22 resultados para calentamiento global


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In the ashes of political and socio-economic collapse, social movements sometimes rise like a phoenix. Little more than a year has passed since the Tunisian uprisings, the spark that ignited a series of “mobilizations of the indignant” that spread like wildfire around the world. Many observers have reported on these unprecedented global protests. They have portrayed citizens who declare feeling marginalized if not scapegoated, and who reject the increasing inequalities between rich and poor, the declining mobility of most, and the “disclassment” of many. They have shown, as well, massive protests against governments and politicians that are perceived as indifferent at best, duplicitous at worst, and in any event as blatantly closed to popular concerns. Many journalists have indeed asked what took so long for people to protest given this fatal combination. For the social scientist, however, the questions of who, why and how mobilizes are not so simple. There are specific problematics of mediation between structure, culture and individual or collective agency that need to be addressed.


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510 p.


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[EU]Gradu Amaierako lan honetan, enpresen gizarte erantzukizunak azkenaldian hartu duen garrantzia kontuan hartuta, kontzeptu hau jorratuko da eta eremu honetan burututako ekimen ezberdinen artean bat aukeratuko da, honen garapena eta inplementazioa aztertzeko. Hain zuzen ere, lan honetan erabiliko den ekimena, Munduko Hitzarmena edo Global Compact-a izango da. Hau, nazioarte mailako ekimen bat izanik, 10 printzipio proposatzen ditu, lau eremu ezberdinetan banatuz: Giza eskubideak, lan-arauak, ingurumena eta ustelkeriaren kontrako borroka. Bukatzeko, Global Compact-a aplikatzen duten sektore ezberdinetako hiru enpresa aukeratuko dira eta bakoitza dimentsio bat aztertzeko erabilia izango da, soziala, ekonomikoa eta ingurumenekoa hurrenez hurren. Azkenik, lanean zehar aztertutakoa kontuan hartuta zein ondoriotara iritsi garen adieraziko da.


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This paper investigates the boundedness and convergence properties of two general iterative processes which involve sequences of self-mappings on either complete metric or Banach spaces. The sequences of self-mappings considered in the first iterative scheme are constructed by linear combinations of a set of self-mappings, each of them being a weighted version of a certain primary self-mapping on the same space. The sequences of self-mappings of the second iterative scheme are powers of an iteration-dependent scaled version of the primary self-mapping. Some applications are also given to the important problem of global stability of a class of extended nonlinear polytopic-type parameterizations of certain dynamic systems.


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This paper aims to investigate companies' environmental, social, governance (ESG), and financial implications of their commitment to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The focus is placed on companies operating in the three countries with the highest number of UNGC participants: Spain, France, and Japan. The results clearly reveal that adoption of the UNGC often requires an organizational change that fosters stakeholder engagement, ultimately resulting in improvements in companies' ESG performance. Additionally, the results reveal that ESG performance has a significant impact on financial performance for companies that adopted the principles of the UNGC. These findings provide both non-financial and financial incentives to companies to commit to this voluntary corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, which will have important implications on companies' strategic management policies that aim to foster sustainable businesses and community development. Finally, the linkages between the UNGC-committed companies' ESG and financial performance may be influenced by geographical spread, mainly due to the appearance of differences in the institutional, societal, and cultural settings.