21 resultados para Labor Stage Third


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670 p. Capítulos de introducción, metodología, discusión y conclusiones en castellano e inglés.


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[EUS] Gizarteak jasandako aldaketak direla eta, eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora azken urteotan. Haurrak bere biziko lehen hilabeteetan gurasoengandik aldendu eta haur eskolara joan beharra dauka. Hala ere, lehen haurtzaroko edo 0-3 urte bitarteko haurren premiak ez dira Haur Hezkuntzako bigarren zikloko haurren beharrizanen berdinak eta, ondorioz, gure hezkuntza sistema egoera berri horretara egokitzen jarraitu beharra daukagu. Lan honetan haurra behatu eta tratatzeko eredu ezberdin bat aurkeztuko da, Emmi Pikler pediatrak sortutakoa eta Lóczy-n aurrera eramaten dena. Horretarako, Pikler-Lóczy pedagogia horretako atal batean, hots, eguneroko zaintzetan murgildu eta horiek sakon aztertzeari ekingo diogu. Eredu hori gure eremuko haur eskolakoetatik aldendu arren, gure jardunbidea birplanteatzeko aukera paregabea eskaintzen digu.


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This paper analyzes the effects of personal income tax progressivity on long-run economic growth, income inequality and social welfare. The quantitative implications of income tax progressivity increments are illustrated for the US economy under three main headings: individual effects (reduced labor supply and savings, and increased dispersion of tax rates); aggregate effects (lower GDP growth and lower income inequality); and welfare effects (lower dispersion of consumption across individuals and higher leisure levels, but also lower growth of future consumption). The social discount factor proves to be crucial for this third effect: a higher valuation of future generations' well-being requires a lower level of progressivity. Additionally, if tax revenues are used to provide a public good rather than just being discarded, a higher private valuation of such public goods will also call for a lower level of progressivity.


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The estimation of maturity and sex of fish stocks in European waters is a requirement of the EU Data Collection Framework as part of the policy to improve fisheries management. On the other hand, research on fish biology is increasingly focused in molecular approaches, researchers needing correct identification of fish sex and reproductive stage without necessarily having in house the histological know-how necessary for the task. Taking advantage of the differential gene transcription occurring during fish sex differentiation and gametogenesis, the utility of 5S ribosomal RNA (5S rRNA) and General transcription factor IIIA (gtf3a) in the molecular identification of sex and gametogenic stage was tested in different economically-relevant fish species from the Bay of Biscay. Gonads of 9 fish species (, Atlantic, Atlantic-chub and horse mackerel, blue whiting, bogue, European anchovy, hake and pilchard and megrim), collected from local commercial fishing vessels were histologically sexed and 5S and 18S rRNA concentrations were quantified by capillary electrophoresis to calculate a 5S/18S rRNA index. Degenerate primers permitted cloning and sequencing of gtf3a fragments in 7 of the studied species. 5S rRNA and gtf3a transcript levels, together with 5S/18S rRNA index, distinguished clearly ovaries from testis in all of the studied species. The values were always higher in females than in males. 5S/18S rRNA index values in females were always highest when fish were captured in early phases of ovary development whilst, in later vitellogenic stages, the values decreased significantly. In megrim and European anchovy, where gonads in different oogenesis stages were obtained, the 5S/18S rRNA index identified clearly gametogenic stage. This approach, to the sexing and the quantitative non-subjective identification of the maturity stage of female fish, could have multiple applications in the study of fish stock dynamics, fish reproduction and fecundity and fish biology in general.