramientas de control de producción temporales y elaborar una especificación de requisitos. Sin olvidar la gestión e interlocución con proveedores. Estas líneas de trabajo se encuentran descritas en esta memoria, junto con análisis de resultados, conclusiones y unas líneas futuras donde se seguirá trabajando.


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Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a key linear algebraic operation in many scientific and engineering applications. In particular, many computational intelligence systems rely on machine learning methods involving high dimensionality datasets that have to be fast processed for real-time adaptability. In this paper we describe a practical FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) implementation of a SVD processor for accelerating the solution of large LSE problems. The design approach has been comprehensive, from the algorithmic refinement to the numerical analysis to the customization for an efficient hardware realization. The processing scheme rests on an adaptive vector rotation evaluator for error regularization that enhances convergence speed with no penalty on the solution accuracy. The proposed architecture, which follows a data transfer scheme, is scalable and based on the interconnection of simple rotations units, which allows for a trade-off between occupied area and processing acceleration in the final implementation. This permits the SVD processor to be implemented both on low-cost and highend FPGAs, according to the final application requirements.


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Bloke eskalada modalitatea bere osotasunean aztertzea oso erabilgarria izango da entrenamenduaren planifikazioa modu egokian egiteko. Badaude gai honi buruzko zenbait liburu eta artikulu, baina modalitateko eskakizun guztiak batzen dituen eta zientzian oinarritzen den bat faltan botatzen da. Lanean, eskakizun fisiko, tekniko eta psikologikoak aztertzen dira. Bloke eskaladan gaitasun fisikoak dira gehien aztertutako faktoreak, elementu ezberdinen inguruan datuak eskainiko ditut ondorioz. Arlo tekniko eta batez ere psikologikoan datu gutxiago daude, baina ondorio baliagarriak ateratzeko balio izan dit. Ondorio aipagarrienak atera ditut hurrengo atalean, aipatutako informazioak erlazionatuta bait daude. Bukatzeko, bloke eskaladaren entrenamendurako aspektu garrantzitsuenak identifikatzen dira, modalitate honetako entrenatzaileei literatura zientifikoan oinarritutako zenbait entrenamendu helburu eskaintzeko asmoz.


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[ES] La medida y representaci??n del un elemento patrimonial debe responder a unas necesidades. Ser?? dif??cil plantear un proceso de documentaci??n geom??trica encaminado exclusivamente a conservar la informaci??n sobre su forma y dimensiones, si no son determinadas previamente las caracter??sticas de la informaci??n que se requiere conservar: su cantidad, c??mo se almacenar??, se gestionar??, se reproducir?? y difundir??. Se considera al Proyecto de Documentaci??n Geom??trica como el eje vertebrador de la intervenci??n, entendiendo por tal, el documento que recoge las necesidades y circunstancias que rodean al elemento patrimonial, propone resultados para satisfacerlas, plantea alternativas tecnol??gicas junto a la evaluaci??n de los recursos temporales, instrumentales y econ??micos de cada una de las opciones; y en definitiva supone el dise??o de la intervenci??n para la medida y la representaci??n. En este art??culo se analizan las circunstancias que justifican la redacci??n del proyecto y la transcendencia de la generaci??n de este documento en el proceso de la documentaci??n geom??trica.


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Tesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178 p.


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LABURPENA: Gaur egun eskola porrota hezkuntza arloko kezka nagusienetariko bat da, eta honen arrazoietariko bat ikasleen irakurketa arazoak izan daitezke. Dakigunez, eskola-liburutegia irakurketa lantzeko eta sustatzeko gune ezinhobea da, eta hori dela eta, zentroaren ardatza izan beharko litzateke. Eskola-liburutegian, bestalde, irakaskuntzarako metodología berritzaileak praktikan jar daitezke, horretarako baliabideak dituelako, baina eskola askotan oraindik bazterturik agertzen da. Lan honek eskola-liburutegiaren errealitate ezberdinak eta honen funtzionamendu egokia lortzeko baldintzak erakustea helburu du.