20 resultados para Manuel Torres Aguilar
Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta un metamodelo para la estimaci�n del fen�meno de interacci�n el�stica en las uniones atornilladas de torres de aerogenerador, cuya principal particularidad geom�trica es la existencia de un hueco entre bridas. El metamodelo permite conocer la p�rdida de carga que cada tornillo de la uni�n experimenta durante la secuencia de atornillado a consecuencia de la interacci�n el�stica ocurrida. El metamodelo consta de cuatro par�metros (resortes lineales) que simulan la respuesta de la uni�n durante la secuencia, y cuyos valores se obtienen a partir de dos an�lisis est�tico-lineales. Se ha creado un algoritmo que, a trav�s del metamodelo, permite llevar a cabo la simulaci�n de secuencias de atornillado; dicho proceso consiste en reproducir una determinada secuencia de atornillado a partir de las cargas introducidas en los tornillos, de forma que, a trav�s de la estimaci�n de las interacciones el�sticas ocurridas durante la secuencia, proporciona como resultado las cargas finales en los tornillos. Tambi�n se ha desarrollado una metodolog�a que, mediante su correspondiente algoritmo, permite optimizar secuencias de atornillado. El proceso de optimizaci�n consiste en calcular las cargas a aplicar a los tornillos a lo largo de una determinada secuencia a fin de obtener en ellos una determinada distribuci�n final de cargas, que generalmente se desea uniforme y se denomina precarga. Combinando los procesos de simulaci�n y optimizaci�n, el metamodelo permite definir la secuencia �ptima para una determinada uni�n. Los resultados obtenidos han sido validados mediante modelos param�tricos de elementos finitos. Por �ltimo, debe remarcarse que, adem�s de proporcionar buenos resultados, tanto el proceso de simulaci�n como el de optimizaci�n se llevan a cabo con un coste computacional muy bajo gracias a la simplicidad del metamodelo.
Background: Bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and its related complications are common in infants born prematurely, with severe congenital heart disease, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as in immunosuppressed infants. There is a rich literature on the different aspects of RSV infection with a focus, for the most part, on specific risk populations. However, there is a need for a systematic global analysis of the impact of RSV infection in terms of use of resources and health impact on both children and adults. With this aim, we performed a systematic search of scientific evidence on the social, economic, and health impact of RSV infection. Methods: A systematic search of the following databases was performed: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Spanish Medical Index, MEDES-MEDicina in Spanish, Cochrane Plus Library, and Google without time limits. We selected 421 abstracts based on the 6,598 articles identified. From these abstracts, 4 RSV experts selected the most relevant articles. They selected 65 articles. After reading the full articles, 23 of their references were also selected. Finally, one more article found through a literature information alert system was included. Results: The information collected was summarized and organized into the following topics: 1. Impact on health (infections and respiratory complications, mid-to long-term lung function decline, recurrent wheezing, asthma, other complications such as otitis and rhino-conjunctivitis, and mortality; 2. Impact on resources (visits to primary care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and prophylactic treatments). Conclusions: We concluded that 1. The health impact of RSV infection is relevant and goes beyond the acute episode phase; 2. The health impact of RSV infection on children is much better documented than the impact on adults; 3. Further research is needed on mid-and long-term impact of RSV infection on the adult population, especially those at high-risk; 4. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing the impact of RSV infection by targeting health education, information, and prophylaxis in high-risk populations.
Background: The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of HIV and its associated demographic and clinical factors among psychiatric inpatients of a general hospital. Methods: This was a single-center, observational, cross-sectional study that included patients consecutively admitted to our unit aged 16 years or older and with no relevant cognitive problems. The patients were evaluated using a semistructured interview and an appropriate test for HIV infection. Results: Of the 637 patients who were screened, 546 (86%) who consented to participate were included in the analyses. Twenty-five (4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.0-6.8) patients were HIV-positive. The prevalence was higher among patients with substance misuse (17.4%, 95% CI 9.7-28.8). All except one of the 25 patients knew of their seropositive condition prior to participation in the study. Only 14 (56%) of the 25 seropositive patients had previously received pharmacological treatment for their infection. According to the multiple logistic regression analysis, the likelihood of HIV infection was lower in patients with higher levels of education and higher among patients who were single, had history of intravenous drug use, and had an HIV-positive partner, particularly if they did not use condoms. Among the patients with HIV infection, 18 (72%) had a history of suicide attempts compared with 181 (34.7%) of the patients without HIV infection (relative risk 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-2.7; P<0.001). Conclusion: HIV infection is highly prevalent in patients admitted to a psychiatric unit, especially those with a diagnosis of substance misuse. Seropositive patients show very poor treatment adherence. The risk of suicide seems to be very high in this population. Implementing interventions to reduce the suicide risk and improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy and psychotropic medications seems crucial.
Context Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1b (PHP-Ib) is characterized by renal resistance to PTH (and, sometimes, a mild resistance to TSH) and absence of any features of Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy. Patients with PHP-Ib suffer of defects in the methylation pattern of the complex GNAS locus. PHP-Ib can be either sporadic or inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. Whereas familial PHP-Ib is well characterized at the molecular level, the genetic cause of sporadic PHP-Ib cases remains elusive, although some molecular mechanisms have been associated with this subtype. Objective The aim of the study was to investigate the molecular and imprinting defects in the GNAS locus in two unrelated patients with PHP-Ib. Design We have analyzed the GNAS locus by direct sequencing, Methylation-Specific Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probe Amplification, microsatellites, Quantitative Multiplex PCR of Short Fluorescent fragments and array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization studies in order to characterize two unrelated families with clinical features of PHP-Ib. Results We identified two duplications in the GNAS region in two patients with PHP-Ib: one of them, comprising similar to 320 kb, occurred 'de novo' in the patient, whereas the other one, of similar to 179 kb in length, was inherited from the maternal allele. In both cases, no other known genetic cause was observed. Conclusion In this article, we describe the to-our-knowledge biggest duplications reported so far in the GNAS region. Both are associated to PHP-Ib, one of them occurring 'de novo' and the other one being maternally inherited.