17 resultados para necessity


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[EUS] Gizarteak jasandako aldaketak direla eta, eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora azken urteotan. Haurrak bere biziko lehen hilabeteetan gurasoengandik aldendu eta haur eskolara joan beharra dauka. Hala ere, lehen haurtzaroko edo 0-3 urte bitarteko haurren premiak ez dira Haur Hezkuntzako bigarren zikloko haurren beharrizanen berdinak eta, ondorioz, gure hezkuntza sistema egoera berri horretara egokitzen jarraitu beharra daukagu. Lan honetan haurra behatu eta tratatzeko eredu ezberdin bat aurkeztuko da, Emmi Pikler pediatrak sortutakoa eta Lóczy-n aurrera eramaten dena. Horretarako, Pikler-Lóczy pedagogia horretako atal batean, hots, eguneroko zaintzetan murgildu eta horiek sakon aztertzeari ekingo diogu. Eredu hori gure eremuko haur eskolakoetatik aldendu arren, gure jardunbidea birplanteatzeko aukera paregabea eskaintzen digu.


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In the last decades the creation of new Environmental Specimen Banks (ESB) is increasing due to the necessity of knowing the effects of pollutants in both the environment and human populations. ESBs analyze and store samples in order to understand the effects of chemicals, emerging substances and the environmental changes in biota. For a correct analysis of the effect induced by these variables, there is a need to add biological endpoints, such as biomarkers, to the endpoints based on chemical approaches which have being used until now. It is essential to adapt ESB´s sampling strategies in order to enable scientists to apply new biological methods. The present study was performed to obtain biochemical endpoints from samples stored in the BBEBB (Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank) of the Marine Station of Plentzia (PIE - UPV/EHU). The main objective of the present work was to study the variability caused in biochemical biomarkers by different processing methods in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from two localities (Plentzia and Arriluze) with different pollution history. It can be concluded that the selected biomarkers (glutathione S-transferase and acetylcholinesterase) can be accurately measured in samples stored for years in the ESBs. The results also allowed the discrimination of both sampling sites. However, in a further step, the threshold levels and baseline values should be characterized for a correct interpretation of the results in relation to the assessment of the ecosystem health status.