18 resultados para cardiometabolic biomarkers


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[EUS] Gaur egun produktu kimiko ugari erabiltzen dira nekazaritzaren produktibitatea emendatzeko eta modu honetan nekazaritza-produktuen etekin eta kalitatea hobetzeko asmoz. Hala ere, produktu kimiko hauek ekosisteman izan ditzaketen hilgarriak ez diren eraginak askotan ez dira kontuan hartzen. Azken urteotan osagai aktibo gisa glifosatoa duten herbiziden erabilera emendatu da. Lan honetan, glifosatoak ingurunean sor ditzakeen eraginak ikertu nahi izan dira, lurzoruan oso ugaria den Eisenia fetida zizarea adierazle biologiko gisa erabiliz. Esperimentuan 10 indibiduo helduz osaturiko 4 populazio erabili ziren, zeinak 14 egunez tratamendu desberdinetan ezarri ziren (kontrola, 50, 500 eta 5000 mg glifosato/Kg lur lehor). Glifosato kontzentrazio desberdinek ez zuten zizareen hilkortasunean edo pisuaren aldaketan eraginik izan. Hala ere, digestio-hodiaren epitelioaren morfologian eta azetilkolinesterasaren jardueran aldaketak behatu ziren. Glifosato kontzentrazio baxueneko ontziko zizareetan digestio-hodiko epitelioaren altueraren uniformetasun falta behatu zen, glifosato kontzentrazio ertaineko ontziko zizareetan orokorrean epitelioaren altuera txikiagoa zen, eta glifosato kontzentrazio handieneko ontziko zizareetan digestio-hodien borobiltasuna eta epitelioaren jarraitasuna galdu zen. Azetilkolinesterasaren jardueraren murrizpena behatu zen glifosatodun lurretan egondako zizareetan. Esperimentu honetan erabilitako glifosato kontzentrazioek zizareengan hilgarriak ez diren aldaketak sortzen dituzte, aztertutako biomarkatzaileak etorkizuneko ekotoxikologia testetan erabilgarriak izan daitezkeelarik.


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Background: Previous studies suggest that dietary protein might play a beneficial role in combating obesity and its related chronic diseases. Total, animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with anthropometry and serum biomarkers in European adolescents using one standardised methodology across European countries are not well documented. Objectives: To evaluate total, animal and plant protein intakes in European adolescents stratified by gender and age, and to investigate their associations with cardio-metabolic indicators (anthropometry and biomarkers). Methods: The current analysis included 1804 randomly selected adolescents participating in the HELENA study (conducted in 2006-2007) aged 12.5-17.5 y (47% males) who completed two non-consecutive computerised 24-h dietary recalls. Associations between animal and plant protein intakes, and anthropometry and serum biomarkers were examined with General linear Model multivariate analysis. Results: Average total protein intake exceeded the recommendations of World Health Organization and European Food Safety Authority. Mean total protein intake was 96 g/d (59% derived from animal protein). Total, animal and plant protein intakes (g/d) were significantly lower in females than in males and total and plant protein intakes were lower in younger participants (12.5-14.9 y). Protein intake was significantly lower in underweight subjects and higher in obese ones; the direction of the relationship was reversed after adjustments for body weight (g/(kg.d)). The inverse association of plant protein intakes was stronger with BMI z-score and body fat percentage (BF%) compared to animal protein intakes. Additionally, BMI and BF% were positively associated with energy percentage of animal protein. Conclusions: This sample of European adolescents appeared to have adequate total protein intake. Our findings suggest that plant protein intakes may play a role in preventing obesity among European adolescents. Further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the potential beneficial effects observed in this study in the prevention of obesity and related chronic diseases.


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Cannabinoid CB1 receptors peripherally modulate energy metabolism. Here, we investigated the role of CB1 receptors in the expression of glucose/pyruvate/tricarboxylic acid (TCA) metabolism in rat abdominal muscle. Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD), a flavoprotein component (E3) of alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complexes with diaphorase activity in mitochondria, was specifically analyzed. After assessing the effectiveness of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (3 mg kg(-1), 14 days) on food intake and body weight, we could identified seven key enzymes from either glycolytic pathway or TCA cycle-regulated by both diet and CB1 receptor activity-through comprehensive proteomic approaches involving two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF/LC-ESI trap mass spectrometry. These enzymes were glucose 6-phosphate isomerase (GPI), triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), enolase (Eno3), lactate dehydrogenase (LDHa), glyoxalase-1 (Glo1) and the mitochondrial DLD, whose expressions were modified by AM251 in hypercaloric diet-induced obesity. Specifically, AM251 blocked high-carbohydrate diet (HCD)-induced expression of GPI, TPI, Eno3 and LDHa, suggesting a down-regulation of glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways under glucose availability. AM251 reversed the HCD-inhibited expression of Glo1 and DLD in the muscle, and the DLD and CB1 receptor expression in the mitochondrial fraction. Interestingly, we identified the presence of CB1 receptors at the membrane of striate muscle mitochondria. DLD over-expression was confirmed in muscle of CB1-/- mice. AM251 increased the pyruvate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activity in C2C12 myotubes, and the diaphorase/oxidative activity in the mitochondria fraction. These results indicated an up-regulation of methylglyoxal and TCA cycle activity. Findings suggest that CB1 receptors in muscle modulate glucose/pyruvate/lactate pathways and mitochondrial oxidative activity by targeting DLD.