29 resultados para futures price volatility


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This paper proposes a GARCH-type model allowing for time-varying volatility, skewness and kurtosis. The model is estimated assuming a Gram-Charlier series expansion of the normal density function for the error term, which is easier to estimate than the non-central t distribution proposed by Harvey and Siddique (1999). Moreover, this approach accounts for time-varying skewness and kurtosis while the approach by Harvey and Siddique (1999) only accounts for nonnormal skewness. We apply this method to daily returns of a variety of stock indices and exchange rates. Our results indicate a significant presence of conditional skewness and kurtosis. It is also found that specifications allowing for time-varying skewness and kurtosis outperform specifications with constant third and fourth moments.


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Revisions of US macroeconomic data are not white-noise. They are persistent, correlated with real-time data, and with high variability (around 80% of volatility observed in US real-time data). Their business cycle effects are examined in an estimated DSGE model extended with both real-time and final data. After implementing a Bayesian estimation approach, the role of both habit formation and price indexation fall significantly in the extended model. The results show how revision shocks of both output and inflation are expansionary because they occur when real-time published data are too low and the Fed reacts by cutting interest rates. Consumption revisions, by contrast, are countercyclical as consumption habits mirror the observed reduction in real-time consumption. In turn, revisions of the three variables explain 9.3% of changes of output in its long-run variance decomposition.


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This paper presents new results on the welfare e¤ects of third-degree price discrimination under constant elasticity demand. We show that when both the share of the strong market under uniform pricing and the elasticity di¤erence between markets are high enough,then price discrimination not only can increase social welfare but also consumer surplus.


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This paper deals with the economics of gasification facilities in general and IGCC power plants in particular. Regarding the prospects of these systems, passing the technological test is one thing, passing the economic test can be quite another. In this respect, traditional valuations assume constant input and/or output prices. Since this is hardly realistic, we allow for uncertainty in prices. We naturally look at the markets where many of the products involved are regularly traded. Futures markets on commodities are particularly useful for valuing uncertain future cash flows. Thus, revenues and variable costs can be assessed by means of sound financial concepts and actual market data. On the other hand, these complex systems provide a number of flexibility options (e.g., to choose among several inputs, outputs, modes of operation, etc.). Typically, flexibility contributes significantly to the overall value of real assets. Indeed, maximization of the asset value requires the optimal exercise of any flexibility option available. Yet the economic value of flexibility is elusive, the more so under (price) uncertainty. And the right choice of input fuels and/or output products is a main concern for the facility managers. As a particular application, we deal with the valuation of input flexibility. We follow the Real Options approach. In addition to economic variables, we also address technical and environmental issues such as energy efficiency, utility performance characteristics and emissions (note that carbon constraints are looming). Lastly, a brief introduction to some stochastic processes suitable for valuation purposes is provided.


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As a necessary condition for the validity of the present value model, the price-dividend ratio must be stationary. However, significant market episodes seem to provide evidence of prices significantly drifting apart from dividends while other episodes show prices anchoring back to dividends. This paper investigates the stationarity of this ratio in the context of a Markov- switching model à la Hamilton (1989) where an asymmetric speed of adjustment towards a unique attractor is introduced. A three-regime model displays the best regime identification and reveals that the first part of the 90’s boom (1985-1995) and the post-war period are characterized by a stationary state featuring a slow reverting process to a relatively high attractor. Interestingly, the latter part of the 90’s boom (1996-2000), characterized by a growing price-dividend ratio, is entirely attributed to a stationary regime featuring a highly reverting process to the attractor. Finally, the post-Lehman Brothers episode of the subprime crisis can be classified into a temporary nonstationary regime.


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4 p.


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41 p.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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Idioma: Inglés Abstract: This project focuses on two indicators of prices, the GDP deflator and the consumer price index (CPI), and analyzes the differences and similarities they present. These price indexes have been chosen taking into account its great representativeness and importance to economic and social level, and its direct relationship to the overall functioning of the economy and, in particular, inflation. It should be also mentioned that this study was conducted for cases of the euro area and the United States, as the impact of these economies in the economic and social situation at international level is very significant.